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The History of eBay

I know this may only appeal to the dinosuar sellers, but has anyone had a chance to see the history of eBay on


It was kind of cool to reminisce. I remember the transition from Auctionweb to eBay, as well as the homepage filled with blue link text.  It was such a exciting and simple time. 

Message 1 of 36
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The History of eBay

There are sites where this information is available 24/7.  Was there something specific you are looking for?

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 2 of 36
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The History of eBay

@myestate-treasures4u wrote:

I know this may only appeal to the dinosuar sellers, but has anyone had a chance to see the history of eBay on


It was kind of cool to reminisce. I remember the transition from Auctionweb to eBay, as well as the homepage filled with blue link text.  It was such a exciting and simple time. 

What makes me nostalgic is not only what was going on with eBay then, but that I was much younger. And yeah, it was easier, for sure, because it was the only show in town.


I remember the first shooting star member, and also the hoopla over "We have one million listings!!!"


What I don't miss is the horrible Geocities and hackneyed HTML templates that sellers used to create and were so proud of - a good half of them were amazingly bad.


And actual ME pages.

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 3 of 36
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The History of eBay

I enjoy the nostalgia too though in a way it's bittersweet; I came on board when home with small children and in those days I assumed that once they were grown I'd ramp up my online business. the joke was on me, by that time it had started being harder to even keep up the sales let alone really get into a middle class income. In the past several years I've only  managed "glorified part time" which means a part time income with full time work.  I continue to work too hard for too little money. Maybe that's just me.

Message 4 of 36
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The History of eBay

@myestate-treasures4u wrote:

I know this may only appeal to the dinosuar sellers, but has anyone had a chance to see the history of eBay on


It was kind of cool to reminisce. I remember the transition from Auctionweb to eBay, as well as the homepage filled with blue link text.  It was such a exciting and simple time. 

OK - I'm confused. According to your feedback page you have been a member since August 2019.


In any event I look back 20 years and I wouldn't want to be there again. We had to pay for every listing whether it sold or not (today I get 100,000 for free), get checks and hoped they cleared, pay extra to have a gallery picture and pay more extra to have multiple pictures, - well there is more.


There are some of us here who have turned it into a good living. But for us to speak up too loudly it just sounds like bragging. But someone has to say I'm glad the past is past.


There have been a whole lot of IMprovements and, admittedly, some UNprovements as well. But on balance it is still fun, frustrating, interesting, perplexing, mundane, challenging, a walk in the park and a dive off the deep end. You know, just like every other aspect of life.

Message 5 of 36
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The History of eBay

I agree, it is interesting and nostalgic to look back and remember all the changes over time, some good, some frustrating, but overall, it works.

Message 6 of 36
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The History of eBay

@myestate-treasures4u wrote:

I know this may only appeal to the dinosuar sellers, but has anyone had a chance to see the history of eBay on


It was kind of cool to reminisce. I remember the transition from Auctionweb to eBay, as well as the homepage filled with blue link text.  It was such a exciting and simple time. 


Nice post!  Ebay has come along way and i do remember the early days. Many in my industry would say it would never work (early days) and some on these boards continue to say that. 😀


Sometimes i like to check out the wayback machine site to see what it was like back in the day. (not just ebay) The graphics are laughable.


I must say its nice to see a post that is not filled with whiny negative complaints. That being said, give it a minute or two for that. 😉


If you post it, they will come.


Message 7 of 36
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The History of eBay

I appreciate your candid response. I too share all of the emotions you listed. 😉

Message 8 of 36
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The History of eBay

@richard1rst wrote:

OK - I'm confused. According to your feedback page you have been a member since August 2019.

I’ve got another eBay ID that goes back further than the one that I use on the discussion boards, @richard1rst.  I suspect the OP has one, too.

Message 9 of 36
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The History of eBay

What I don't miss is


What I don't miss is paying with a check or money order, and then having a seller simply refuse to send the item ... and daring you to leave him a negative, because he would simply retaliate with a neg of his own.

Message 10 of 36
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The History of eBay

And remember the days when you could neg a seller without even having to buy from him.


“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 11 of 36
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The History of eBay

I remember being so happy when BillPoint was introduced, making fast payment possible for the first time!

And the wails when BP was replaced by Paypal.

But of course there would be no complaints if PP were replaced by a more secure system today, would there?

Message 12 of 36
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The History of eBay

I have an older account from 1998. This is my newer one. 


I remember the rush of excitement when watching bids. It is different now. Seems more like watching a stock price rise & fall. Too bad the simplicity, the trust, and the thrill-of-the-hunt have changed. 


Message 13 of 36
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The History of eBay

@mam98031 wrote:

There are sites where this information is available 24/7.  Was there something specific you are looking for?

Lol... sounds like an AI response.

Message 14 of 36
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The History of eBay

@chapeau-noir wrote:


What I don't miss is the horrible Geocities and hackneyed HTML templates that sellers used to create and were so proud of - a good half of them were amazingly bad.


or the wait to load a heavy gif laden template with music


Oh the horrors you just reminded me of.

Message 15 of 36
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