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Suspended for selling Purple Heart Case (No medal) after eBay says it is ok to list....

I had a purple heart case listed, just the case listed and it was removed.  I called ebay and was told I could relist it if I reworded the title a little. I asked the rep to add type this down in the notes just in case it gets pulled again. I relisted and it lasted a few days and it got pulled again and I get suspended for it. Only one day, but its still a pain. So I call again, run in circles,  and get to a supervisor. Shes says I cant sell the case. I asked where it says this and she says its in here own top secret ebay rule book.  I asked her to read it to me, and it was different everytime. I had her telling me that I couldnt list the case because you cant sell any goverment related items on ebay.... . She couldnt see where the other rep had said i could relist it, of course.  Nothing she could do.


She claims there was no one else I could talk to. Is this true? Is there no way to talk to someone who speaks english and or has a clue about ebay? Is it better to call during normal work hours? 

Message 1 of 221
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220 REPLIES 220

Re: Suspended for selling Purple Heart Case (No medal) after eBay says it is ok to list....

@3714508518 wrote:

Leaving the morality out of it, Does it even say some where in the policies that what I did was wrong? (Presuspension) No need to dicuss shadiness, or being ashamed, or ability to sue....  


As most have stated repeatedly you were trying to skirt the rules --- you happened to be doing this on an item where morals are important --- your flippiant attitude towards those who shed blood for you says it all ...

Message 211 of 221
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Re: Suspended for selling Purple Heart Case (No medal) after eBay says it is ok to list....

If there is any mention through the listing or in any messages that there is something not contained in the listing which may be available for purchase, that can be cause enough alone for a suspension.


This is new to eBay, but ebay is recently and currently looking to completely rid the site of sellers who may be engaging in off site sales. They are very actively culling sellers like that right now.


They are using policy violations and often the seller does not know. They are also sanctioning buyers, which I did not know until my call with them this morning

Message 212 of 221
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Re: Suspended for selling Purple Heart Case (No medal) after eBay says it is ok to list....

The eBay Purple Heart


For sellers who have been wounded in the process of selling on eBay!


It's war out there. . .

Message 213 of 221
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Re: Suspended for selling Purple Heart Case (No medal) after eBay says it is ok to list....

@emerald40 wrote:

@kaykeecorp wrote:

@emerald40 wrote:

@kaykeecorp wrote:

@emerald40 wrote:

@goodluckselling wrote:

@kaykeecorp wrote:

@goodluckselling wrote:

@emerald40 wrote:


ebay would be better off not even having these low level people answering the phones but rather direct them to this board for help.  And just have the better trained up the food chain people answering calls for things only they can deal with.


Not a good resolution to the problem you are describing,  eBay is responsible for all actions and eBay CS is no different.  A registered user can take legal action and use the data available to them including the CS experience.


Are you saying you are willing to accept any legal action targeted at you from your actions in helping another user of the forum?


Good Luck Selling!

But the OP was given incorrect advice from eBay Customer Service. Their selling privileges were suspended for a day, therefore losing business and $.


What legal action can the OP take? We agree to a TOS that prohibits legal action.


Why would legal action target users on an anonymous discussion board and not eBay Customer Service?

All actions regardless if conducted by eBay CS or the platform in general are still available for legal actions.  You and I might have agree to opt out of class action lawsuits but that does not release the responsibilty of the site and its agents to legal actions by individuals.


Good Luck Selling!



You would have to have pretty deep pockets to fight ebay in court so is it even feasible for most of us?

Don't even buy into the deflection and obfuscation.


This argument is a red herring and is aimed at derailing the actual discussion of EBay CS misleading the OP so they were suspended as a result.


i see you boo wink


As one of the older generation, what exactly is a "boo."


And what deflection are you referring to?  Someone mentioned suit and I responded.


Still celebrating the 4th?

Why I'm patriotic every day- no I'm not celebrating.


every time a cheerleader comes onto one of these threads they attempt to derail the conversation by deflecting the point away from the original topic. In this case with ridiculous made up law claims


boo means sweetheart in a way, and while I'm sure you are a sweetheart, it was not directed at you

What law did I make up?

OMG you didn't. This is going right over your head.

never mind

Grand Ultimate Supreme
Message 214 of 221
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Re: Suspended for selling Purple Heart Case (No medal) after eBay says it is ok to list....

@hawgryders wrote:

@3714508518 wrote:

Leaving the morality out of it, Does it even say some where in the policies that what I did was wrong? (Presuspension) No need to dicuss shadiness, or being ashamed, or ability to sue....  


As most have stated repeatedly you were trying to skirt the rules --- you happened to be doing this on an item where morals are important --- your flippiant attitude towards those who shed blood for you says it all ...

Coming from someone who is selling a British Royal Navy hat.


You even know his name.


Before you make a profit, have you tried to reunite that hat with the owner or his family ?


Message 215 of 221
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Re: Suspended for selling Purple Heart Case (No medal) after eBay says it is ok to list....

@tellmemama wrote:

@tellmemama wrote:

@kaykeecorp wrote:

@copper.boom wrote:

@kaykeecorp wrote:

But how could Trinton know that the OP was told it was okay to relist if the CSR Supervisor didn't? Either there are notes or there aren't.

