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Who's leaving?

I know I'm not alone with the way I feel about ebay's new pay plan. Who's leaving and what other platform have you found for selling? 

Message 1 of 218
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217 REPLIES 217

Re: Who's leaving?

@mrdutch1001 wrote:

speak for yourself...not all sellers have your way of thinking...and NO not all of us will have any regrets about leaving eBay...

I indeed will be be closing my eBay account when I am allowed to do so.


Would it not make more sense to keep the account and just hit the pause button for now with no listings?  Costs you nothing to keep the account you worked to build - maybe buy on it every once in a while to keep it alive in the e-Bay world?


Only a suggestion - I know you and others indicate you are out of here - respect you choice (don't really understand it, but respect it) - but no way would I close my account.  I would leave it idle in case I ever needed it again.  Just my 2 cents - ymmv/

....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
Message 106 of 218
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Re: Who's leaving?

Your reply was respectful. Yet you never did state what exactly is the problem with MP? What is creating a problem for you today that you did not have before with the old system.  As a follow up if you are doing $500.00 how bad can the system be?

Message 107 of 218
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Re: Who's leaving?

Its a long answer.  For those that use eBay in a small way I'm sure MP works for them.  However if you are a large business it is a mess.  For starts I always have to think of cash flow, something eBay fails to understand.  Our monthly overhead expense is upwards to $80k a month.  First negative problem with MP, in August of 2020 we were mandated to sign onto eBay in order to continue selling ( not willingly as eBay would like to say).  With Daily Payment (eBay never looks up what that word really means) were getting cash to the bank 3 times a week, it is now 4 times a week, unlike PayPal that paid out 6 times a week and in 16 hours from the sale.  The lag time in receiving payment for sales, the no longer paying fees for this month next month and the crazy return system forced me to dig in my personal money and put $15K in lost cash flow back into the business in order to maintain normal business flow.  


The return system is nuts.  There is no reason to hold funds from todays payout for a return that is not resolved.  eBay has allowed Buyers to take up to 30 business day, 42 real days + an additional 10 days if the Buyer shipped the item back on the 42 day.  So up to almost 2 months all the while holding the Seller money for no reason.  eBay compounds the issue when the Buyer finally returns the item and it is delivered to the Seller when they again take funds from the current Payout and pay the Buyer.  eBay at this point releases the funds from the first hold and in 4-7 days that money will hit your account.  Now all this is not necessary because eBay is holding a secondary form of payment for fees and returns, they have no down side.


The next large issue is the various reports required to maintain a business and conform to all tax laws.  Unlike PayPal, eBay has a mix of reports that most don't dove tail and they say they are improving on all the time.  Well the latest and greatest improvement is also a joke.  One on the key accounting things need for auditable books it that the returns are included in your income statements.  This new report did not include that most important info.  I called on that Monday and was told no problem and 15 mins later the CS person was able to get to where I can manually add up all of the returns for the month and include them my income statement.  Now in March it was really crazy nuts.  I downloaded and printed my sales statement for 3/1-3/15.   This was a 34 column Excel report many of the columns were in computer speak and none totaled.  The report measured 9.5ft tall and 34" wide after taping all of the pages together.  It was clear the report was of no value.  The report was just every X & o my account had generated for that period.  Another thing clear is none of the eBay personal working on these reports took any accounting classes in school or have never operated a business or used the eBay platform.


Another issue for Seller is there clearly is no protection at all.  I had two case this week one was clear fraud by the Buyer to steal a $400 item.  In fact they did exactly that.  This Buyer opened up a return request and stated they purchased the wrong item.  Great I respond to the request, send it back and I will refund you.  As soon as I did that eBay was basically out of the picture.  The Buyer that day opened up a Payment Dispute stating to their credit card company the item was defective.  After speaking with 5 CS reps all agreed that the Buyer was attempting to take the card and keep there funds.  All said there was nothing they can do its up to the credit card company.  The last CS person I spoke with said they worked in the Payment Disputes section of CS in the past and said almost 100% of the time the card company will side with the Buyer.  The card company would need proof that the card holder had used the card incorrectly many times.  In fact this Sunday I lost $400 for the card, $400, for a total $800 loss.  Since eBay will not give the credit card information to the Seller and they collected and kept the FVF and charged a $20 Dispute fee for the sale I believe eBay has responsibility to go after this Buyer and their credit card company.  Yes folks eBay got paid and I lost $800.  This is the company you sell for.


What  I have learned in 21 years of being on this platform is that this company is not very good at running this company.  in 2018 Elliot Management wrote a the "2018 Plan" (Google it) .  If you read the entire thing like I did you will see all that is going on is to boost the stock price, which it has.  Elliot is a hedge fund and controls the eBay board of directors and owns a large amount of stock in eBay.  The last thing you want is a Hedge Fund controlling a retail platform.  They will sell their stock or the company.  There is no interest in running things long term.  


