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I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

23 Years ago, a friend showed me this new website called Ebay.  I was immediately hooked.  I began buying and selling within weeks. 

Back then, selling was a hassle because getting paid was a hassle.  Then came Paypal.

In my opinion, Paypal was the magic sauce that made Ebay work.  

I sold on and off for the last 23 years.  I retired, and planned on using Ebay as a source of income in my retirement.

Over the recent years, my opinion of Ebay began to decline big time.  

A couple of years ago, they instituted their GOOD TILL CANCELLED for Buy It Now listings.  I sold collectables and that policy KILLED my sales.  I tried to get the policy changed, but Ebay didn't care.  They were MANAGING my sales, and it killed me.

A couple of months ago, I was notified I was being forced into Managed Payments.  I read about the program, and didn't see any benefit for ME.  

I spoke with several dedicated Managed Payments reps, and again, there was no benefit for me as a seller.  I clearly told every rep that the day Ebay forced MP on me was the day I would leave Ebay.

I begged to postpone to a later time.  Covid19 is rampant, and now isn't the time to add insult to injury.  They didn't care.

That day was Sept. 1. 

So, as I sit here, a trusted friend I've had for 23 years is gone.  I removed all my listings, I'm no longer selling on Ebay.

Now, I understand Ebay could care less about me.  That's become obvious over the last several years.

If 10, or 100, or 1000 sellers leave, Ebay won't care.  BUT, if 10,000 or 100,000 leave, at some point, Ebay HAS to care.

I made my statement by leaving, and telling Ebay why I left.  If you feel as I do, make your own statement.  If Ebay is going to force sellers to choose MP, it should be better then Paypal.    

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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

I had no choice in payment options. Ebay suspended my account until i signed up for Managed Payments. After 2 weeks i finally gave in and registered for it.

They are giving buyers more ways to pay at the expense of the sellers. We sellers no longer have control over our money. With PayPal we had immediate access to funds via the PayPal atm/debit card. We could also decide how much money we wanted to transfer, and to which checking account it was being sent. Now it all gets sent to wherever Ebay chooses to send it, if they send it at all. I know some people who have been waiting over 30 days for their funds and Ebay still hasn't disbursed it.

There are also some sellers who take advantage of PayPal's working capital advances. These will no longer be available with Managed Payments. Ebay is squashing small businesses in favor of their big corporate sellers.

Ebay has implemented many new rules over the years which we begrudgingly went along with. But when they start messing with our money, that's where most people will draw the line.

Message 16 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

We longtime sellers are the reason ebay is here today. Because of US ebay grew, and grew and grew until now they're too big for their britches. How many ways to pay are needed? Who doesn't have a paypal account, a credit card or a bank account with debit card?  This is simply a way for ebay to dig more money out of their sellers and exert more control. FVFs are way up, and they've tacked on international fee and currency conversion fees that are higher than paypal.  They're even charging a portion of the FVF on the freakin sales tax and shipping! Sales may  or may not go up but profit definitely goes down.

Message 17 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

PayPal already offered buyers every possible payment option, AMEX, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, debit card, bank transfers, etc. This is just a money grab by Ebay and it will cost them big time. I will likely just start my own website and do all of my selling there. Ebay can kiss goodbye the $800-$1,000 a month in fees that they were collecting from me.

Message 18 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

Yes, most do have a credit card, debit card, or PayPal.  HOWEVER, think about those that have gift balances in the alternate payment mechanisms - do you want to discount those that have "free" money to spend?  The argument that we shouldn't take new forms of payment reminds me of the dinosaurs that would only accept cash.  They didn't trust CC companies, and couldn't be bothered to change.  Those dinosaurs lost out on so many sales, all in the attempt to keep their lives as simple as possible.  That was their choice, just as it is the choice of customers to go somewhere else, just as it is eBay's choice to compel you to sign up for MP.  

Message 19 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

One thing about can tell who the eBay shills are!!!!!!


"I love eBay even though they screw me over!!!"

Message 20 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

@apachegunworks wrote:

One thing about can tell who the eBay shills are!!!!!!


"I love eBay even though they screw me over!!!"

Hey can I get paid for such??


Oh yes: I can list items to sell and make money even on MP.

(That is what eBay is all about for me as a seller).

As a buyer I can find items here.


Yep that the one of the ways eBay makes money.

Message 21 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

I start moving my items from eBay, to much to loos here 😁

Message 22 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

Every seller has their reason for being here and you can bet you are here to make $ the same as everyone else!

