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I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

23 Years ago, a friend showed me this new website called Ebay.  I was immediately hooked.  I began buying and selling within weeks. 

Back then, selling was a hassle because getting paid was a hassle.  Then came Paypal.

In my opinion, Paypal was the magic sauce that made Ebay work.  

I sold on and off for the last 23 years.  I retired, and planned on using Ebay as a source of income in my retirement.

Over the recent years, my opinion of Ebay began to decline big time.  

A couple of years ago, they instituted their GOOD TILL CANCELLED for Buy It Now listings.  I sold collectables and that policy KILLED my sales.  I tried to get the policy changed, but Ebay didn't care.  They were MANAGING my sales, and it killed me.

A couple of months ago, I was notified I was being forced into Managed Payments.  I read about the program, and didn't see any benefit for ME.  

I spoke with several dedicated Managed Payments reps, and again, there was no benefit for me as a seller.  I clearly told every rep that the day Ebay forced MP on me was the day I would leave Ebay.

I begged to postpone to a later time.  Covid19 is rampant, and now isn't the time to add insult to injury.  They didn't care.

That day was Sept. 1. 

So, as I sit here, a trusted friend I've had for 23 years is gone.  I removed all my listings, I'm no longer selling on Ebay.

Now, I understand Ebay could care less about me.  That's become obvious over the last several years.

If 10, or 100, or 1000 sellers leave, Ebay won't care.  BUT, if 10,000 or 100,000 leave, at some point, Ebay HAS to care.

I made my statement by leaving, and telling Ebay why I left.  If you feel as I do, make your own statement.  If Ebay is going to force sellers to choose MP, it should be better then Paypal.    

Message 1 of 616
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615 REPLIES 615

Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

I am with you.   In a time where identity theft is rampant, I am looking to share less of my information, not more of it.   eBay’s requirement for routing number, account number, and social security number seems out of touch to me.   

If eBay ever gets hacked, the bad actors will have everything they need to clean out my account and the ability to apply for credit in my name.   NO THANKS!  

Think it can’t happen??  Ask the folks in the eastern half of the country that weren’t able to buy gas for their car when Colonial Pipeline got hacked.   Or, the security experts that are still trying to figure out whether Solar Winds is still comprising our nation’s security.  I could go on but my point is that nothing is totally secure and eBay’s requirement to provide sensitive information, when other payment mechanisms exist, does not make sense for me.  

Message 556 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

Hi,im over 21 years  on Ebay,many time i disagree with ebay but this time i WONT accept their MP

They already remove me my right to list or edit even if i still pay my anchor plan and they will kick me out by june 15

I know what i will do for the after ebay and good luck to them as they will need

If they think they will never have serious competition well they should think that 1 day some people will do.

they only own a platform to sell but seller do all the investment and they **bleep** on us.

Good luck mr president of ebay,1 day you will have to answer question to those ebay investor.

This is only my point.

But i will be gone soon,another 11 thousand listing going to the competition.

Message 557 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

@sunrize33 wrote:

Sheesh Ken, what is with the constant sarcasm 101?  Of course, some still have auctions up but that does not mean they will relist or are not leaving.  The OP of this thread nailed it and despite the post being made in September 2020, it mirrors what everyone is saying on June 3rd.  That means, 1 - nothing has changed and 2- the mass exodus is underway.  And for those who do not do so immediately, they likely will after a couple of months of MP messing up their personal bank accounts.  Set up an additional account you may say?  Well, that is extra money to do so to further crushing people's bottom line in some cases.


The mere sound of "managed," is just bad news for that is something we should be allowed to do individually provided we stay within reasonable parameters. 


I understand a lot of sellers don't like the change and are leaving and that's their choice.

I've been on MP here since January and using the same program on another site for 5 or 6 years, using my personal checking account and never once had a problem.

Managed Payments isn't as bad as some people try to make it sound and most haven't even tried it to see whats it's like.

Sure there are a few accounts that are having problems, but that's to be expected with a new system.





Have a great day.
Message 558 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

@sunrize33 wrote:

FWIW, the BBC is weighing in as will other media outlets 


The words forced and pause ring out.  Face it, folks, the vast majority hates MP, and eBay's lean and welcoming to fraudulent buyers is well documented via the buy your new item, switch it with a damaged or non working item so the sellers gets stuck twice.  And this the buyer is always right thing is getting worse by the day for scammers are manipulating eBays rules.  That does not make for a safe environment.

That has nothing to do with MP, that's been going on for years.




