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Another Day in Paradise.......

Oh the palm trees sway so beautifully and the sun on my face is glorious.  The smell of suntan lotion just makes me want to run up and down the beach.  But, I think I will just sit here, soak up the sun, watch the little crabs and observe the natural curve of the earth out there over the ocean whliest I flick the sweat from my umbelicus.  The Blue Hawaiian tastes so good with coconut rum and I love those little umbrellas !  More of those Royal Creem Crackers too would be lovely.

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
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Re: Another Day in Paradise.......

Doesn't sound like you are having a great summer weather-wise.  Boo!  I feel lucky.


I am trying hard to rid the yard of stuff I don't care for - I'm looking at you bamboo and peonies.  That bamboo is tough stuff.


Running kind of late this morning - I slept in until 5!  So proud of myself!  And I didn't even stay up to watch the end of the game (15 innings).  We won anyway.


Better get moving.  That work ain't going to do itself!  (which is good, it would put me out of a job!)  Actually, I have to keep reminding certain people that my way of doing things is the correct way.



“and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks.” ― Douglas Adams, Life, the Universe and Everything
Message 1576 of 3,155
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Re: Another Day in Paradise.......

My way or the highway.............


Bamboo?  You have bamboo growing in your yard?  I had thought of starting a small grouping, but changed my mind.  I wanted cat tails too....this would have been the year to have them.


Good for you that you slept until 5!   I'm up at 6..........4 your timeSmiley Very Happy   I generally don't get to bed until around 11 or a little later.


Thursday.....not sure what I'm up to tomorrow since I don't do groceries on Thursdays any more.  Had to break the routine a little.   I'm sure I won't have a problem finding something to do.



Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
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Re: Another Day in Paradise.......

I'd say no to the bamboo unless you plant it in big pots.  That stuff is hard to get rid of.  It's not that it's growing in our yard that I object to, it's that it's growing over to the neighbor's yard and messing up his horseshoe pit.  Not to mention pushing on the fence.


If the game Tuesday had only lasted until 10 I would have been fine.  It went on until just after midnight, so I went to bed! 


I'll bet you can find something to do today.  I can always find things to do, now whether or not I want to do them is another matter!


Been semi-keeping up with the Olympics.  Some amazing athletes.


And hooray!  Boss is going on vacation for a week next month - kind of a mini-vacation for me.


I'll bet Rootie loves getting out after it rains and smelling all the new smells.  My pup loves her walks after rain.  We have two speeds, we either walk fast and cover some ground or we go slowly so she can check it all out.  They are so funny.  The Wonder Dog gets all sniffy at me when someone brings their dog into the office.





“and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks.” ― Douglas Adams, Life, the Universe and Everything
Message 1578 of 3,155
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Re: Another Day in Paradise.......

Awww, the poor little guy....just broke his/her little heart Smiley Sad


Went to mail some stuff today at a little Going Postal store that is just a hop, skip, and jump from us to find it has closed for good.  Now it is back to the PO which is further away and have to deal with all the traffic and long lines once you get there.....not mention rude service. Smiley Mad


Rootie dug out a mole today!! Yay!!  One down and who knows how many to go.  They are a problem in the back yard.


I haven't watched much of the olympics this time.  I'm on the puter instead.  If I were to watch, I would take in swimming, diving, gymnastics,(couple of those gals are very good!) and some of the athelete stuff like pole vaulting.  Ever notice how tall the female swimmers are?  And what is that weird 'cupping' thing that Phelps and a few other guys are doing?  I need to look it up.  Leaves big, round marks that resemble hickies.  I would think it could hurt....saw just briefly(missed explaination)one guy that looked like had pulled a lot of his skin/muscle up into the cupping device.  Almost seems like it would have to be damaging something.


Yay on the boss being gone, heh heh.


grocery day tomorrow.





Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
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Re: Another Day in Paradise.......

We have mole issues too.  They seem to be down this year but we'll see.  And getting rid of them is really, really hard.  Haven't come up with a solution yet.  Good girl Rootie!


Yeah, I don't know about cupping.  Some people swear by it and I guess it can't hurt.  Don't know that I'd want to walk around with hickeys on my all the time.


