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Scrounge Lounge for NOVEMBER Happy Holiday Sales All!

Welcome to the Scrounge Lounge November 2018 Edition


Our History: The Scrounge Lounge formed on the old Auction Listings board in 2003.

Who are we? Ebay buyers and sellers who love the thrill of the hunt and the thrill of the $ELL.

We find treasures in the usual, and at times, unusual places.

Here in the Lounge we share our finds, talk about sales, share our successes and our mistakes, we ask and answer questions, help identify widgets, and we'd love to hear about all your scrounging adventures!


October Thread Here:

Message 1 of 160
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159 REPLIES 159

Re: Scrounge Lounge for NOVEMBER Happy Holiday Sales All!



Kay, hope the sale goes through for you okay.  Nice you don't have to mess with packing, etc 😉


Jill, Mr. is doing good, thank you...

  He's just now leaving to go have lunch w/a friend.


I have to go to Kohl's & try to find one more item for Aaron for Christmas.  I don't know why but I'm having a really hard time this year trying to figure out what to get the little ones..  I guess because it's been a very stressful year & I can't "get into the Holiday mood"....

  & as for Ethan...   I have no idea at all...  He's at a rough age.  17.  Not a kid but not a grownup either....  Hate just giving him $ because everyone likes to open a gift from Santa 😉 


 Well I'd better scoot.

Have a good one all~


Message 31 of 160
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Re: Scrounge Lounge for NOVEMBER Happy Holiday Sales All!

sigh, buyer opened a return on the teapot, reason? Too Small!!!!  The title states MINATURE you numbskull.... sheesh.

Member of the Grumpy Old Man crew
Message 32 of 160
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Re: Scrounge Lounge for NOVEMBER Happy Holiday Sales All!

And now they closed the return?!?!?  What is going on?  Just two days ago I had a return request because the buyer couldn't figure out how to plug the AC adapter cord into the display item!

Member of the Grumpy Old Man crew
Message 33 of 160
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Re: Scrounge Lounge for NOVEMBER Happy Holiday Sales All!

dtex, you can't fix stupid.
Message 34 of 160
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Re: Scrounge Lounge for NOVEMBER Happy Holiday Sales All!

Mornin' all. LMAO @ your posts, dtex and kyal. People are weird. That's all I got....but really, hope you and the bay employees can resolve in your favor. At least you should not have to pay return ship on either, right? We can't answer why they'd close it, could be a mistake. That's probably why I use no returns lol, cuts out some of the ding dongs. I had to humble pie the last buyer, first begged for fb, gave it to him, then wanted a discount, was basically guntothehead after that, he was a tool. I BBL'd him. ADIOSMuchacho.
I had that same issue with "miniature"..., never got fb from that guy either, OR the last few coin buyers I was very generous with. Nothing like grace or reciprocity around here.
Message 35 of 160
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Re: Scrounge Lounge for NOVEMBER Happy Holiday Sales All!

Pat, glad dh is doing better, back to normal hopefully.
17 years old. Pocket knife with tools. 🙂
Message 36 of 160
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Re: Scrounge Lounge for NOVEMBER Happy Holiday Sales All!

Interview today, too bad my hair appt isn't until after. Anxious to see the situation. As long as I don't have to shovel snow, or lift people, I'm good.
Message 37 of 160
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Re: Scrounge Lounge for NOVEMBER Happy Holiday Sales All!

Sad about the shooting.
On the news they said 311 mass shootings this year, no wonder it feels like there is another one every other day.

M*M, fingers and toes crossed.

Pat, glad your DH is doing better.
"He's just now leaving to go have lunch w/a friend." Does that mean he's driving again? That alone would add normalcy back to life.

Detex, hope you get your buyer issues worked out, to your satisfaction.
What Kyal said, LOL

Message 38 of 160
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Re: Scrounge Lounge for NOVEMBER Happy Holiday Sales All!

I hope the FB buyer comes through on the ornies, I am thankful, sold one of those ceramic light Christmas trees and it was a nightmare to ship and fielded so many questions (Good they ask before they but though) but I thought I had add question to listing on the answers I don't think it showed.  Anyway a real nice note from buyer saying she loves it and all is good.  Whewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.  Had a good ROI from another YS find, paid a buck auction had bid wars sold for 47 I think a nude non compete table lamp.  Yeah that, wasn't very big or special, so very happy. 


So sad on fires and shootnings and stupid voters here in CA. 


Oh how I would love to desert this State and their taxes and stupidities.  


Oh well, whine and shine and vote n hope I guess.

Common sense is a flower that does not grow in every garden.

Message 39 of 160
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Re: Scrounge Lounge for NOVEMBER Happy Holiday Sales All!

Do you guys know that Menards has new ceramic trees for sale? That just blew me away today.

Yep bad about the shooting and horrible about the fires. Bad voting in many places. Sad deal.

Christmas shopping is not much fun for anyone. But 17 year olds are even harder Pat. Hope you found something.
Message 40 of 160
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Re: Scrounge Lounge for NOVEMBER Happy Holiday Sales All!

 as for Ethan...   I have no idea at all...  He's at a rough age.  17.  Not a kid but not a grownup either....  Hate just giving him $ because everyone likes to open a gift from Santa ... From Pat...


Whenever we decided to give the kids or friend's kids $$$, we would break it down into several different bills (sometimes change, too)  then wrap them just like any Christmas present.  Sometime we would put  a question in the box such as 'Spend or Save'.  The kids thought it was fun.  We think our DS still has the first $ he received!



Message 41 of 160
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Re: Scrounge Lounge for NOVEMBER Happy Holiday Sales All!

That is a great idea Patd.
Message 42 of 160
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Re: Scrounge Lounge for NOVEMBER Happy Holiday Sales All!

Justy, nice return on the lamp base.
I don't envy you having to pack the ceramic tree.
I used to scoop them up but the smaller ones didn't seem to sell and the big ones are a pita to ship. After one frankin-box and tons of makeshift packing magic that took too long for the endeavor to be profitable I called it quits. Though, I do still have a couple trees. Last year we set them up in the living room instead of a real one.

Sun, no Menards around here.

Very sad about the wild fires.

Pat, sometimes when kids reach the 'cash' age it's the best gift option. Just get creative like Patd suggested. There must be a hundred ways to dress up a cash gift that require little effort. I'm going to go check pinterest right now.

Message 43 of 160
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Re: Scrounge Lounge for NOVEMBER Happy Holiday Sales All!

I'm back...


this one, someone would have to eat the candy





Message 44 of 160
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Re: Scrounge Lounge for NOVEMBER Happy Holiday Sales All!

They are all pretty simple
Message 45 of 160
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