Managed Payments doesn't /won't work for everyone and no matter what YOU may think, YOUR being here on eBay IS about YOU so why not for all other sellers? why must all sellers follow along just because YOU think MP is the greatest...

eBay would never have survived had it not been for ALL those sellers who offered the countless numbers of items for those buyers...

and BTW,  for us "Long-time stubborn sellers who don't like change..." CAN and WILL ..." survive in e-commerce" and don't necessarily have any less opportunity to do so than ... "those sellers here who adapt to change for the better."

For myself, sales here on eBay fell off back in 2017 and have never recovered; so it is no longer worth the hassle of joining MP just so I can continue to list on eBay...I set up shop elsewhere and that journey started 2 years ago when it was announced MP was coming to eBay...that other selling venue is now bringing in more sales than eBay and is a MUCH smaller and MUCH lesser known site...There is life after eBay!

Message 23 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

After being on Ebay for 20 years, I held out as long as I could to switch over to Managed Payments.  The horror stories I was reading about MP didn't fill me with confidence in the new changes.  Ebay hasn't always had my back as a Seller, but one thing I could rely on was if Ebay fell short in protecting me from dishonest  Buyers,  PayPal ALWAYS had my back.  With PayPal we also had control over our money and how we paid our fees.  Funds were available immediately after a sale and with the click of a button it was in our personal bank accounts within 24 hrs.  Not now.  Ebay just messaged me that they sent my payout (money they have had for 4 days) & it should take 3-4 business days to reach my bank account.  So far, I'm not enjoying the ride.

Message 24 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

It isn't about being a shill, it is about understanding that is being offered, affecting what you can, and either accepting or adapting to what you can't. You can call it being a shill, if that makes you feel better.  But, that doesn't change what eBay is doing.  To those that think that eBay just does this stuff to spite you, or without some very serious consideration, you don't understand how complex, large organizations operate.  I'm confident that there was a huge amount of data behind this decision.  Yes, including how many sellers they would lose.  

Message 25 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

I love my family and very close friends. eBay isn't something that I will hate or love.  They provide an online marketplace, under a certain set of conditions.  What's to love or hate?  I can either take or leave their offering.  I'm not a part of eBay - I don't get a bonus based on their success, and I'm allowed to quit this relationship without penalty.  I owe nothing to eBay, and they owe nothing to me.  They provide a service, I pay them for that service.  Those that are confused by the nature of relationship are destined for aggravation and heartache, which is what we've been seeing play out over the last few months with MP.  Don't even get me started on the outrage that surrounded not receiving a $25 reward 🙂

Message 26 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

What are "some definite detriments,"?

Message 27 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

Because buyers are often times stupid, so if you have to cater to the least common denominator (stupid buyers), all business with eventually be destroyed.  Sellers should have the right to uphold some standards for buyers, not keep catering to a plummeting ignorance.

Example, I sell collectibles.  I had a buyer who purchased an action figure made in 1993 (so a 20+ year old piece of plastic), still sealed in the package.  Buyer opened the package to display (fine, its theirs, but why not buy a used one already opened).  While trying to pose the figure, the arm broke off (which was a known problem with this figure, even when it was new in 1993).

Buyer wanted a refund.  Fortunately I was able to fight it and was able to prevent buyer from getting a refund.  The item was not a new toy to be played with, but an in the package vintage collectible.  Whatever happens once the package is opened, is on the person who opens it.  Warranty long past gone!


But that was E-Bay of several years ago.  I don't know that E-Bay today would side with me or not.  They have went so far down the buyer stupidity spiral.

Message 28 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

Another great example is a buyer who purchased an item, while in transit, decided they didn't want it, filed a not as described claim (before it was even received), and then instead of doing an actual return, just refused the package when it arrived.

I was prepared to fight this one as well.

The refused package, fortunately for me, was lost and never made its way back.  I didn't have to refund.  No tracking showing a return.  Customer was mad, but I don't care, because they were stupid.

But as E-Bay continues down the buyer stupidity spiral, one day in the future, there will be a mechanism that lets that buyer get a full refund, doing what they did.

I personally think that when E-Bay removed a sellers ability to leave negative feedback for a buyer (a 2-sided transaction), it was there first step onto the downward stupidity spiral.  They have moved ever since to a 1-sided transaction (seller interest is inconsequential).

Message 29 of 616
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Re: I refused to accept Managed Payments and left Ebay.

I have been selling on Ebay for over 20 years as well. The many new policies over the past few years have only hurt sellers like me.  Since Ebay is only a side income I too have thought about leaving.  This will only spite me though. It will not affect Ebay nor will Ebay care. It doesn't matter how many people leave Ebay. It can be in the tens of thousands. Ebay will still continue. Ebay is a like a cigarette manufacturer. They lose customers every day but fortunately for them they also gain new customers every day. It is a cycle that just goes on and on. So if you leave it is no big deal. Another seller will start selling on Ebay tomorrow to take your place.

Message 30 of 616
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