I was watching some of the men's gymnastics last night - some of those guys are super talented.


I was planning on yardwork this weekend - just have to make sure I get it done early since we're supposed to be hot.  May have to clean out the office instead.


Was trying to think of a great present for niece who is going away to college.  I think I'll do cash instead.  She likes cash.


Need more coffee.



“and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks.” ― Douglas Adams, Life, the Universe and Everything
Message 1580 of 3,155
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Re: Another Day in Paradise.......

Boston Terriers are something else.  The tiny ones are so cute esp. if their noses are all mashed in.


I did some ivy trimming this morning and sure enough it started to rain.  I just stayed out there until I was done.  Not like I'm going to melt........Smiley Frustrated


While I was a working, noticed a little pile of freshly dug we have voles or vols.  If it isn't one critter it's another.  They like to burrow where they get to roots of plants....@!%&%!!!


Went to Hobby Lobby today.  Forgot Saturday is like a madhouse.  I think I like my goof off day on Friday better.


Cash sounds good for that age group.  College too?  Yep. Cash or gift card.


Caffiene and nicotine is good start to a day.  Not much on the nicotine though.

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 1581 of 3,155
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Re: Another Day in Paradise.......


Well, the picture flew in there before I could get it sized.   The girls are cooling off with some fudge and popsickle bars and a nice fan.


This is the doll house I made using a cardboard box.  The counter, stove and fridge are also made of contac paper covered cardboard as well.  That was a fun project I did back in the early 90's.

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 1582 of 3,155
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Re: Another Day in Paradise.......

I actually have those fudgesicles in my freezer!  They make a nice dessert when it's hot out (or when it's cold out, come to think of it).


I think the Bostons are adorable, tried to talk dh into one but he likes bigger dogs and since the dog was his birthday present...  She was really cute Sunday on her walk.  The people down the street have a beagle puppy that doesn't like to walk on a leash.  He's getting better but if he's on the leash and there's something "over there" he wants to explore and it's beyond the leash range he gets very vocal about his displeasure.  Seriously, the first time I heard it I thought someone had run him over.  Now we just remark that they are murdering the puppy again.  Anyway... neighbor was out with her dog when we were on our way home and the puppy wanted to play with The Wonder Dog so bad, she actually pulled loose and came running over and the great "sniff fest" began.  I grabbed the beagle's leash so she wouldn't get any further astray, of course.  But when we went to separate them, both dogs started howing and barking - it was a huge ruckus, apparently they weren't done yet.  I'm sure the rest of the neighbors  hate us now since it all happened at 6:30 on a Sunday morning!


Other than that I had an boring weekend - grocery shopping, etc., etc.  Did pick up some multi-colored carrots at the farm share (love that  place!) that I am going to play with this week.



“and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks.” ― Douglas Adams, Life, the Universe and Everything
Message 1583 of 3,155
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Re: Another Day in Paradise.......

Beagles can get loud and stubborn.  Sniffing is their priority over everything else but eating.  But, I love this one's disposition and she is so playful!  You would think she's just a pup.  Very sweet too.  She is pretty sly and sneaky too.


No highlights for the week-end here.  Except for the mornings, I am pretty much in the house for the rest of the day.  Discovered a vole had been digging the front yard.  With the extra chipmunks on board, I thought they would take care of any intruders on their territory.  Maybe they figure the front yard is up for grabs?

Decided to go shopping Saturday and don't know why I chose Saturday.  I forgot how busy it is.  Weekday is much better.


Also put together an Olympic Barbie.  Found a cheap one at Walmart for $4.44.  I liked her suit even though it is painted on.  So, gave her a medal and a flag.  Here she is:



Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 1584 of 3,155
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Re: Another Day in Paradise.......

Oh I like the Barbie!  She is adorable!


Yeah Beagles are cool dogs even if they are loud.  I love watching them bay, really cute.  My folks had a Beagle once and then got a pug puppy.  The pug tried to bay, which was hilarious.


Is there a difference between moles & voles?  Have to look that up sometime.  We have seen a downturn in the mole activity lately.  Hopefully it stays that way. 


