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Listing tool update causes 3x more clicks to remove all pics!?- are we going down this road again???

Yesterday my listing tool updated and now the "picture box" has a new design that is surrounded by a dotted line ands they removed the ultra convenient "Remove all pictures" button from the top right corner. 

   Now you must hover over the corner to get an "edit" prompt to appear, then click it.  That makes a check all box on the other side of the screen show up. THEN you must check that box which makes a delet button show up on the OTHER side of the page that you must click .

    Come on- this is just getting completely ridiculous now. We already had this fight with ebay when this tool rolled out 2 years ago to absolute hatred.  Why is ebay making it take longer to do SIMPLE tasks again.

     It is not industry standard to make a one click feature take 4 clicks instead!

Is the design team getting paid by how many extra clicks they add to the desktop experience?  Full time sellers use desktops. All ebay employees use desktops, all companies use desktops to conduct business- we need the listing tool to act like a real tool optimized for business like we used to have with the classic tool.

   If we are futzing around wasting time clicking here and there constantly- we are not adding new listings to ebay- what dont they get about that?  

BTW- with this update- the tool no longer remembers our calculated shipping options anymore so we have to click in the popup again and add USPS Advantage, USPS Priority, Fedex, and UPS........every time we list- it used to keep those selection on the listing and all we had to do was change the weight and dimensions.

Also it no longer keeps the handling fee or the immediate payment button checked


This update adds at least 15 clicks and another 1-2 minutes to the listing process.....and for what? 

Message 1 of 106
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105 REPLIES 105

Re: Listing tool update causes 3x more clicks to remove all pics!?- are we going down this road agai

The cost of doing business here is a lot higher than listing/selling fees.

Message 76 of 106
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Re: Listing tool update causes 3x more clicks to remove all pics!?- are we going down this road agai

Can we expect anyone to do anything as a result of these complaints? I know when people complain about fee hikes or other dumb things eBay does that it's more of a tough luck kind of thing but this is something that I can't imagine anyone likes. Is there anyone other than Kyle that can weigh in or actually do anything?

Message 77 of 106
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Re: Listing tool update causes 3x more clicks to remove all pics!?- are we going down this road agai

My fear is the fix will create six clicks instead of three. 

Message 78 of 106
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Re: Listing tool update causes 3x more clicks to remove all pics!?- are we going down this road agai

@wastingtime101 wrote:

@toomuchstuffagain35 wrote:

I don't see the point of the 3 dots on each image. What was wrong with the one click delete we had before?

The point was to add a 3rd option which required a 3 dot menu.


The new 3rd option is "make main image".


I think eBay would be hard-pressed to find sellers that want or need that "make main image" option when all we have to do is drag/drop any image we want in the lead.


eBay should get rid of make main image and put the trash can back on each individual photo, and bring back the single click delete all button.


These changes are so frustrating, inefficient, time-consuming, backwards-thinking, and kinda disrespectful to sellers and their time.



First highlighted point ... I don't ever recall threads here from New Sellers asking how to MOVE pictures around once uploaded to the listing tool.


Second highlighted point ... Some theories would include the concept of controlling people by controlling their time in an attempt to make them too busy to do other things.  The downside to that concept is those people would go elsewhere to get more of the same thing done in a shorter period of time.




Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 79 of 106
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Re: Listing tool update causes 3x more clicks to remove all pics!?- are we going down this road agai

At this point i wonder if those teams sit around over coffee and read these posts and just laugh at us/ thinking- we got them again!  

   I listed about 30 similar items yesterday - it could have been so easy!, instead of painful. Each "sell similar item" resulted in an annoying, cumbersome, time consuming, irritating start to the listing process.  

  Had it not been for the extra clicks and time to remove pictures, and the fact that i had to select each shipping option again every time (instead of just changing the weight and dimensions), and add my handling charge (because it resets to 0 every time, and check immediate payment box- I could have listed another 10 items. They were all $200 items so both Ebay and myself lost out on $2000 worth of GMV and potential sales for the weekend.

