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Need Assistance Identifying Silver Mark

Can anyone help me identify the figural mark on this hallmark? It sort of looks like a torch, but not sure. Thanks for any help.

I'm pretty sure the HB stands for Henry Bailey of Boston who was a silversmith from late 1700's to early 1800's if that helps.

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Need Assistance Identifying Silver Mark

More information would be helpful. What is the piece? Picture please. That would help.

Thank you.

Message 2 of 17
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Need Assistance Identifying Silver Mark

Here are some photos.  Could the mark be a tax or duty stamp?

Message 3 of 17
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Need Assistance Identifying Silver Mark

I would have to question content, as in, 'Are you sure it is silver?' Are there any other marks? What makes you think it is silver? Old silver turns much darker, and can be completely black, if it hasn't been polished. My best guess would be pewter, without holding it in my hand, or testing it with acid.

Message 4 of 17
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Need Assistance Identifying Silver Mark

Here is the photo of the inside. Sorry I forgot to include.

Message 5 of 17
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Need Assistance Identifying Silver Mark

How about a picture of the bottom. Again, are there any other marks?

Message 6 of 17
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Need Assistance Identifying Silver Mark

No other marks. I haven't attempted to clean yet. 

Message 7 of 17
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Need Assistance Identifying Silver Mark

I'm suspicious of the numbers on the mark. They look newer than 18th century to me. Pretty piece, but hard to tell at the moment what it is, content wise. I'll do some sleuthing in the next day or two when I can get a chance.

Message 8 of 17
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Need Assistance Identifying Silver Mark

Thank you Lee. I thought the same of the numbers but did some research and the number font is correct for that period.  Also, Bailey was a participant in an exhibition where he won an award for a fur hat piece. The exhibition number was 666. I was wondering if this piece also was possibly a competition entry and was stamped with the 333 number for identification. I cant find any record of that though.

Message 9 of 17
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Need Assistance Identifying Silver Mark

It's cleaning up nicely.

Message 10 of 17
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Need Assistance Identifying Silver Mark

Thanks Lee and all for your help. I have found my references needed for Henry Bailey.  He was alive at least until 1837 and was on the Board for the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanics organization then along with Henry Reed. The organization was founded by Paul Revere in Boston and Revere was the first President. It still exists today.


Message 11 of 17
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Need Assistance Identifying Silver Mark

I need to make a correction, sorry! Bailey died in 1818. He is referenced in publication of 1837 for Massachusetts Charitable Mechanics Association.

Message 12 of 17
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Need Assistance Identifying Silver Mark

Hi. I wanted to let you know that I continued more research on this piece and marking and learned it is Henry Bourne of Birmingham. The tankard was featured in the 1872 London International Exhibition and pictured with several other pieces.

Message 13 of 17
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Need Assistance Identifying Silver Mark

But since it doesn't have British hallmarks it won't be silver, unless I am missing something.



Message 14 of 17
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Need Assistance Identifying Silver Mark

@elvyyu wrote:

But since it doesn't have British hallmarks it won't be silver, unless I am missing something.



You are not missing anything, elvyyu. It is not British sterling silver without the old string of silver hallmarks, which go back several hundred years.

Message 15 of 17
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