I usually do the shopping on Saturday but I go as early as possible.  Get it done before the crowds get there.  I don't mind the crowds so much if I'm just wandering or having coffee and people watching, but when I actually need stuff I just want to get it done.


I can't believe school starts in just a couple of weeks.  Been so quiet around here in the mornings without the kids.


And here's an adorable Beagle for you.



“and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks.” ― Douglas Adams, Life, the Universe and Everything
Message 1585 of 3,155
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Re: Another Day in Paradise.......

And the cat just takes it!!   I think it will be a long while before that takes place here between Myah and RootieSmiley Very Happy


I think vols are more like mice, but they dig underground(don't leave a hump of dirt like moles do) and are smaller than moles.  Their tales are shorter than mice and they are about the same color.  This is just what I see.


School started here a week ago already.  Isn't that crazy?


Another downpour of rain today.  Came up from the south, but did not dump like it did in Louisiana.  One part of US is drought and fires, and another is having bad floods.


Rootie had her bath today and nails trimmed.  Barely nipped a quick Smiley Sad  Packed it with flour and that seemed to work pretty well on a small nick.  I absolutely hate for it to happen.  I was trying to be sooo careful.  I think later on, it causes the nail to grow funny; extra thick.  With the white paws, the nails are rather clear and can see the pink quick.  I even put a light behind the claw so see where it is even better.  grrrrrr.


I just had to make an Olympic Barbie. Smiley Wink

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 1586 of 3,155
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Re: Another Day in Paradise.......

It happens all the time around here with The Wonder Dog and Q - they are best buds.  It's pretty cute to see them all stretched out on the floor together and Q will have his paws on the pup's paws.


Ok, went and looked at pics of voles and moles - your description is pretty spot on.


I gave up trying to clip the dog's nails - just have the vet do it when they knock her out to clean her teeth.  The Queen will let me do hers but Q is a big baby.


Bummer on the rain!  Don't they know it's summer?  Tell the weather people to give you better forecasts.  We were around 90 yesterday, a little cooler today and then back into the mid-90s for the weekend before it cools off again.  Typical stuff.


Foray this weekend? 



“and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks.” ― Douglas Adams, Life, the Universe and Everything
Message 1587 of 3,155
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Re: Another Day in Paradise.......

Yes, I think a flight of fancy would be a great idea!  We missed going during the perseid meteor shower.  Now that would have been the ultimate!


That Myah!!  She's been hitting it again!   Funny though with Myah and Rootie; they both have to be back here with me at night when I am on the puter.


We have rain scheduled (ha) the next 5 days.


Oh, you will notice that you have become 'community manager'.  What a hoot.  What's going to happen to us next?  We are already exiles over here in the park.


Nothing much else going on.  Found a good line to remember for future use when called for:  ".....two neurons in a slipknot for a brain....."  I like it!!

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 1588 of 3,155
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Re: Another Day in Paradise.......

Yes, we really should have gone during the shower but.... well, life happens.  We'll think of somewhere good to go.  I'm thinking some place with a coast.


That brain description sounds like a few people I know.


Hm... community manager must have been a short-lived title.  I'm back to just being a member.


We're going to be HOT for the next few days and then back to normal.  Looks like an inside, no cook weekend.  Hooray!


Nothing exciting.  Got to be at work early - don't know where all this work is coming from or why someone else isn't doing some of it.  grumble, grumble, grumble



“and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks.” ― Douglas Adams, Life, the Universe and Everything
Message 1589 of 3,155
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Re: Another Day in Paradise.......

Is one running for Prez?  (inre: sounds like a couple of people you know)


A no cook week-end sounds fabulous!!  So nice to get a break from it once in awhile.


Hot is something you normally don't do, do you?  Well........depends on what kind of hot we are talking about now doesn't it.....


Did the grocery run today.  Had changed to Friday, but that seemed to make my week-end too short and I missed my goof off friday.  Seemed to never get that goof off day in there.


The dog in your gif looks a bit snotty doesn't he?


I think a foray along the coast sounds like an excellent idea.  We need to make a stop along a nice beach.



Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 1590 of 3,155
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