     This is basic math and business- we are not re-inventing the wheel- why do the most basic and simple and obvious business principles escape the ebay design teams????   Their answer to "no problem" is to redesign and make the process take longer!!!   And its right in the face of those of us that actually use the listing tool and have requested repeatedly to NOT screw it up anymore or make it take longer.

  We already had this battle 2 years ago-why are we doing it again?    


Message 80 of 106
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Re: Listing tool update causes 3x more clicks to remove all pics!?- are we going down this road agai

You normal folks don't seem to understand how "tech" folks think. 


Their mantra, zeitgeist, purpose for existence is 'Never fix what is in place, demand something new'.    Its purposeful planned obsolence.


It is not about meeting the needs of users, it is about meeting the needs of the tech folks and share holders.  


I also think it is all being dumbed down for cell phone and app users prioritization.   


When everything has been digitized and registered in the blockchain, every feature of the item will already be loaded into the distributed ledger, you'll just need to pay for the right to transfer your rights to sell your rights and it will all be done automatically through the blockchain. 




Message 81 of 106
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Re: Listing tool update causes 3x more clicks to remove all pics!?- are we going down this road agai

I agree that thus is all a consequence of dumbing down for mobile. Ebay about as much said so.  Its just a shame that the decision was made a few years ago to unify the platform instead of providing an optimized desktop version and an optimized phone app version.   In theory it sounded good and easier to manage but what it leaves us with is a bad version of both instead of great version of both.  Unifying just lost the benefits of both and highlighted the shortcomings of both. 

    No doubt it could be done right and work but with ebay we have seen that doing things on the cheap and being lazy about it took precedent. this is what we are left with- basic simple standards being overlooked and ignored.   Ebay is failing the needs of its customers when it makes such ridiculously poor design and business decisions.    

   Obviously companies have to change and move forward and that is not going to be right for everyone but for sellers to be constantly hindered by such basic oversights in design........ its just crazy-  lets make them click 3x more to add pictures...i mean who needs to be fired and replaced to get this company back on track?

Message 82 of 106
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Re: Listing tool update causes 3x more clicks to remove all pics!?- are we going down this road agai



Actually, I understand how IT groups very well, I watched the birth of them in industry over the last 20 - 30 years and even saw how they "took over" some companies such that any new equipment or production systems that were purchased always had to get the "Okay" from the IT department, who was monitoring everything. So I "get" what you are saying.  


Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 83 of 106
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Re: Listing tool update causes 3x more clicks to remove all pics!?- are we going down this road agai

@mr_lincoln @deltilogical 

       I'll admit- I dont understand how tech folks think- but i do understand that if you make an inferior product or one that does not meet the needs of its users, people will stop using it.   Sellers are ebay's only customer (aside form advertisers) , so logically you would want to make your product the most desirable and valuable.

When coke changed its recipe and nobody liked it- they changed it back and called it "classic"

When hidden valley ranch changed there ranch dip recipe- it was horrible. we stopped buying it for 2 years until they finally changed it back-   you just don't mess with what works. you make small incremental changes that can be easily reversed if they are not received well!  ....... or if you are ebay you randomly make major design and site changes every other week and discourage your customer base from using your product....


Message 84 of 106
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Re: Listing tool update causes 3x more clicks to remove all pics!?- are we going down this road agai

@mr_lincoln wrote:

@siamjane8 wrote:

I was excited to read your post above and went to make a listing to confirm but unfortunately i am still stuck with the new "longer" 3x click version😫. as of 4/11/2024 8am still bad listing experience with extra clicks and still does not remember shipping  options or handling charge or immed payment.


I use mainly Templates and just created a dummy listing.  While shipping options have not changed the image uploader has switched to the multi-step non-Seller enhancing format.  kyle@ebay add me to the list.  TOO many extra and unnecessary clicks have been added to the listing tool flow.

Hey @mr_lincoln @siamjane8 @modernvintagevibes @a_c_green, my apologies to everyone for the late response; I had an emergency pop up and was out the rest of the week.   We are still working to get to the bottom of this, but we are making solid progress.  We have ensured all the right people are aware of the grief this is causing, and hope to have a final update soon!  

Message 85 of 106
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Re: Listing tool update causes 3x more clicks to remove all pics!?- are we going down this road agai

@deltilogical wrote:

You normal folks don't seem to understand how "tech" folks think. 


