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Another Day in Paradise.......

Oh the palm trees sway so beautifully and the sun on my face is glorious.  The smell of suntan lotion just makes me want to run up and down the beach.  But, I think I will just sit here, soak up the sun, watch the little crabs and observe the natural curve of the earth out there over the ocean whliest I flick the sweat from my umbelicus.  The Blue Hawaiian tastes so good with coconut rum and I love those little umbrellas !  More of those Royal Creem Crackers too would be lovely.

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
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Re: Another Day in Paradise.......

Hi, something for your Wednesday.




***********************************************I'm amusing myself~WARd**************************************************************************
Message 481 of 3,155
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Re: Another Day in Paradise.......

That video looks like someone has way too much time on their hands Mark!  Very cute.


Thursday!  Which means... weekend's coming!  Hooray. 


Running late this am - off I go!


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“and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks.” ― Douglas Adams, Life, the Universe and Everything
Message 482 of 3,155
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Re: Another Day in Paradise.......

Happy fryday.............almost! Smiley Happy


Rootie yes, she has a lot of time on her hands, it seems...but it's very well spent time.

I could never picture myself without a pet in my life. I really want a goat and a minature horse or donkey now In other words a zoo, lol.


There is much to learn from them!



Catching up some now....


Car battery 6yrs? awesome!

Poison ivy? Smiley Sad Sorry to hear!


Good news with the appt!




***********************************************I'm amusing myself~WARd**************************************************************************
Message 483 of 3,155
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Re: Another Day in Paradise.......

Hey you guys!


Oh, this poison stuff is really getting under my skinSmiley LOL  I now have it on my face, ear, neck.  Have it both arms, both legs.  For some reason this time, some of the blisters are getting pretty big and skin very red looking.  Have a script now for an antihistamine which started today.  Makes me drowsy.  Didn't come in last night because the getting ready for bed ritual takes over an hour now because of treating all the rashes and blisters.Smiley Mad  A steroid shot would have worked faster, but I did not want it(not same type as what athletes take).


My plans Saturday has to do with dolls and all sorts of people who also like Barbie dolls.  Should be fun.  Going to be very hot that day and was planning on wearing long pants and long sleeve shirt.  I don't know about wearing such a thing on a hot day but, will be inside for most of it.


Sure is the truth about a cat's selective vision! Ha!!


The video was cute, Mark.  Amazing how the cat stayed on the thingy even tho it seemed a bit irked about having to do so(tail switching).  The little duck seemed to follow along.  And then here comes the Pit in costume, ha!  Too funny.  I'm going to look at the other videos some other time; esp the one with the cat going a bit faster on the disk.


Yeah, time flies.  Did not realize that it had been 6 years on that battery already.  And all appts went well, thanksSmiley Happy


I think the little goats are so cute!  A couple of them would be a riot to have.  Maybe would not need to mow the yard; now that sounds like a super good idea!  I had considered a miniature horse years back, but the nicer they look, the pricier they get.


I'm calling it a night.  Oooooh, you know what would feel good?  A cat's rough tongue on this rash......Smiley Surprised



Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 484 of 3,155
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Re: Another Day in Paradise.......

Poor Shirls - that sounds awful!  And I'm sure Sadie only wants to help - for some reason they think licking is healing or something.  But OUCH!


I had a friend who raised minature horses - they are adorable.  But a goat would be more practical, yeah for no more lawn mowing!


Glad the weekend plans include Barbies, add some brooms and schnapps and it sounds like a party!  Maybe we'll wait until you heal though.


Rain supposed to be ending today - been kind of nice to have a little break and it sure has helped with the fires but I'm ready for some nice weather.  Was out watching the ducks yesterday at work and saw a beaver swimming around.  I think I like the new office.


Mark:  You need one of these goats.


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“and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks.” ― Douglas Adams, Life, the Universe and Everything
Message 485 of 3,155
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Re: Another Day in Paradise.......

Goats like to play king of the mountain.  They are so nimble!


Looked at more of those cat-duck-disc videos.  All ya need in there is a Fart Blaster.


Rootie, your new office location sounds pretty cool.  It would be hard to keep from looking out the window al the time.  Maybe could go out on your lunch break?  May have to get a picnic bench so can have  a nature break.


Guess I need to head for the resting chamber.  An itching chamber would be heavenlySmiley LOL


Hope I don't see too much Barbie stuff tomorrow.  (no such thing as too much Barbie)

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 486 of 3,155
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Re: Another Day in Paradise.......


