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Why on earth is eBay still allowing russia to buy and sell on eBay?

With Sanctions on Russia over the Ukraine Invasion, those accounts seriously need to be suspended. Come on man!

Message 1 of 83
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Re: Why on earth is eBay still allowing russia to buy and sell on eBay?

You seem pretty upset, are you now boycotting Ebay? 

Message 61 of 83
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Re: Why on earth is eBay still allowing russia to buy and sell on eBay?

Not in ebay's announcements, but they have suspended all sales with Russian addresses as of three days ago.

Message 62 of 83
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Re: Why on earth is eBay still allowing russia to buy and sell on eBay?

this does not explicitly state that Russians are banned from eBay, it only mentions postal barriers. 


any money going into Russia is like supporting Adolf Hitler during ww2. the regime is bombing and murdering children. 


the ethical action is to suspend every russian account on eBay. 


if this is not done then eBay is supporting war criminals and the murder of children and civilians.

Message 63 of 83
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Re: Why on earth is eBay still allowing russia to buy and sell on eBay?

What did you read?  The link posted directly above your reply, the very first paragraph reads:

"One of the world’s largest e-commerce companies, eBay, has notified sellers registered in Russia that it is suspending all transactions with Russian addresses. The company explained this step by the termination of the functioning of payment systems and basic delivery services. The Interfax agency that reported this writes that the account of Russian sellers will have the status “On vacation”, and therefore it will be impossible to purchase goods from them."

Message 64 of 83
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Re: Why on earth is eBay still allowing russia to buy and sell on eBay?

Paypal has suspended its operations in Russia.  Ebay had to stop Russian businesses too.  Because of Paypal closing, Etsy also had to suspend Russian shops, including any others in that region that were using Paypal.  This is because of a ripple effect.  Paypal cannot guarantee funds when war has disrupted a normal form of living.  With Paypal gone, Ebay and Etsy who depend on them, and are liable if customer orders are not filled, cannot guarantee that money will be paid or received. War has disrupted all normal business channels.  This is not political, but financial.
Sadly, ordinary Russian people, who had nothing to do with Putin's mental health issue of paranoia, and his aggression into Ukraine, have to pay the price with economic sanctions.  Now they cannot make a little side income from online platforms either.  It is a tragedy.  These are people enslaved and brainwashed under the current Putin regime.  Do not blame them. They are losing their 18 yr old sons to this barbaric war.   Have a heart.  These are good people. I visited Russia.  Same people as the rest of the world, only isolated and cut off from the truth and under Putins' thumb. They are organizing protests even when it is so dangerous and that is very courageous. They don't want war either. If any people understand war, it is the Russians.  Do not demonize them.  They are also hurting and need to feed their families. Have compassion.

Message 65 of 83
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Re: Why on earth is eBay still allowing russia to buy and sell on eBay?

Amen. I've always been fond of Russian culture  and I don't mean SOVIET  or post-Soviet culture (which under Putin isn't much better).   I mean the preexisting culture and who Russians are in their private lives and interactions.  So many times I've heard the words of a Russian person expressing themselves and I think how much they sound like me, a fairly disorienting thing for an American woman with zero Russian ancestry as far as I know.   Some months ago I discovered that my 16-year-old has been teaching herself the Russian language, solely because of its' prominence in the 'Nadsat' fictional dialect spoken by the gang characters in 'A Clockwork Orange' but I daren't ask any more questions or show too much approval, such is the secrecy and fragility of her interests; them becoming mine is the kiss of death (one way she is almost like a "normal" teenager) LOL!  
I would say I'd like to visit Russia one day, but I now fear the worst about the viability of that nation as we know it.  It was bad enough that it had suffered such degradation under a series of horrible leaders, and bad enough it put all its' eggs in oil, a commodity that is incredibly lucrative, except when it isn't (same as Venezuela, but at least they had the excuse of being a relatively tiny country, not the gargantuan expanse that Russia is).  But now under this KGB-trained psychopath, I fear that while Ukrainians may be suffering the most right now, it will be the Russian people who'll suffer the longest.  I fear Russia will be the new North Korea, and the hardships of its' people will only come out in rare glimpses, even in the Information Age.   
My income has taken a palpable blow due to Russian collectors (and maybe resellers?) of vintage jewelry being unable to buy from me.  But whenever I'm tempted to feel sorry for myself, I remember there's a world of difference between a blow and total devastation, how I'm still paying rent, still having internet where literally no sources of information or entertainment is unattainable to me, still struggling to shed my Covid fat because every fattening food is still available to me, at prices inflated by such a minuscule amount it's embarrassing to hear fellow fat Americans b*ing about it, still enjoying my weird daughter and the rest of my family and friends.   

Message 66 of 83
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Re: Why on earth is eBay still allowing russia to buy and sell on eBay?

@carat_cartel wrote:

Paypal has suspended its operations in Russia.  Ebay had to stop Russian businesses too.  Because of Paypal closing, Etsy also had to suspend Russian shops, including any others in that region that were using Paypal.  This is because of a ripple effect.  Paypal cannot guarantee funds when war has disrupted a normal form of living.  With Paypal gone, Ebay and Etsy who depend on them, and are liable if customer orders are not filled, cannot guarantee that money will be paid.


eBay and PayPal split years ago. PayPal is a payment option for buyers, but eBay sellers are no longer connected to PayPal. 
eBay does not rely on PayPal. eBay uses Adyen as their payment processor. 
(Etsy is the same. I think they also use Adyen as their payment processor but buyers can use PP to pay for purchases)



No one asked, but I am looking forward to the day when having feedback default sorted by relevance seems right.
Message 67 of 83
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Re: Why on earth is eBay still allowing russia to buy and sell on eBay?