Now those that come on these thread that are eBay supporter (employees or paid works in some form) will say oh you are just not able to change or change is hard.  For me nothing is further from the truth.  I owned and operated 20 convenience stores for 15 years.  I defy any of eBay's management to pull that off and make a profit.  Change happened all the time.  However those changes were planned and implemented with care.  eBay uses the Microsoft way of software, get it 80% and the marketplace will fix the rest.  That works great for software not when you are screwing around with Seller money and their way to make a living.  eBay had years to get this all together.  They owned PayPal and should have already known how to make a transition the would work for all.  


Now people will read this and say why don't you just leave the platform, working on that.  In 2005 I founded a eBay company and got it up to $3.8mil a year.  That company lobbied in Congress about the sale tax.  Sold my interest in 2011 and opened this company which does $2.4mil annual.  Now I was doing all that business on eBay.  However in 2016 I realized that this company was not ever going to get it together.  They had started program after program that just did not make sense.  So I started our website and got on other platforms.  Today we are doing around $400k annual with eBay and working hard to get off.  The process is hard due to the almost 4200 listings we have.  Really a sad state that a 21 Seller has to leave, not just me there are many others.  I just talk about it.  Well you asked for the reasons, hope I didn't put you to sleep.



Message 108 of 218
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Re: Who's leaving?

Now those that come on these thread that are eBay supporter (employees or paid works in some form) will say oh you are just not able to change or change is hard. 


No argument with the rest of your post, but this is baseless.  

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 109 of 218
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Re: Who's leaving?

It's amazing that everyone with posting ID's will claim to have multiple established selling accounts with tens of thousands of feedback yet have the time to post hundreds of  times a week here, share pictures of their pets with the pinks/moderators as well as get Christmas gifts from them.


I have to believe that if they were so successful selling, they'd be selling, rather than regurgitating pro-eBay talking points. One might even think they are being "incentivized" (cough *paid* cough) to post.


But that's just me.

Message 110 of 218
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Re: Who's leaving?

@buyselljack2016 wrote:

@jayjaspersgarage wrote:

"Why are you even on here you have no feedback, which means no sales, which means no real input of information."


I used to think this and then found out we can hide behind another ID with zero feedback just to post.  I don't do that.  What you see is what you get with jayjaspersgarage.  No games means no shame.

It is, and isn't a matter of "hiding". It is a matter of self preservation.


On a recent past thread where posters disagreed with the OP of the thread I was invited by PM to a "one on one",  "face to face"(could bring my family, but it would be a "one on one".)  Now, just imagine what could happen to my selling account if I were using that to post here.

I'd be more inclined to use a posting ID to avoid getting a box of spiders from eBay employees (or bogus account restrictions) than I would retaliation from keyboard warriors with hurt feelings.


But it is 2021.

Message 111 of 218
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Re: Who's leaving?

It is true, eBay sent out a request for people that were versed on the various areas of the platform and were offering a perc of some kind which you would not know until you requested to take them up on their offer.  These were people wanting to help and willing to drink the eBay Kool Aid.  Many were around when Managed Payment hit the fan.

Message 112 of 218
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Re: Who's leaving?


That was for a completely different system.  I suspect that is where NoZero went.

Message 113 of 218
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Re: Who's leaving?

I get it, I can see that happening. 

Message 114 of 218
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Re: Who's leaving?

Yeah it sounds like not anything I would like, the company they are using is in amsterdam,  no info given about how they will protect our accounts plus my bank will think I'm running a brothel with all these out of country transactions.  I'm searching around there are loads of choices to sell online these days and you can utilize paypal. 

Rochelle Rada
Message 115 of 218
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Re: Who's leaving?

nope, nope, nope...

Rarely make a purchase on eBay...

at my age, I am just selling off inventory and I also can do that locally and/or donate if I so choose...

I no longer have any need for an eBay account...I no longer have any need for eBay.


Message 116 of 218
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Re: Who's leaving?

@mrdutch1001  - understood.  Sometimes people change their mind(s) or their circumstances change.  Just harder to start over if someone (not you) would decide they "needed" to sell again.


Wish you the best of luck in whatever the future holds for you.  Our time here is not quite up as we have 2 in college.  But one day, it will be nice to not do this on a regular basis.  Best wishes.

....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
Message 117 of 218
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Re: Who's leaving?

Venus Flytrap.JPG

Message 118 of 218
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Re: Who's leaving?

@mrdutch1001 wrote:

nope, nope, nope...

Rarely make a purchase on eBay...

at my age, I am just selling off inventory and I also can do that locally and/or donate if I so choose...

I no longer have any need for an eBay account...I no longer have any need for eBay.


Fine, but you are here...why?

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 119 of 218
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Re: Who's leaving?

We're still here and still complaining LOL.

Message 120 of 218
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