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Okay: Is this one of those days when something actually is wrong with Ebay?

I'm running a sale right now and yesterday had 41 views, down from 67 views a couple days after the sale went live. Normally, without running a sale or doing anything I get about 35 views a day. Today I've gotten *14*. Does that seem inordinately low? Did Ebay shut off the tap or something? 

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Re: Okay: Is this one of those days when something actually is wrong with Ebay?

Yep, sales are tanking. Metrics are a Chinese fire drill on steroids. Concerned? Get in line. 😉

Message 2 of 15
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Re: Okay: Is this one of those days when something actually is wrong with Ebay?

Yes. EBay decided they are tired of this. They no longer want to make any money. Collecting fees from sales has become too much. So they decided to stop bringing in buyers, so things stop selling. "Take that sellers!" was heard being shouted from EBay HQ today.


Clearly it's all EBay's fault. They did it. They "turned off the tap".

Message 3 of 15
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Re: Okay: Is this one of those days when something actually is wrong with Ebay?

With it being Mothers Day weekend, people are probably out spending time with family and not doing much window shopping online.

Have a great day.
Message 4 of 15
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Re: Okay: Is this one of those days when something actually is wrong with Ebay?

I did the same thing a week ago. I didn't call it a sale. I basically listed items at .99 with free shipping.  I wanted to see what would happen. I figure if I go the lowest in price I would be kinda near the top of the page when a buyer looks for a certain item for sale. I stopped doing promoted stuff. I was getting some buys but nothing at .99 for sale until after a week. I only got 2 different buyers from the .99 sales after a week they were posted. So I don't know if doing the .99 items for sale bought buyers looking at my stuff and buying items. I was going without buys for a few days in a row for months. Kind of on and off. But now, I am getting some sales everyday instead of every second or third day.

Message 5 of 15
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Re: Okay: Is this one of those days when something actually is wrong with Ebay?

Yes, as soon as eBay saw you got 67 views, they dispatched a tech team to spend several days looking into why this has happened.  After much deliberation and study, they couldn't explain this phenomenon, but also concluded that this kind of thing just can't be good for their business.  They made a recommendation that eBay "shut off the tap" on your listings in order that this kind of thing never happens again.  I guess it's just bad luck on your part that you got so many views that day, and eBay caught it.  Now, the only question is, how did those 14 views you got today slip through the firewall?

Message 6 of 15
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Re: Okay: Is this one of those days when something actually is wrong with Ebay?

🙂 nice! I've seen Ebay doing weird things to sales accounts at least twice a year. If it's that, then I actually sometimes just put my store on vacation until it calms down. 

Message 7 of 15
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Re: Okay: Is this one of those days when something actually is wrong with Ebay?


James do you think they just throttle some number of accounts on a sort of timed schedule? Sometimes it seems that way to me. 

Message 8 of 15
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Re: Okay: Is this one of those days when something actually is wrong with Ebay?

Putting your store on vacation is a great way to teach eBay a lesson, not to mention getting your views back up to where you think they should be before eBay singled you out for too much activity on your account.

Message 9 of 15
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Re: Okay: Is this one of those days when something actually is wrong with Ebay?

Lol, cut it out. 

Message 10 of 15
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Re: Okay: Is this one of those days when something actually is wrong with Ebay?

I'm sorry, but the bigger picture is there are 100s and 100s of these posts all the time on here. It gets to be a bit much so I resort to sarcasm, sorry.


Some have better days and some have worse days. Someone said its Mothers Day weekend.


I remember looking back, it always seems as if Holiday weekends my sales plummet, and the day or two after the holidays my sales skyrocket.


It always used to be my weekends were huge for sales, and Monday/Tuesday were SLOOWWWWWW.


For the past few months, my Mondays & Tuesdays saw DOUBLE my average daily sales rate or more. Weekends became slow. Maybe people who missed out on Big Time Weekend auctions came and bought from me the day or two after? I dont know! All I know is EBay is probably not doing anything against anyone and it's just the tides... they ebb and flow

Message 11 of 15
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Re: Okay: Is this one of those days when something actually is wrong with Ebay?

Some times I make 0 sales in a given day, or sell 1 item for $20-$40. Then I go and sell 10-20 items for $1,000 the next day. Again...tides ebb and flow. No, I never run auctions, always BINs. Not like it is based on timing of auction ends

Message 12 of 15
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Re: Okay: Is this one of those days when something actually is wrong with Ebay?

Not just you.  Sales tanked well over a week ago.  I guess Ebay just likes to mess with our head.  See how crazy they can drive you before you list everything for free

Message 13 of 15
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Re: Okay: Is this one of those days when something actually is wrong with Ebay?

I do so much better on weekdays than I do weekend business.  I dred the weekends.

Message 14 of 15
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Re: Okay: Is this one of those days when something actually is wrong with Ebay?

Not sure about other "markets" but major coin dealers do a lot of higher end coin auctions on Saturday and Sunday evenings. I feel like everyone saves their money for those (few sales for me on a weekend)...and then all those that fell short come to me to buy after they missed out. Not to say I'm playing 2nd fiddle, but It's just that I'm not running an auction.


Ohhh, perfect example. I had a pretty pricey item ($~350-400) listed. There were only a couple of them available, they are a bit rare and come up from time to time. Someone auctioned one and there were a couple bidders. 1 of those bidders was making me offers before the end of the auction trying to see if they could get mine cheaper than the auction price. Just after the end of the auction (within 5 minutes) someone else came and snatched mine up. I did a little detective work, and he was the 2nd highest bidder on the auction. He missed out on the auctioned one, and came over to my listing and ponied up. (Paid $10 more than his highest bid, $5 more than final auction price).


If you ever bid on an auction, you know how pumped up you get towards the end, ready to have that item in your hands only to have it pulled out from under you by just a little bit at the last second. You're ready to just go get one and "Buy It Now" because you don't want to wait for the next auction down the road. Thats why I think my Mondays & Tuesdays especially are great sales days! Thanks to all the auctioneers over the weekend!

Message 15 of 15
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