Mark: You need one of these goats.



Here is a kid I had for a couple of weeks.


billy da 1goat.jpg




I named him Billy, how original huh?


He would buck my sliding glass doors and/or the full glass windows. Once he jumped on the dining table (glass).


We were able to locate the goat's owner..but I fell in love with it,  the two weeks we had him.



***********************************************I'm amusing myself~WARd**************************************************************************
Message 487 of 3,155
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Re: Another Day in Paradise.......

There ya go using the *F word again....Smiley Indifferent



*Fart Blaster?


Had to look that one up. Found Toys R Us has a store here on eBay that sells those.




I have one of those too..her name is Bella, my boxer/pit mix.




***********************************************I'm amusing myself~WARd**************************************************************************
Message 488 of 3,155
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Re: Another Day in Paradise.......

Smiley LOL  Good one in regard to your dog!!  We had a Boston that could really crank those out; and bad???whew!Smiley Frustrated


What a sweet kid!!  Pretty color!!  So cute he was head-butting his own reflection.  I can see how you could attach to something like that in a short time.  Bet he was fun, tho good thing he was not any bigger...he could have broken the glass in the door.  On the farm as a child, I just loved all the baby calves.  They would get together in a group and butt heads and try to kick up their heels.  Often, so little, they would be a awkward and kind of lose their balance being so toughSmiley Very Happy  Sometimes the winters could be pretty harsh and occasionally a calf would be born at would bring them into the basement(unfinished).  It would be so cute to get up in the morning and they would be up walking around rather clumsily and checking things out.

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 489 of 3,155
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Re: Another Day in Paradise.......

Cute goat Mark - I don't know that I'd want one in my house, but they could be fun in the yard.


So sick all weekend - argh!  Was down and out for most of it.  I hate being sick.


How's the rash Shirls?


Think I'm going back to bed before I decide if I'm going to work today.


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“and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks.” ― Douglas Adams, Life, the Universe and Everything
Message 490 of 3,155
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Re: Another Day in Paradise.......

Feel better Rootie.

***********************************************I'm amusing myself~WARd**************************************************************************
Message 491 of 3,155
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Re: Another Day in Paradise.......

Hi Mark!


No fun to spend your whole week-end feeling pippy.  So, did you go to work or stay in bed and rest some more?


It is taking a while to rid myself of this rash and blisters.  Never had poison ivy quite this bad, that is why wondering if it's poison oak?  Cut down on the steroid cream.  Too big of area to use it even as a topical and think was developing some side effects.  Taking half the antihistamines too and just keeping all the areas cleaned and using lots of calamine.  If you are vain, then calamine is not for you.  But, I am beginning to think it is about the best of any topical I have tried.  It has antihistamine in it as well and does speed up the drying process.  However, every day have new blisters somewhere no matter how careful I am.  Today blisters on the thumb.  The only place so far that is free and clear is my back.  I am stubborn, I will win!! ha!


Had fun in the sales room of the Barbie Convention 2014.  Oh my, so much to look at!  Did miss out on a good bargain though.  Should have bought it right away rather than looking around some more.  I did buy a few things but the best part was meeting a couple of old ebay doll boardies.  That was the best!!  (I don't mean THEY are so old; just been around for a while).   So nice to meet someone in person.  Seemed like had known them for a long though and amazingly just connected pretty quick.  Was a great time!  Glad I went.  Even DH got to meet themSmiley Very Happy

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 492 of 3,155
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Re: Another Day in Paradise.......

All is quiet in Paradise lost.  Mebbe need to get out the pots and pans; start beating them with the wooden spoon just to soften the racket just a tish.


Mark, you need to bring more of the shark kitty on the whirling disc.


Let me see what I can find.....hmmmmm(scratching head as is the only part of my body that is safe to scratch)


Hope you are feeling better, RootieSmiley Indifferent

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 493 of 3,155
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Re: Another Day in Paradise.......

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 494 of 3,155
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Re: Another Day in Paradise.......

Back in the land of the living - I hate flu bugs or whatever the heck I had!


Sorry you're still itching Shirls.  Just what in the heck did you get into?  I warned you about gardening in the nude.


Love the sleeping cats - always wonder how they do that.


Now to catch up on all the stuff I missed at work.  Think I'd rather be sick (j/k).  Just got to see how much got screwed up in my absence.


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“and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks.” ― Douglas Adams, Life, the Universe and Everything
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