Have a great day.
Message 559 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

I agree .  It is no longer a safe environment.     What I went through with MP was something out of this world and was outright abuse and I believe it’s a criminal offense to force a checking account number that was wrong and not mine onto me and then have an edit button that doesn’t work for 5 weeks  while ebay held aprox 3,000 for 5 weeks because their MP system could not work with a bank account that had been in full service for about 9 years yet works with every other company besides ebay?   😂 Since I have had the bank  account for 9 years and **bleep** well know what my bank account number is and have my checkbooks with the account number in my hand , for an MP supervisor  scream at me on the phone attempting to convince me I don’t even know my own bank account number is insane .    Lol 😂 so ebay says it’s your bank account that is the problem, yet ebay had no problem drawing money from that account to receive their monthly Store subscription fees for themselves but suddenly had a problem only paying out on that same account .     It would take a person of an IQ of below 90 to believe the lies I was told over and over .   Ebay didn’t have their **bleep** together when they rolled out the MP transition process .  They refused to take any kind of responsibility for a problem that was ebays system problem and glitches in their edit button that is ebays problem only and no fault of banks or the sellers but only their own ebay problem.  They refused to take care of the late fees and overdraft charges it caused me for that 5 weeks trying to pay my bills while ebay held the 3,000.00 because their system didn’t work right .  All other companies like banks and any other ethical  company,  if they cause a problem , they cover the late fees and over draft charges if they caused it.  No ebay .   Ebay was sued in 2014 for unfair policies regarding returns .   They are back at it again.  I sold an item recently, the buyer was returning for simply buyers remorse.  No big deal except they waited 30 days … 😂 Since my account has 100% case resolution without ebay ever having to step in or force anything,  ebay still decided to reach in  as soon as the person clicked on the return button and essentially is holding  the money from any further sales to cover that return and refund before I have even received the item back for me to even know if this $ 700.00 item  I sent to them , if the returned item is even mine , the item I sent , and also was not damaged as the item was expensive and fragile while the buyer sat on it for 30 days.  I have not even received the item back before ebay decided to take matters in their own hands and place my account in a negative 695.00.  The return label ebay wanted me to use did not have insurance.   I asked ebay since the ship label ebay was providing didn’t have insurance, who is responsible if the item is lost or damaged on the way back to me . Ebay said if the item is lost or damaged on its way back to me , they would refund the buyer anyway .  So I guess I lose 1,400 then 😂 I was told by one ebay rep  also that if when i received the item back, the system will just refund the buyer in 2 days automatically whether or not the item is even mine , damaged or a fake that was sent back to me.  I was told I would have to appeal it.   Uhmmm hmmmm yeah, ebay will pretty much side with the buyer and I can almost bet on that .   To put me through that kind of process even if I tell them as soon as the item arrived there is it’s a problem with it ?   Yes, ebay is opening the door back up for scamming buyers .  I know sellers scam too but with my account for years that has been flawless with 100% case resolution , ebay has no just reason to suspect me of being a scamming seller that’s for sure as the account was top rated for years .  BUT really , NO, it’s mostly buyers that scam the sellers and not sellers that scam buyers.  Good Sellers aren’t going to destroy themselves so they are blocked by ebay and can’t sell.   Phhfff but buyers will scam sellers because they can always buy with any account they want with no harm to themselves as they aren’t sellers.   Ebay reps don’t know their own ebay policies either .  It’s amazing what many reps come up with and how many times I have had to educate an ebay rep.   I found it hysterical that ebay has created a policy that says they aren’t responsible for their own employees mis informing buyers and sellers of their own ebay polices .   😂 uhmmm yes they are responsible  regardless of any asinine policy they want to create because if it’s unethical , they can and have been sued and have lost  just like they lost more than one lawsuit regarding their policies in the past .  

