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Beautiful Antique Fine Art painting in stunning gold frawith hard to decipher signature..please help

This is an incredible work of art.. it's been in the estate's family for over 70 years...where it came from one knows. The frame is incredible and it looks like it belongs in the met..any help with the signature would be sooooo appreciated.thank...

User avatar by Thrill-Seeker
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anybody knew if these items have any value

hi.i was wondering is there any value in indivaul gold forks,or $1.00 gold $1.00 silver coins.or a veitnam usa military wallet .any feedback welcome or if can reffer to were i can sell too.

Pottery bowl, help required to ID

Hi all, I bought this bowl and have noticed a possible markers mark on the base. I was hoping it would tell me the age of the piece but I'm having trouble working out what it says. Does anybody recognise it at all? Thanks very much.

User avatar by Rising Star
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What kind of wood is this?

Can someone tell me what kind of wood this is? It's on an old writing slope. Thanks!


Chinese Oriental Planter

Bought this at a thrift store, need help identifying the age and value! 

Need help with what looks like a honey pot

i have come across older honey pot style, man figure, no markings, it appears to be a tomatoe or apple, not sure, holds maybe jam or marmalade ,applesauce, dont know really. it is sweet, any help to id its maker would be greatful.

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