Their mantra, zeitgeist, purpose for existence is 'Never fix what is in place, demand something new'.    Its purposeful planned obsolence.


It is not about meeting the needs of users, it is about meeting the needs of the tech folks and share holders.  


I also think it is all being dumbed down for cell phone and app users prioritization.   


When everything has been digitized and registered in the blockchain, every feature of the item will already be loaded into the distributed ledger, you'll just need to pay for the right to transfer your rights to sell your rights and it will all be done automatically through the blockchain. 




I use a system at work where we take payment for a service/item. Once we have the invoice/account pulled up, instead of merely clicking 'make payment' and have the amount autofill on the next screen, we have to copy and paste the amount,THEN delete the $ sign before we can process it. Obviously whoever coded it has never actually had to USE it.

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 86 of 106
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Re: Listing tool update causes 3x more clicks to remove all pics!?- are we going down this road agai

I haven't read every reply, so forgive me if this has been mentioned already.


In the upper right of the listing page are three tiny dots. Click on them, it asks you to share your opinion on the listing process, or something like that. So, yesterday I was listing & dealing with the stupid new changes, & clicked on the dots to vent & share my opinion. I complained, & moved on to my next item. I then tried to complain again, it says I can only complain once per hour! It used to be that I could complain for every item I listed, & complain I did, over & over. So, I had to change accounts to list on a different one. I tried to complain on that account, nope, it  said I had already complained for that hour!


So, the tech dolts must have been tired of folks complaining with every listing about their ham fisted "improvements" & made it harder for eBay sellers to complain about their incompetence!

You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.
Message 87 of 106
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Re: Listing tool update causes 3x more clicks to remove all pics!?- are we going down this road agai

I was again lost in frustration yesterday with this situation.  I called in an got a very competent customer service agent who was able to research and figure out a few things.  

    1. he was not able to recreate the new picture situation on his end so he had me log in on a "private" tab and the situation went away

    2. This told him that the "new version test" had come and gone but that the cookies on my computer were still "calling" for the crappy version when i was accessing the tool from "sell similar"

    3.  We did a complete cookie and cache dump and now it went back to the version that has the delete button at the top!


Hopefully it will work for you as well-  although it still does not remember my shipping settings or handling charge or immed. payment selections.


Hope this helps everyone out!

@mr_lincoln @aeparts1 @toomuchstuffagain35 @deltilogical kyle@ebay 

Message 88 of 106
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Re: Listing tool update causes 3x more clicks to remove all pics!?- are we going down this road agai

@siamjane8 wrote:

I was again lost in frustration yesterday with this situation.  I called in an got a very competent customer service agent who was able to research and figure out a few things.  

    1. he was not able to recreate the new picture situation on his end so he had me log in on a "private" tab and the situation went away

    2. This told him that the "new version test" had come and gone but that the cookies on my computer were still "calling" for the crappy version when i was accessing the tool from "sell similar"

    3.  We did a complete cookie and cache dump and now it went back to the version that has the delete button at the top!


Hopefully it will work for you as well-  although it still does not remember my shipping settings or handling charge or immed. payment selections.


Hope this helps everyone out!

@mr_lincoln @aeparts1 @toomuchstuffagain35 @deltilogical kyle@ebay 


That helps immensely ... thank you for your efforts.  Hopefully they will push a fix through that doesn't require millions of Sellers to clear cookies & cache just to correct it ... 

Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 89 of 106
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Re: Listing tool update causes 3x more clicks to remove all pics!?- are we going down this road agai

kyle@ebay wrote:

We are still working to get to the bottom of this, but we are making solid progress.  We have ensured all the right people are aware of the grief this is causing, and hope to have a final update soon!  

Appreciate your efforts on this kyle@ebay ! I hope they are addressing not just the photo situation, but also other issues that have been brought up surrounding these changes (like category not being recommended when seller enters a title).


Also thanks to @siamjane8 for letting us know the test/change ended on your account and clearing cookies helped with the reset. Hope that will help others that were experiencing these changes.

Message 90 of 106
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