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EBAY up to their old tricks again

In so far as shipping, I cannot and will not ship anything until E-BAY sends the payout here's why...
E_BAY has a new scam and its a beautiful one I must say.  When a a buyer pays e-bay , then sends you a message to ship "Buyer has paid".
Then you get an e-mail "we are doing a performance review on your account because of security reasons and to improve the seller experience"
 Which means they not only hold your money for 5 days to begin with, once you receive this performance review, they hold your funds for another 10 days. This is clearly a scam to gain interest on the monies they are holding now that interest rates are paying 7%. Not to mention the buyers are ticked off to no end
Sellers beware. If they do this to 2 thousands customers they raise $2 million in interest by holding your funds for 15 days.
I have called the internal revenue service this morning to notify them that E-BAY is doing this on a very large scale and I want to make sure they are paying taxes on the interest they earn by holding sellers funds. 
I also was told by the state attorneys office in Massachusetts that E-BAY should be paying interest on any funds held for any reason from anyone!!!! 
The former E-BAY executives have all been sentenced to PRISON! Do a search for "E-BAY executives sentenced to prison".
The long story short is E-BAY cannot be trusted by doing these performance reviews which allows them to hold large amounts of money which does not belong to them and to earn outrageous interest without passing it on to the seller when funds are released. The prior executives are all criminals doing time in prison for their behavior. I have a feeling as uneducated as these people are they do not realize they're breaking law, by not paying interest to a seller when the the funds are held for 15 days.
I just called an attorney who wants to file a class action law suit against E-bay in Massachusetts, regarding fake account reviews to enhance the user experience.  Its only fair that I protect other users of this system from criminal behavior which E-BAY is known to indulge in. 
The short of it is I will never again ship anything until funds arrive into my account physically.
Since PAYPAL left, this company has gone down hill drastically. BE WARNED .
The IRS has been called and because of their criminal past are now being investigated by the IRS.
I will keep calling the IRS and the Massachusetts State Attorney's office, everyday to report this until I drive them so crazy , they have to act on this criminal behavior. SELLERS BEWARE.
The Indian support is so bad when you call and they are so rude and bully the elderly
Talk about shooting yourself in the foot? By them doing this they are causing bad reviews to be posted by the buyers who have paid and are waiting for their product.
I call it cooperate Suicide! Like they don't have enough problems.
So, if you do not mind waiting 10 days after paying while e-bay earns interest on your money, I will ship as soon as funds are deposited in my account.  Look at my feedbacks. I no longer purchase anything on E-bay as Amazon has everything that e-bay has new. Walmart now sells refurbished / used items also. I purchase a lot more then I sell on this system but no more... I legally can say without worry of slander, that E-bay is a known criminal entity because of its past employees and executives that are now in prison.
Do a search for "E-BAY executives sentenced to prison", how can you trust a company that has this stain on their reputation like that?
Now they're floating funds which the IRS told me, that's what they call it. "Floating Funds". Creating false account reviews for false reasons while holding the sellers money as it earns 7% interest. we;re talking millions of dollars here.
 I sure got the attention of the IRS this morning on this one believe me... Class action lawsuit coming to a theater near you! 
These people are so uneducated and stupid to end up in prison for sending dead body parts of animals to users who complained about their daily antics.
Thank You for your understanding. Will someone PLEASE build a better system, why is there still only one??????????
Here is what they send out to millions of sellers to hold buyers money and to earn that interest...I received this today for no reason and sent it along to the IRS :agent Wayne Wilson"

We noticed some changes in your selling activity

Hi Edward,

We wanted to let you know that because of some recent changes in your selling activity, we are reviewing your account to make sure it’s secure.

There’s nothing you need to do, but until we finish our review, you’ll see a temporary hold on your payouts. We understand this may be frustrating, but reviews like this help keep our marketplace safe for everyone.

We review accounts for many different reasons. For example, if you’re a new seller and don’t have an established selling history, if there’s a big change in your selling patterns, or if you have an increase in customer claims or late deliveries.

Here’s what you need to know

  • We’ll review your account within 5 days and get back to you if we need anything else.

  • If the review is successful, the hold on your payouts will automatically be lifted and your funds will be released as scheduled.

  • You can check the status of the hold on your payouts any time, and learn more about payment holds using the link below.

  • You’re welcome to continue to buy and sell while we review your account.


Meanwhile they are holding my funds for 15 days and I cannot ship my 6 orders to the buyers. Are you kidding me? The attorney Generals office in Massachusetts has called me back twice on this matter, maybe we will get lucky and put a stop to this money laundering scheme.

Message 1 of 22
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Re: EBAY up to their old tricks again

Meanwhile they are holding my funds for 15 days and I cannot ship my 6 orders to the buyers.




You'll still be able to use the funds on hold for your shipping labels, so you can  ship. Good luck.

Message 2 of 22
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Re: EBAY up to their old tricks again

Wow.  I hope you feel better now.


"In so far as shipping, I cannot and will not ship anything until E-BAY sends the payout here's why..."
That will create a ton of new problems for you.