Trinton didn't say whether he read notes or listened to a recording of the call (or asked someone else with access to do it).



How could Trinton know that CS told the OP it was ok to list the empty medal case if the CSR Supervisor didn't know? And claimed there are no notes?


Is the CSR Supervisor lying?

Is Trinton lying?

Is the OP lying?


because someone is

And it's a safe bet on who isn't.  Which one has been suspended?


<edit: spelling>

I stand by my assessment of the incorrect information from customer service being unacceptable.  And I felt bad for the OP's treatment for trying to sell a box.  But having read the subsequent posts where there actually was a medal and it was always going to be negotiated and sold "off eBay", I gotta admit I'm pretty disgusted.  Not for nothin', but now I believe there was just cause to remove the listings and suspend the OP.  That being said, I think it's lower than low to profit from someone else's service and sacrifice.  Period.  And to express glee over doing it?  Sub-terrainian (if that's a word) at best and frankly a little mercenary.


All for 800 bucks.  I hope I never need money that badly.

<edit: spelling>





So OP was actually suspended for trying to sell the medal off eBay?


And Trinton was absolutely correct in saying proper education was given? 


Wow OP- liar liar pants on fire

Grand Ultimate Supreme
Message 216 of 221
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Re: Suspended for selling Purple Heart Case (No medal) after eBay says it is ok to list....

@*madison wrote:

 I think it's lower than low to profit from someone else's service and sacrifice. 



Tell that to actual family members that profit from their relatives service and sacrifice.


Yes,  family members sell war medals, cases etc, instead of passing them down the generations..


So, if family members don't mind making a profit, why should the op ?


You do realize that with the main bread winner gone or severely disabled from the War, some family members do it to keep a roof over their head and food on the table.

Message 217 of 221
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Re: Suspended for selling Purple Heart Case (No medal) after eBay says it is ok to list....

@*madison wrote:

To me it's just wrong to sell a medal that is found wherever and profiting from it all the while having no idea who it belonged to.  



Well we have our own opinions. I'll stick with mine.


But anyway, the op was selling a case, not a medal.

But anyway the OP did sell both the case and the medal to the same person.  Imagine how he was able to accomplish that?

Message 218 of 221
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Re: Suspended for selling Purple Heart Case (No medal) after eBay says it is ok to list....

You do realize that with the main bread winner gone or severely disabled from the War, some family members do it to keep a roof over their head and food on the table.




You do realise that some family members do it because they just don't want the war medals ?


I've seen people sell them on tv auction programmes so they can put the money towards an holiday in the sun.

Message 219 of 221
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Re: Suspended for selling Purple Heart Case (No medal) after eBay says it is ok to list....

@3714508518 wrote:

Thank you for your opinion. Try reading the whole thing before commenting, I has been said numerous that no medal was shown, or hinted to be included. It is a little tough to do since about 90 percent of the 10 pages of posts is incorrect information, reposts, unrelated conversations, opinion, whining, etc etc. I know but it is there all over the place.


Feel free to tell me about a war since WWII that is on the same level. Do we need to discuss the purpose and reasons for any of todays war. Or Todays warfare, loss of life, chance of seeing combat, etc etc. Do we need to discuss why suicide rates double for members of of the military, etc etc. Different time and age. 


I am not discreditting your service or anyones since. And your opinion of a misinterpretation of what I said is your own, no need to wrongly drag in everyone else. 

I have read the whole thing, as I've previously mentioned, and my opinion still stands.  Of course, most Vietnam vets are use to people with attitudes like yours.  

"It is an intelligent man that is aware of his own ignorance."
Message 220 of 221
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Re: Suspended for selling Purple Heart Case (No medal) after eBay says it is ok to list....

@*madison wrote:

@hawgryders wrote:

@3714508518 wrote:

Leaving the morality out of it, Does it even say some where in the policies that what I did was wrong? (Presuspension) No need to dicuss shadiness, or being ashamed, or ability to sue....  


As most have stated repeatedly you were trying to skirt the rules --- you happened to be doing this on an item where morals are important --- your flippiant attitude towards those who shed blood for you says it all ...

Coming from someone who is selling a British Royal Navy hat.


You even know his name.


Before you make a profit, have you tried to reunite that hat with the owner or his family ?


His name is S.A. Armstrong --- he was in the US Air Force --- assigned to the HMS Ark Royal during a NATO operation in the Vietnam era --- would have been in the North Atlantic in a non-combat area


If you study my history you will find I have sold militaria ranging from the Civil War to Desert Storm --- but I have never, nor will I ever, sell a PH, CMH, SS, DSC, or any other medal listed on the Stolen Valor Act of 2005 (revised in 2013) --- nor have I ever sold a Burial Flag


I have, however, donated these things to the VFW, AL, and other Military Fraternal Organizations --- and on a few occasions I have returned things to relatives who were unaware they were in a storage, estate, or local auction


Now back to the hat --- I bought this HMS Cap, and the accompanying US Air Force Cap, years ago from Mr. Armstrong's family at a "down-sizing" sale --- there were many things they said held no sentimental value --- picked these up to make a few bucks


Funny thing --- I miscalculated their worth --- they are too "new" for most collectors ...

Message 221 of 221
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