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Forum Posts

Store Owners - Check your November Invoice for erroneous "Insertion Fees"

Watch out for insertion fees, I was charged $17.10 insertion fees in November while still having free store listings. I called ebay, they investigated it and said I was right, they credited my account and said they are working to prevent this from ha...

Resolved! When Creating Shipping Labels, I'm being forced into UPS Labels, WHY?

Starting today when I go in to creating a shipping label, it is asking me to set up a UPS account or log into my account that I have already set up. While I do have an account with UPS, that isn't my problem. The problem is that I do not ship my stuf...

User avatar by Visionary
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fake tracking number scam - why does eBay side with seller?

I am a longtime eBay user, lots of positive reviews, so trust me when I was shocked to be the victim of fraud and eBay summarily ruled for the seller because they provided a tracking number! Doesn’t matter to eBay the tracking number did not correlat...

Glitch on removing no longer registered users from 'following list'

On the list where you can 'follow' other ebay members pushing the heart to unfollow them is not working. I was doing this to remove anyone I used to follow that no longer has a registered account here. At first it worked and now it hasn't been workin...

How to disable saved search emails when search doesn't show in my account

I suddenly started getting saved search emails every day for a search I created years ago and then deleted. In the email there is a link for 'Disable emails for this search' but when I follow it, I get an error page on 'Input Error: There w...

User avatar by Explorer
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FORIEGN Language

After my most recent transaction the completed transaction page came up but at the bottom where the sign out option is was written in Russian or something similar. But the rest of the page was English I click on sign out (what I thought was sign out)...

Image attachments in messages appear blank when using desktop browser. [SERIOUS BUG!]

The image attachment function in eBay messages fails to load correctly when using desktop.Uploaded images display as a white square. As far as I know it works fine with the eBay mobile app, but this is a serious bug and needs to be fixed urgently.

User avatar by Adventurer
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Store showing as not secure

I was shopping another seller's store last night and this morning and when I look at his listing, it says https. When I click on seller's store, I see not secure. I looked at my own store and it doesn't do this. I took this picture of the screen. I l...


coupon expired prematurely

Hi all:Does anyone know how to message ebay customer support from the actual message center? I was given a $25 coupon on 12/5 and told it had a 14 day expiration period. When I went to use it tonight it had already expired! The terms and conditions s...

User avatar by Adventurer
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Resolved! ebay Partners

Recently I attempted to respond to a seller to ebay email. My short and postive message was twice interfered by ebay partners.... Never heard of them but maybe they were trying to deposit cookies which my computer is set up to deny... was unable to c...

User avatar by Pathfinder
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Seller Hub Updates for Active Listings

this feature "Seller Hub Updates for Active Listings" became available to sellers about a month ago. It wokred for one day, and never again. What am I missing? i tried different browsers and clearing history type fixes. How can I get this to work. th...


Constant changes over last few months. Now, ebay for first time in 10 years dumps my watchlist. ebay, when will this **bleep** STOP?

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