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[][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][]

Welcome to the Scrounge Lounge 

Our History: The Scrounge Lounge formed on the old Auction Listings board 17 years ago in 2003.
We appreciate ebay allowing us to transfer to the new Selling Board.
Who are we? Ebay buyers and sellers who love the thrill of the hunt and the thrill of the $ELL.
We find treasures in the usual, and at times, unusual places.
Here in the Lounge we share our finds, talk about sales, share our successes and our mistakes, we ask and answer questions, help identify widgets, and we'd love to hear about all your scrounging adventures!

Message 1 of 394
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393 REPLIES 393

Re: [][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][]

Sun, good advise on the we are all scroungers.


Where I am, the smoke and no blue sky has kept us in the 90's and broke the upper 100's, but my sister lives in Boulder Creek and was evacuated hours before her home and over 40 years of collections and our parents stuff and history in a barn and a couple airsteam trailers were melted and burnt.  She got out with clothes on her back, her husband and their 3 cats.  They won't come to live with us and have had offers from all of us, intstead have been hotel hopping and paying 30 a head extra for the cats in not exactly what one could even call 2 star hotel.  They are still in shock and want to be able to sift through the rubble.  OMG she could have opened a museum or huge antique store with her hoards of various "collections"  My Heart breaks, but glad they are alive and facing the change and future with strong face to outsiders.  Unfortunately they declined the fire insurance that they've paid for 40 years this year because of the price doubling from last year and there were no fires that really threatened them too bad in that time .  It was due Aug 1st.......  18 days later........ ;-(  and of course regular home owners is not good as it was an act of God.   Buggars


Super cute baby up there 


Slow sales, but I slack on listing so what do I expect, a few a week and also just had two sales from 0 FB newbies that were no pays.


As CA burns up many are bracing for hurricanes,  I want to live in Mayberry for a while.  The Grands are doing OK with the distance learning, but really miss school and the non masked days and sports and such. 


Now it is time again for me to keep my thoughts out of here, so again wishing all well

Common sense is a flower that does not grow in every garden.

Message 166 of 394
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Re: [][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][]

Oh   Justy    I am so sorry for your sisters loss and your family's loss too.     So sad.   Someday they will come to their senses and take you up on your offer for a place to stay.      Horrible about the fire insurance.    Just sad.     


Everyone stay safe out there.    

Message 167 of 394
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Re: [][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][]

Justy, I'm so sorry for your sister and family. How devastating. Good news that people and pets are safe. I'm sure they appreciate knowing they have a soft place to fall if or when they need it. 


My cousin and her husband live in the Keys. And I have several family members scattered throughout Florida. So I've got my fingers crossed that the hurricanes are more bark than bite.


Pat, heat and humidity are invading here, too. 


Sales are slow. I had a package go out last week. Declined a lowball offer yesterday. I'm sure listing some new stuff would help, but I've been enjoying goofing off this summer. One of these days I'll snap back into action.



Message 168 of 394
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Re: [][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][]

@justeyen  Thanks for coming back and letting us know of your situation.  So sorry for your sister's family, especially the loss of home and all their possessions.  It has to take time to get one's thoughts and a plan together.  So much for living in the land of milk and honey!


Pat, we are some some auctions here with distancing and masks.  We haven't been to any yet and probably wont go for a while more.  Makes life a little boring ;-(  Our weather has been nice - mostly in the 80s (the kind I like) and we've had showers almost everyday.


In fact Kay, you might keep an eye on the second hurricane.  It is supposed to turn easy after coming ashore and head for the Atlantic.  Might get pushed up your way.


I get pushed into  Managed Payments Wednesday.  Can hardly wait - NOT.  We'll see how it goes.  But sales have been so s l o w  that it probably won't make any difference!


BigBoy is ready to  be tucked in.



Message 169 of 394
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Re: [][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][]

What are managed payments     Patd???    I did not read all the news from Ebay and do not know what they are.    Sounds like something new and bad from Ebay. 


Your weather sounds great Patd.     Wow we cannot get a rain here at all.   Just 95 to 100 or more each day.    Just unbearable.  

Message 170 of 394
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Re: [][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][]

Justy, I'm so very sorry to hear about what happened to your sister & her husband. I'm glad they were able to get out in time.

 So much death & devastation everywhere right now...

 I hope in time they decide to come & stay with you.  May help her out a bit to be with loving caring family....


 Glad your Grands are doing ok.  It's a big adjustment for kids these days to get used to something different than what they're used to.

  So far our schools are still in session but more & more teachers & workers are getting sick every single day, so not sure how much longer until they go back to E-Learning like they did the beginning of the year.

  A lot of the colleges are going back to E-Learning already...  

 I hope when the time comes that your sister goes back, she's able to find items that were not lost....

Message 171 of 394
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Re: [][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][]

Kay we're getting hit big time with the heat & humidity now..  Temps in the 90's & when you walk outside your glasses instantly fog up.  Supposed to be like that here the rest of the week...

  Mother Nature is not in a good mood....

Message 172 of 394
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Re: [][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][]

Patd.  Yes, for now it's better for Mr. to not go to any of the regular auctions.  Hopefully in time things will get back to normal.

 We try to stay busy around here getting this & that done.  Can't really do anything outside right now tho with the weather we're having.

 I hope you continue to have the weather you enjoy 🙂

Message 173 of 394
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Re: [][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][]

@sunfarmer  If you haven't been opening your eBay emails, you might want to look.  eBay is forcing ALL users into Managed Payments by early 2021.  It is much like what Amazon and Etsy have with Adyen managing payments and eBay handling the payouts.  In most categories, sellers will same a tiny amount of $ which they are making a big deal out of, of course.  The proceeds from sales will be put in the account you select or set-up either daily or once a week (Tuesdays) whichever you select.  I think books, movies, tapes, etc. will have a slightly higher charge.


Anyway, you need to check on this and see where you stand.  You will not be able to list if you have not registered for MP.


Good luck.  Patd

Message 175 of 394
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Re: [][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][]

Thank you Patd    for the link and the info.    

Message 176 of 394
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Re: [][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][]

Whoo HOO   I finally made it to a top rated seller again. 😉

Message 177 of 394
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Re: [][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][]

Tea, congrats on your Top Rated status! 


I'm aware of managed payments but haven't been notified regarding the switch. I'll learn what I need to when the time comes. 


Today was  a gorgeous day, about 80° with low humidity. Perfect weather sandwiched in between 90+ humid days yesterday and tomorrow. 



Message 178 of 394
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Re: [][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][]

Kay I haven't received anything about the managed payments either.


We're still humid here, but they're saying we'll cool off a bit & have less humidity by the weekend.


 Those poor people with the hurricane....  US is not getting a break right now...  They were showing it on the morning news today.  So much destruction....



Message 179 of 394
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Re: [][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][]



Just a recommendation.  If you don't currently have a separate checking account you are going to use then get one NOW.  Quite a few people are getting new checking accts at the last moment and then are unable to upload a statement if eBay requires it.


Luckily I had an account at a credit union I had opened years ago (30+) to get an auto loan with $20 in it.  I'm using that account for all my online selling sites that require DD to a bank instead of Paypal.


When linking your account DO NOT USE THE LOGIN TO YOUR BANK prompt that's hosted by   Bypass that, find the entry for "my bank isn't listed" and enter the routing and account numbers.  The user agreement for paywithmybank gives them permission to view your account activity in perpetuity.  NOT gonna happen.



Member of the Grumpy Old Man crew
Message 180 of 394
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