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This is ridiculous - filing complaint against eBay with state AG

Filed complaint against eBay with state attorney general for not following their own policies and unreasonable demands.
I am sick and tired of the games Ebay is playing with my wife and me. They have restricted our seller account in violation of their own policies and reasonable business practices.  They are being quite unreasonable with our account because buyers didn't read the auction listings fully and Ebay decided to punish us for it. 
Chronology of events:
Sold items on ebay. Stated shipping dates twice in listing.
Buyers didn't read listing and filed "did not receive" complaints because they were not delivered by the time THEY thought they should arrive.
Ebay restricted our seller account because of these complaints. They demanded proof of shipping. We pointed out that they already had that information - we got our shipping from them. 
They next demanded proof of delivery - again, they didn't even look at their own records. If they had, they would have been seen that the items were delivered.  All claims against us have been closed in our favor.
Next, they demanded we prove that we bought the items via receipts of our purchases. We provided the receipts from an online selling platform showing that the items were bought legally from Mexico's equivalence to eBay.
Ebay next wanted to know whom the buyer was and their ID. We provided their ID and explained the buyer is our roommate in Mexico.
Now they want the Purchase Orders from our supplier on Mexico's Ebay to prove THEY got the items legally.
When does this end? The seller on Mercado Libre will not provide their invoices/purchase orders because it is business proprietary information. Ebay doesn't care. Even if I did get that, what will be next? Proof of how we got the money to buy the items on eBay's competitor in Mexico? How about a blood sample and other DNA?
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Re: This is ridiculous - filing complaint against eBay with state AG

@the_fancy_fox wrote:

@bonjourami wrote:

I remember your other thread, I doubt the states AG has any power over Ebay, but I do wish you luck.You may want to go over the user agreement you signed when you began to sell on here.

You know, user agreements only go so far in protection for a company. Courts can and do set them aside. 


As for the AG just dismissing a complaint, probably happens and then again, when they get enough complaints.... 

Yes you are 100% correct.  There are also a number of large internet companies who have been called to testify in Senate hearings and issued subpoenas.

Message 16 of 22
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Re: This is ridiculous - filing complaint against eBay with state AG

Trust me, the last thing Ebay wants is an investigation into the umpteen ways they are violating consumer protection law and antitrust law.  The service metrics penalty alone is a minefield for them...


The User Agreement doesn't restrict any user from reporting complaints to government agencies.  If it did try to do that,  it wouldn't hold up in court.

Message 17 of 22
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Re: This is ridiculous - filing complaint against eBay with state AG

Yes I understand all that..I was speaking specifically of the op's reporting his case to the AG,(consumer affairs),whats the old saying about a" snowball's chance in hell"? In other words,based on his listing errors, he doesnt have a case.


“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 18 of 22
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Re: This is ridiculous - filing complaint against eBay with state AG

Now they want the Purchase Orders from our supplier on Mexico's Ebay to prove THEY got the items legally


That's the reason you  are restricted.........not the "late" shipment........????  Until they get that or you talk them out of wanting it, I doubt there will be a change....  Not a lawyer, but I would guess they have a "right"/duty to try to prevent sale of questionably obtained merchandise......  after all you sold a number of those dolls for $200 or so, if I remember correctly.......

Message 19 of 22
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Re: This is ridiculous - filing complaint against eBay with state AG

Yes and add that to the op's 'case' with the AG.


“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 20 of 22
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Re: This is ridiculous - filing complaint against eBay with state AG

@bonjourami wrote:

Yes and add that to the op's 'case' with the AG.

I'm sure eBay is shaking in their boots right now!

Message 21 of 22
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Re: This is ridiculous - filing complaint against eBay with state AG

To me the story sounds like your selling items not in stock, or delaying due to drop shipping..whatever the reason you flagged yourself. Now rather than resolving the issue, playing by rules your going after the venue and threatening them. And blaming the buyers for not reading your cryptic description. Not a great business plan, your days will be limited if you carry the Moto it's always someone else's fault. Just have to dial things in to fit the venue. Chalk it up as a learning experience.

Message 22 of 22
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