"The former E-BAY executives have all been sentenced to PRISON! Do a search for "E-BAY executives sentenced to prison".

 . . . . .  The prior executives are all criminals doing time in prison for their behavior."
Those are overly broad statements.  
Some former eBay executives have been convicted of criminal acts. 
You can just as easily say "some former [insert any job title here] have been convicted of criminal acts."

"I just called an attorney who wants to file a class action law suit against E-bay in Massachusetts, regarding fake account reviews to enhance the user experience."

All I can say to that is -- good luck to you and that attorney!  
Here's some fun reading from eBay's User Agreement, 18, Legal Disputes.  Any licensed attorney who is worth even a grain of salt will want to see this and the rest of the User Agreement.  
(BTW, there are links to the User Agreement in the smaller print at the bottom of every eBay page.)


"Prohibition of Class and Representative Actions and Non-Individualized Relief

Message 3 of 22
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Re: EBAY up to their old tricks again

I too have seen a recent change in eBay payments. And have cancelled one sale due to the eBay platform change. 


In my case it seemed to have been kicked off because one purchaser in another country bought two of an item instead of one. After cancelling and discussing the sale with the buyer they purchased a single quantity. 


Quantity 2 purchase payment from the buyer was held until buyer confirmed item receipt. With no additional reason from eBay. (~$256)

Quantity 1 purchase payment from the buyer was paid with the usual expected eBay 2-day delay. (~$128)


Seems very much like a scam on eBay's part.





Message 4 of 22
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Re: EBAY up to their old tricks again

My son is a lawyer and he always gets a chuckle out of these rants.

IRS really,  Attorney Genreal.  .....Ebay does not hold payments,  its processor does and they are allowed to do it.    They only have to pay on interest.    Totally legal.

They can hold funds....totally legal

Paypal wanted out,  not Ebay

Ebay is doing just fine

Bullying Seniors????

Ship your XXXX  items and find something to occupy your time.


Message 5 of 22
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Re: EBAY up to their old tricks again

Just check out the previous rants from the OP on this forum. He said he's going to stop selling since last February but still continues to sell. Just making up conspiracy theories.... 

Message 6 of 22
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Re: EBAY up to their old tricks again

Ah. Thank you for pointing that previous activity. I thought the bullying seniors thing was familiar.

Dang. How the heck would anybody on the phone know how old you are...or care.

Message 7 of 22
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Re: EBAY up to their old tricks again

Well, not shipping until you have that money in your account should make short work in losing the ability to sell. Sounds like a fine idea.

Message 8 of 22
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Re: EBAY up to their old tricks again

Since its Adyen, not Ebay, holding your funds, wouldnt they have to deposit them in an interest bearing account to do that? How do you make interest on held funds?The Ebay employees that went to prison is an old, old, story. give it a rest.Good luck with that bogus attorney in Mass.Be sure to show him the U/A you agreed to when you signed on here. 


“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 9 of 22
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Re: EBAY up to their old tricks again

@bonjourami wrote:

Since its Adyen, not Ebay, holding your funds, wouldnt they have to deposit them in an interest bearing account to do that? How do you make interest on held funds?The Ebay employees that went to prison is an old, old, story. give it a rest.Good luck with that bogus attorney in Mass.Be sure to show him the U/A you agreed to when you signed on here. 

They may not be making any interest on all the held funds but it sure does make their bank accounts look fat. You can do a lot with a fat bank account and never have to touch it.


I also wonder how much of this constant need to verify sellers accounts is nothing more than job justification. Need to look busy? Start verifying a few accounts. Shuffle those papers around on your desk or pile them high and make yourself look like you are just overwhelmed and certainly cannot take on any more work when your boss walks by.

Message 10 of 22
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Re: EBAY up to their old tricks again

Don't forget the really interested IRS agent. 

Message 11 of 22
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Re: EBAY up to their old tricks again

idk, Ive been here a long time, and to me, the identity verification kicks in to high gear during the holidays. The op seems to list about once a month and that makes him an infrequent seller and subject to holds.


“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 12 of 22
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Re: EBAY up to their old tricks again

Hope you didn't call the same lawyer that told you last year that charging a fee on the buyers shipping payment was illegal.

Have a great day.
Message 13 of 22
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Re: EBAY up to their old tricks again

Im not selling now, but the only time I was asked to verify my identify was around the holidays,when I was selling a pricey Cartier tank watch,and I had been selling for a looong time. And I certainly had no problem with complying..Ive never understood the big deal over this.Its to protect everybody isnt it? Why all the misdirected anger and resentment with it?


Or is it a sense of entitlement? Like, Ive been here for xx amount of years, how dare you ask me to prove my identity? I just dont get it.


“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 14 of 22
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Re: EBAY up to their old tricks again

Never ceases to amaze me that people are here protesting activities that had they fully read the terms of service they agreed to before they started, they would have been fully aware of.


Like it or not,  by clicking " I AGREE", you are locked into a  binding legal agreement whether you actually read the terms or not. 


There are likewise items that these people are committing that are most likely liable to sanctions if they are  discovered violating.... So being the recipient of  legal action is a two-way street.



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