Message 560 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

I was a long time seller too .   YES, ebay was fun and awesome from 2005 when I started  to about 2013 .  My desire for the site declined as well and it kept getting worse and worse .  Finally it hit rock bottom when MP was forced onto me .   It was done  behind my back and pretty much like a gun to my back.  The message I got didn’t really say but encouraged me to sign up  for it and then another that  just  said set up by a certain date.  Well before that date , and behind my back , ebay was sending messages to buyers saying I couldn’t receive payments , finally a buyer let me know of the message and took a snapshot so I called ebay and then that’s when they decided to tell me I have to sign up or I couldn’t receive sales and this was prior to the date they outlined in their first message.  The process was something from hell and out of this world.  I was lied to over and over and over while ebay held about 3,000 between my two accounts for 5 weeks using the excuse there is a glitch in the system and then they tried to force a bank account number on me that wasn’t mine .  Then conveniently for ebay , the edit bank account number would not work for 5 weeks over and over and then on my other account I was completely blocked from entering any bank account number so I could receive my payments while ebay hung onto my sales money for 5 weeks .  It resulting in shouting matches over the phone and then finally me lining up an attorney to sue.  An MP ebay rep also had the nerve to tell me they could keep my 3,000 and send it all back to buyers that had already received their items .     I guess ebay thought they could commit Grand Theft using a policy that wouldn’t hold up in court because they had a working checking account to take money from already in their system but just couldn’t pay out on .      Finally I had to jump through hoops and had to  open a new business bank account at another bank that would work with ebays new system regardless of that old account never having  any kind of problem with ebay for years and has no problem with any other company in the entire world, just ebay but only with payouts and not when they wanted to take money for their fees .   Uhmmm yeah right .   They told me it’s  because of “known glitches” in their system which  is ebays and ebays problem  alone .   I do not believe for 2 seconds anymore that it is a glitch and is part of something larger and very much deliberate to hold ppls money for weeks and weeks at a time because my transition was in Sept of 2019 and I happened to see more and more complaints about this same  “Known Glitch”  and all the way to a recent date in April of 2021 .  Well first of all , they can’t keep using that same excuse for over a year and a half that is causing measurable and recorded financial damage to its sellers and not have a “ known Glitch “ go unfixed for that long of time.   If I am not mistaken , if it causes harm , it goes unfixed for as long as it has, it becomes negligence ?  That’s for the e-commerce attorney to categorize where the outright abuse falls into .  There is a lot of talk about  Class Action against ebay over their MP program.  I can understand a glitch but the glitch being fixed but I can’t comprehend the same excuse used all the way from 2019 to 2021 they know is harming ppl financially .  I don’t believe it’s a glitch anymore and something more deliberate .   Too many ppl are being harmed and the same harm for a year and half now to many many sellers.  Ohhh my favorite is after going through pure  hell and shouting matches then finally getting through , 90 % of my sales disappeared right after I was in managed payments and stayed  that way, my account never recovered and ebay can’t blame it on COVID because  it was before COVID .   Sales do not suddenly drop 90% right before the Holidays , my sales always went way up at the end of the year not down 90% and stay that way and then go to almost nothing after that .  An e-commerce attorney needs to get involved because I saw on the  e-commerce site ppl  are still being told the same thing and it has gone on unfixed for that  long ?  Nah, It has to be something intentional as I have never heard of any company not fixing that glitch for at least a year and a half and probably more like 2 years as I think I saw others cimoakin before me of the same thing .  No way is it unintentional at this point and for that long .   I suffered financial loss due to having to pay late fees on bills , overdraft charges and since it went on too long I had to lose money and dump some merch to have money  to survive while ebay held my money.   If I am not mistaken if a company causes a loss for a problem of their own like a glitch in their system they can’t fix , they are responsible for reimbursing the damage .  Since it’s many ppl , it falls under Class Action .   I too after I get something settled with ebay and a return taken care of will leave the site after all these years .  And I will tell ebay it’s because of what happened with their MP program and because of the MP program and will indeed let that person know that complained about this “ known Glitch “  in 2021 that that was the same excuse given to me back in 2019 so that glitch should have been handled by now because it caused harm and financial problems for many for 2nyears and ebay didn’t take care of it …negligent . 

Message 561 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

TLDR  but if you are that certain eBay are breaking laws you should perhaps seek legal advice on the matter

I have been imported from Australia and this is my posting ID
Message 562 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

walls of text.

Message 563 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

@karthok.of.daolodus wrote:

walls of text.



I'm with you.  I unfortunately just skip posts that are like that as it drives my eyes crazy.  It is hard to follow and easy to lose your place when reading.  But just my humble opinion.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 564 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

Same here - at least it's not all in caps.

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 565 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

@chapeau-noir wrote:

Same here - at least it's not all in caps.

You are absolutely right, it could have been worse with all caps.  

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 566 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

I just closed both my accounts .   One of 16 years and over 7,000 transactions and this account as well.   It’s over the nightmare I went through and the treatment I received from the ebay managed payments team .  I was lied to too much , they held 3,000 for 5 weeks between the 2 accounts and I see they are using the same excuses they used on the sellers that  are transitioning now a year and a half later and holding  their money  too using the same glitch excuse.    That’s a class action .  To do it during 2020 to newly transitioning accounts  knowing there are glitches causing financial damage and esp during 2020 is bottom of the barrel.  Ebay has not taken responsibility for the damage they did forcing their faulty glitched system onto the sellers while knowing it’s a problem .   Anyone I have spoken to about it , the first words  that comes out of their mouth is “  that’s criminal “ 

Message 567 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

report them to the BBB and the FCC.  collecting tax alone should get them in trouble especially tax on shipping. for shame

Message 568 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

@cybersirf wrote:

report them to the BBB and the FCC.  collecting tax alone should get them in trouble especially tax on shipping. for shame



Some states require them to collect sales tax and some also require the sales tax to be applied to the shipping charge.

Have a great day.
Message 569 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

@cybersirf wrote:

report them to the BBB and the FCC.  collecting tax alone should get them in trouble especially tax on shipping. for shame


WHAT?  Sales tax is controlled by the states, not the FCC or the BBB.  And some states do charge sales tax on shipping and some don't.


Sales Tax on shipping.JPG


Then starting in 2019 states started passing laws that REQUIRED marketplaces such as Ebay to collect and remit sales tax to the appropriate state.  Here is a list:


mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 570 of 616
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