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I am a new eBay seller. I just placed my first sell for $4200 staring bid price. EBay will not let me list the item as it is over $1000. They want me to build my personal selling of 10 items first then I can sell my item at $4200 starting auction bid price. This makes no sense to me. Need help?


Message 1 of 18
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Sell item

You run into all kinds of risks listing an item of that value as a new seller, especially with an auction listing.


Not sure what the item is, but if it is electronics there are a  ton of horror stories about sellers losing the item and the money.


Start small if you want to try to sell.  For an item of that value you can try to sell locally as well.  


Good luck

Message 2 of 18
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Sell item

This makes no sense to me.




The logic behind it is that they want to make sure you're a qualified seller before you get in too deep. Hang in there...

Message 3 of 18
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I recommend selling a few small things to make sure your payout/bank account is set up correctly and see exactly how everything works.

Ebay will increase limits when they see you are doing a good job.

These limits are for your protection too. 

Message 4 of 18
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Sell item



A new seller shouldn't be selling a $4200 item.

You'll be a prime target for scammers and there's a good chance you would loose the item and any payment made.

Start out with cheaper items and build up a little experience before listing anything expensive.

Have a great day.
Message 5 of 18
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The restriction is to protect you from making costly mistakes, including falling for scams aimed at new buyers, because of your inexperience.  It likewise protects buyers from the mistakes of inexperienced sellers. 


Selling on eBay is not so easy as it may seem to you now, and eBay is right to ask you to learn to walk before you try to run.



Message 6 of 18
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There are countless stories of scam sellers who post highly priced items and never follow through on the transaction. This platform wants to provide a safe environment for buyers to purchase items and they can't do that if sellers aren't completing the sales or ripping off the buyers. You are admittedly new, haven't built up any feedback as yet, and haven't shown that you are a legitimate seller who will complete their transactions. Why would a limit be so incomprehensible? Best of luck to you....

Message 7 of 18
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By limiting new sellers (and new buyers) eBay is trying to protect them from unscrupulous scammers.

It would be a whole lot better for you to lose a few bucks than to lose over 4K, don't you think? 

Message 8 of 18
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Sell item

didn't read the other responses but makes perfect sense to me to limit what you can start out selling. You want to be scammed out of a $4200 item because you are green at selling here because you are not familar with how things work around here?

Message 9 of 18
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Find some little things from around the house to practice on and learn the ins and outs of selling.  EBay is not a get rich quick scheme.  

Message 10 of 18
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Sell item

@rayoflight_1 wrote:

 This makes no sense to me. Need help?


You were just provided help.  I'm so happy to see ebay finally providing some help that new sellers need so that your first post here isn't I just got cheated out of my $4200. item. 

Message 11 of 18
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I have been selling here for 9 years and would never even consider selling anything for over $300.  It always has to be in the back of your mind that you could lose both the money and the item on any given item.  That's a risk I'm not wiling to take. 


It should make perfect sense to you if you stop and think.

evry1nositswindy  •  seller since 2013
Volunteer Community Mentor

Message 12 of 18
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Get down on your knees and thank all the greater and lesser gods that Ebay prevented you from flushing $4,200 down the toilet.

Message 13 of 18
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Sell item

@rayoflight_1 wrote:

I am a new eBay seller. I just placed my first sell for $4200 staring bid price. EBay will not let me list the item as it is over $1000. They want me to build my personal selling of 10 items first then I can sell my item at $4200 starting auction bid price. This makes no sense to me. Need help?


You have been saved from yourself.  Perhaps try selling inexpensive items for a year or so to get the hang of things, then move into selling items for 4200.

Posting ID
Message 14 of 18
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Sell item

@rayoflight_1 wrote:

I am a new eBay seller. I just placed my first sell for $4200 staring bid price. EBay will not let me list the item as it is over $1000. They want me to build my personal selling of 10 items first then I can sell my item at $4200 starting auction bid price. This makes no sense to me. Need help?


eBay has 25 years of data about millions of buyers, millions of sellers, and billions of transactions. 


I suspect they have a very good idea of what activity by sellers is likely to result in disappointed buyers, fraudulent buyers, and financial losses incurred by new sellers. 


While their decision may make no sense to you, it probably make perfect sense to eBay. 



Message 15 of 18
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