     One of the things I find most fascinating about Russians is their extremely complicated relationship with truth and lies, or at least it seems complicated to me as a Westerner, where our stance is pretty straightforward: Lying is bad and telling the truth is good.  And as my background is in science, where the pursuit of truth is so paramount there's a super hairy system of ruling out all possible untruth, it's easy for me to think of truth as always being righteous.  Or maybe it's the fact I svck at lying, so I don't try very often.  And I'm a Sagittarius, an incurably honest species, so they say.  How's that for scientific?  LOL.  

     But how's this for irony: dedication to scientific exploration was one of the few great things to come out of the Soviet Union and benefit the Russian people and the whole world .....while at the same time .......  the Soviets were arguably just as dedicated to the art of disinformation, which is arguably the greatest threat to the whole world now, not despite this being the Information Age, but BECAUSE of it.   And what has been the legacy of Russia, post-Soviet era?  Which strategy endures and grows, truth or lies?  Is the average Westerner more likely to picture a scientist or an internet farm troll, when they think of a Russian? Do we expect them to help us or hack us?  And isn't the spread of Soviet-style disinformation the very reason why so many Westerners have come to doubt the honesty of scientists, that all it takes now is for a political figure (or random social media stranger who can't even spell basic words) who expresses similar political views to a target audience, to simply say they can't trust scientists, and so they don't?    

     The impression I get of the Russian culture's attitudes about truth and lies (which could be a false impression but it comes from pre-Soviet literature as much as any time since) is that it's really a spectrum, not a polar binary like we pretend in the West.  Oh sure, we acknowledge pseudo-nuances, like "white lies," but even there the implication is that any lie a shade darker than white is evil, an affront to whomever it is told, so shameful it will rot some part of the liar even if no one ever knows they lied, and (to some people) God definitely knows.  Parents tell their children they will be in so much more trouble if they lie to cover up a wrongdoing, than if they only do wrong.  So many adults who've been cheated on by their spouse are just as hurt (if not more) by realizing how much time they lived blissfully ignorant of the betrayal, because the spouse kept them that way, by lying.  

     But the sense I get about Russians is that lying isn't inherently wrong; it's human nature, therefore the natural, even WISE choice in many instances, but given this allowance, you better be *^#$!# good at it, because everyone accepting lies to some degree means everyone expecting lies to some degree.  And I'm making that sound pretty bleak, ha, but only because I'm failing to state it as well as a Russian probably could.  I think , as hostile as such a culture may sound, there is actually a kind of peace in it, maybe tense like the surface of water, but calm water at least, unlike the whitewater rapids of bliss-pain-bliss-pain that we experience in the West. 

     One of my all-time favorite quotes is an old Russian proverb: 'With lies you can go forward in the world, but you can never go back.'  Such a beautiful and simple statement that even as a Westerner I think I get it.  The Russian language also has two words for 'truth': istina (absolute truth) and pravda (apparent truth), but how that works in actual day-to-day conversations, I honestly have no idea, but I'd like to.  What makes me so sad for the Russian people now is that they surely KNOW Putin is lying to them to some extent (because he's Russian if nothing else), but have no way to gauge the extent because of how tightly he controls their access to any outside views, like allowing them to see only the FOX version of American views, for example.  Giving them pravda and telling them it's istina.  With this he may take them forward in the world, but probably not, and either way they'll never be able to go back.  

Message 68 of 83
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Re: Why on earth is eBay still allowing russia to buy and sell on eBay?

what the **bleep** is wrong with you man

Message 69 of 83
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Re: Why on earth is eBay still allowing russia to buy and sell on eBay?

they dont write you anything because theyre mostly deranged boomers who grew up knowing only 1 language. they also usually buy without reading over the item's descriptions (most of the time) and if something doesnt go their way, they dont cosult YOU (because they have no clue how to do so), instead they reviewbomb the app on app stores.



Message 70 of 83
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Re: Why on earth is eBay still allowing russia to buy and sell on eBay?

you sound insane

Message 71 of 83
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Re: Why on earth is eBay still allowing russia to buy and sell on eBay?

Well as long as they don't blame me for not reading the description like American scam buyers do, I don't care what they say about the ebay app (which does suck by the way, so .....).  

Message 72 of 83
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Re: Why on earth is eBay still allowing russia to buy and sell on eBay?

Open sales back up in Russia. eBay is hurting the average Russian. 

Message 73 of 83
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Re: Why on earth is eBay still allowing russia to buy and sell on eBay?


come on man!wo-man!

Message 74 of 83
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Re: Why on earth is eBay still allowing russia to buy and sell on eBay?

I realize it's 6 months later but do you still think we should open up sales to Russia since Putin has blamed the war on Ukraine on the U.S?  Like it's  our fault they invaded Ukraine and killed innocent civilians?  No way I'm ever going to sell to buy from Russia. 

Message 75 of 83
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