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I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

23 Years ago, a friend showed me this new website called Ebay.  I was immediately hooked.  I began buying and selling within weeks. 

Back then, selling was a hassle because getting paid was a hassle.  Then came Paypal.

In my opinion, Paypal was the magic sauce that made Ebay work.  

I sold on and off for the last 23 years.  I retired, and planned on using Ebay as a source of income in my retirement.

Over the recent years, my opinion of Ebay began to decline big time.  

A couple of years ago, they instituted their GOOD TILL CANCELLED for Buy It Now listings.  I sold collectables and that policy KILLED my sales.  I tried to get the policy changed, but Ebay didn't care.  They were MANAGING my sales, and it killed me.

A couple of months ago, I was notified I was being forced into Managed Payments.  I read about the program, and didn't see any benefit for ME.  

I spoke with several dedicated Managed Payments reps, and again, there was no benefit for me as a seller.  I clearly told every rep that the day Ebay forced MP on me was the day I would leave Ebay.

I begged to postpone to a later time.  Covid19 is rampant, and now isn't the time to add insult to injury.  They didn't care.

That day was Sept. 1. 

So, as I sit here, a trusted friend I've had for 23 years is gone.  I removed all my listings, I'm no longer selling on Ebay.

Now, I understand Ebay could care less about me.  That's become obvious over the last several years.

If 10, or 100, or 1000 sellers leave, Ebay won't care.  BUT, if 10,000 or 100,000 leave, at some point, Ebay HAS to care.

I made my statement by leaving, and telling Ebay why I left.  If you feel as I do, make your own statement.  If Ebay is going to force sellers to choose MP, it should be better then Paypal.    

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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

I agree...been selling since 2001. ebay could care less about sellers. always rule for the buyer.  

Message 121 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

 In addition to the obvious savings they will have greater control over the whole transaction process.  What may be most concerning is what will this mean regarding seller-buyer disputes?  Is this the reason it wants to hold money in reserve?  Will Ebay refund buyers as they see fit from we sellers reserve fund?  

Message 122 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

@coolcarcrafts wrote:

 In addition to the obvious savings they will have greater control over the whole transaction process.  What may be most concerning is what will this mean regarding seller-buyer disputes?  Is this the reason it wants to hold money in reserve?  Will Ebay refund buyers as they see fit from we sellers reserve fund?  



My experience with MP and claims is they are processed as they normally have been even when PP was the money processor.  I've had experience with all types of claims, INRs, INADs and chargebacks.  So with the exception of holding the money [which PP stopped doing a few years ago on my account], there doesn't seem to be a lot of difference in MP.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 123 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

I'm not liking the new way either. Especially the fact that PayPal would pay you immediately. That was a blessing especially if you needed the money immediately what's the point now? I would rather pay the extra fees for PayPal and get my money right away. But now, I don't even want to post anything for sale because I truly don't understand everything but I do get the gist of it and I'm not liking it at all PayPal was great they would pay you in seconds if you wanted it. I have a feeling that a lot of sellers out there are not going to be interested in this new transformation. I know that I am not interested at all.

Message 124 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

I just read your post and my sentiments exactly.  I was against GTC, as I  too was selling collectibles and switched out to selling mostly jewelry.  Now comes forced managed payment.  I have never had a problem with PayPal.  Where will you be selling your items?  I am not happy with the way things are going.

Message 125 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

Right behind you . Once my few listings are done I'm going to sell locally . There's no way I'm putting my bank info out there to be abused and no way I want hundreds of tiny transactions going through my bank , I'm not a business this is just personal items I'm selling  . Auctions closing Sunday  wont be shipped till Tuesday so that's going to annoy bidders. I have had a lot of none paying and flaky customers lately just to add to the list . Pretty much done as this isn't fun anymore.

Message 126 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

Managed payment is a forced decision, not an option. To enter or not to enter is not available.  Just read your reply.

Message 127 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

I agree with your perspective.  Your last sentence "Don't know where to go from here" is heartfelt.  I would love to get some ideas.  Some member is not worth responding to. Head in the sand.

Message 128 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

As a member I must thank you for the well wishes and the same to you, however, I do not feel good about MP.  I will think about my next move.

Message 129 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

Hi. So, did you have a store? If so, did they charge you for closing it down before your renewal date? I have until the end of Jan. LMK Thanks!

Message 130 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

@marviolet wrote:

Managed payment is a forced decision, not an option. To enter or not to enter is not available.  Just read your reply.

I never said it was an option if you want to continue to sell on Ebay.  But sellers acting surprised by this move simply haven't been paying attention to what Ebay has been telling us for over 2 years.  They have always said that the hope to have most sellers in MP by the end of 2020.


And yes you can choose to register for MP or not to register.  Of course if you don't register when Ebay tells you it is time to register, then your selling days on Ebay are coming to an end.  While that may sound harsh, it is no different than any other site that has their own money processing program.  


For us it is a hard change because we are losing PP which is a full wallet of option and MP is just a basic money processor right now.  It is a very hard transition for sure.  I too prefer PP.  But my business does well on Ebay so I have decided to make the transition and adapt to MP.  It is a sound decision for me.  For others it may not be.  It is for each of us to decide for ourselves.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 131 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

@marviolet wrote:

I agree with your perspective.  Your last sentence "Don't know where to go from here" is heartfelt.  I would love to get some ideas.  Some member is not worth responding to. Head in the sand.

You don't need others to tell you, you can go out and Google it and find option.  But look very closely as most similar sites to Ebay have their own Money processing programs you have to sign up for if you want to sell on their sites.  And fees, watch the fees.  Some are lower but some are higher.  


Smaller sites will likely not have their own money processing programs, but then they may not have enough traffic to make it worthwhile or profitable to sell there.  This is all stuff you need to research on your own.  Only you can decide if something is going to work for your needs.  Keep in mind the grass is not always greener on the other side.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 132 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

@marviolet wrote:

As a member I must thank you for the well wishes and the same to you, however, I do not feel good about MP.  I will think about my next move.



Actually that could be part of the problem.  You need to look at this with your business hat on.  Learn the facts of MP, not the assumptions and gossip.  But the facts so that you can make an informed decision on what is best for your little business.  Without feelings and emotions getting in the way.


Also know that MP will grow and change with time.  It has come a long way since Ebay started it a couple years ago, it will continue to grow.  So things we don't like much right now may very well improve next year.  We just need to make sure we keep telling Ebay the things that need to improve.  


Make no mistake, the change is VERY different from what we are use to with PP.  There is very little common ground between the two.  So don't compare the two programs, it will only add more frustrations and stress for you.  Learn the facts about MP and then decide if you can adapt to it.  Or do it for a few months and see if you can survive it before deciding to leave the site.


A couple things I did that has made this transition much easier for me.  I opened up a separate bank account.  Once I only attach to the sites I sell on like Ebay.  This makes bookkeeping much easier and I think it is just a little bit more secure since it doesn't an can't affect my personal accounts.  It is at my same bank.


I also do Weekly deposits.  They happen every Tuesday morning and the money arrives in my account before noon on Wednesday.  I do bank with a major bank, so that can have a lot to do with how fast the deposits arrive.  


Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 133 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

This entire thread seems to be about  people that are unable to adapt to change.

The same ones that said they would not give paypal their SSN.

Message 134 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

No need to instruct me I am more than aware of the many sites and what they have to offer.  I have family members on the more prominent ecommerce sites. For your information Google is not the only site for content.  I love to get feedback from the community and do value their opinion when it is given with good intent.


Have a Merry Christmas.

Message 135 of 616
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