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NEW Feedback screen....AAAAAAUUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!...

If you're gonna change something, HOW HARD is it to incorporate something into the new version that worked 100% in the previous version?

We now have to leave feedback one at a time???!!!...where's the UPLOAD ALL button?

Is Common Sense a prohibited item?



Message 1 of 148
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147 REPLIES 147

Re: NEW Feedback screen....AAAAAAUUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!...

EBAY, pleeease if it ain't broken don't fix it!!
There was no reason for this change. Why not work on fixing all the things that are broken!
Message 91 of 148
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Re: NEW Feedback screen....AAAAAAUUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!...

@eaux-de-vie wrote:

I will scan through here because I was going to post something.  I cannot figure out how to use my saved comments for feedback on stuff I sold. I posted 2 today and had to type in each one. Seriously?  Hopefully I am just missing something....

That annoys me too, so I asked about it at today's chat.  Basically, I guess that's the way it is now unless we use the seller hub.  I suppose it is just another of their little take aways to force us into using the hub or else.   As the saying goes -- like being nibbled to death by ducks...

Message 92 of 148
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Re: NEW Feedback screen....AAAAAAUUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!...

too many clicks










Message 93 of 148
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Re: NEW Feedback screen....AAAAAAUUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!...

Dont worry, be happy.  Some pointy head mba just got a pay raise for changing the page and calling it progress.

snow dogs that have owned me

SheRa ‘Barbarian Queen’ Sept 16, 1995 - Nov 17, 2006
Thor ‘God of Thunder’ Nov 17, 2006 – Nov 26, 2007
Mishka ‘Little Bear’ March 26, 2007 – Oct 22, 2016
Conan ‘Wolf’ Nov 14, 2007
Message 94 of 148
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Re: NEW Feedback screen....AAAAAAUUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!...

I have been using the Seller's Hub... so I gues it is what it is. One more irritant. 


I have enough feedback, I just may stop. I only get about 50% feedback from buyers, so most must not even care. 



Message 95 of 148
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Re: NEW Feedback screen....AAAAAAUUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!...

Yep, I am using the Hub, have been since it went up, and it still is not saving my feedback. Have to type it all out by hand now, just like in the olden days. I guess thank goodness sales are not as frequent as in the past, my fingers might wear out! haha!
Message 96 of 148
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Re: NEW Feedback screen....AAAAAAUUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!...

This is the response I received when I asked about the saved comments:


"Hey @fern*wood:  Are you in Seller Hub? You should be able to store feedback comments there and bulk leave feedback with identical comments for all orders. You'll find it under the ORDERS tab / Leave feedback section.  Thanks! Sarah"


It only mentions using the bulk feature, which I don't wish to do either.   I may just stop messing with it entirely also.  I don't want more and buyer feedback is worthless, so why bother.   When unnecessary changes are made that only make things more difficult, they shouldn't be surprised.

Message 97 of 148
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Re: NEW Feedback screen....AAAAAAUUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!...

Buyer feedback isn't worthless to good buyers. They're still getting the same feedback they would have before Ebay stopped bad sellers. Stop thinking about things only in terms of you and think about the value it may have for your customers and for future potential customers.


To stop leaving feedback for deserving buyers because you're not happy with Ebay or because YOU think it is worthless would speak volumes about your attitude as a seller.


It is free advertising and free good will. I don't understand why sellers don't understand this.


Message 98 of 148
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Re: NEW Feedback screen....AAAAAAUUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!...

@the*dog*ate*my*tablecloth wrote:

Buyer feedback isn't worthless to good buyers. They're still getting the same feedback they would have before Ebay stopped bad sellers. Stop thinking about things only in terms of you and think about the value it may have for your customers and for future potential customers.


To stop leaving feedback for deserving buyers because you're not happy with Ebay or because YOU think it is worthless would speak volumes about your attitude as a seller.


It is free advertising and free good will. I don't understand why sellers don't understand this.


Where did I claim I am just a seller?   I have plenty of feedback as a buyer, and yes, it serves no purpose in my opinion.


How does buyer feedback do anything for a buyer?  

Message 99 of 148
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Re: NEW Feedback screen....AAAAAAUUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!...

It shows good will. That the buyer means more to the seller than just a payment. Like in the old days when people really cared about their trading partners. I still do.


It makes some buyers happy. It doesn't matter why it makes them happy, it's none of my business. That's all I need to know as a seller.


Message 100 of 148
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Re: NEW Feedback screen....AAAAAAUUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!...

@the*dog*ate*my*tablecloth wrote:

It shows good will. That the buyer means more to the seller than just a payment. Like in the old days when people really cared about their trading partners. I still do.


It makes some buyers happy. It doesn't matter why it makes them happy, it's none of my business. That's all I need to know as a seller.


We'll just have to agree to disagree.  When I buy, I couldn't care less whether or not I get feedback.  I want what I paid for in the condition described---doesn't even have to be quickly. 


When I sell, I provide what my buyer pays me for as quickly as possible, hopefully in the condition they hoped for, and provide good customer service for any question or issue.


To imply I'm selfish as a seller because I feel buyer feedback is worthless is a stretch---in my opinion. 

Message 101 of 148
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Re: NEW Feedback screen....AAAAAAUUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!...

Still the same as ever for me. Check the boxes, leave the FB.
Message 102 of 148
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Re: NEW Feedback screen....AAAAAAUUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!...

OMG, add me to the list!  I liked the compact format.  If it gets to be too much of a chore no one will leave any feedback.  And maybe that's the goal. 


Let me put it this way, I don't like the River's feedback page and I rarely leave any for just that reason.  Make it a chore for me and it won't get done. what happened to enjoying the site and SHOPPING, you know, like generating a little revenue for some worthy soul.


We're not filling out an application for employment, taking a test or signing up for a loan, it's feedback. 


The would have been better served using the brain trust (if there IS one) to fix all the innumerable glitches and clunky slow loading pages.  I almost DIDN't  leave any feedback simply because I found the new format extremely off-putting. Ebay doesn't work well with ANY browser I use as it.  Sorry, new page looks like a ridiculous yawning chasm. 

Message 103 of 148
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Re: NEW Feedback screen....AAAAAAUUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!...

The point is just because it's worthless to YOU doesn't mean others feel that way.


I don't mean to pick on you but I keep seeing this line repeated all over the seller board all day every day. Unless you can read the minds of all your buyers you are making an ASSUMPTION that they do not care about their "worthless" feedback.


We know from reading many posts that many buyers enjoy getting feedback and feel it speaks to their value as a buyer (remember most buyers would never get negs anyway). It's free to give. 


I'm done Smiley Happy

Message 104 of 148
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Re: NEW Feedback screen....AAAAAAUUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!...

But it IS worthless. It has zero value. A complete waste of time. Also, very time-consuming. If they ever make it where I can only leave one FB at a time, I will never leave another FB. As it is, I only leave it for buyers who leave it for me. As a buyer, I never look at my feedback, or whether I have received any or not. As a seller, it also doesn't have the value that ebay once gave it, but I appreciate it, since it shows other buyers I am a good seller. But since FB for buyers can only be positive, it is worthless.
Message 105 of 148
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