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Looks like all stores now have an extra search bar at the very top which is for All of eBay.

Why has eBay added a sitewide search bar on my store page? I was wondering why my sales just ended totally, well now I know.

Ebay changed the search bar in stores from one to two, where the top one is all of ebay, then IF the shopper scrolls down they will find my store search bar. Yet most shoppers, they don't know the difference.

This action and change has killed my sales. Please make it the way it was.

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Re: Looks like all stores now have an extra search bar at the very top which is for All of eBay.

Why has eBay added a sitewide search bar on my store page?


Why do they do anything - to make more money.  They added it a few days ago.  I used to search my own store easily and now I have to take a little longer as I automatically use the top search.  I suppose there are people that will use the smaller search when they never inteneded to and just see my listings.


Message 2 of 20
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Re: Looks like all stores now have an extra search bar at the very top which is for All of eBay.

I haven't seen a change like that in my store.  It could be something they are rolling out and I won't see it for a day to weeks after you.  It will be interesting to see what other sellers say about this.


Can you provide a screen shot of your store showing the extra box so I can visualize what you are seeing please.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 3 of 20
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Re: Looks like all stores now have an extra search bar at the very top which is for All of eBay.

I've had the two search bars for a while - search the entire site and search this store.  I never noticed any change in my sales.  The 'search this store' is actually in my store so it's pretty easy to see.  I'm wondering if they're rolling out various 'experiences' some more obscure than others.


Screenshot 2020-10-19 011055.jpg

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 4 of 20
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Re: Looks like all stores now have an extra search bar at the very top which is for All of eBay.

I noticed the extra search bar at the top of my store as well.  I am so over the constant tweaks on ebay that I am not giving anything they do any thought.  I refused to sign up for MP because it would effectively close down my store anyhow due to the ban on coin sales.  Maybe the extra search bar is for the sellers who didn't play along with the managed payment debacle? 

To be transparent I just went to my store and low and behold the extra search bar is gone!  There was an extra search bar there last week.  I am starting to think that some inexperienced ebay programmers are the ones messing up the site and the good programmers have to fix everything.  Except for making $180K  per year I can't think of any reason someone would want to sit on their ass all day keyboarding while life passes by outside.  Gotta go.  The sun is out today!

Message 5 of 20
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Re: Looks like all stores now have an extra search bar at the very top which is for All of eBay.

Something about Lemons and Lemonade comes to mind:


Search box.jpg

Message 6 of 20
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Re: Looks like all stores now have an extra search bar at the very top which is for All of eBay.



Screenshot (57).png

Message 7 of 20
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Re: Looks like all stores now have an extra search bar at the very top which is for All of eBay.

@dhbookds wrote:



Screenshot (57).png

Interesting, thank you.  When I view my store it doesn't look like that.



mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 8 of 20
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Re: Looks like all stores now have an extra search bar at the very top which is for All of eBay.


My store had the two search boxes and now when I just checked it, there is only the one search box  up at the top that says search this store.  I wonder what is going on?  Would you mind checking mine and let me know how it displays for you?

Message 9 of 20
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Re: Looks like all stores now have an extra search bar at the very top which is for All of eBay.

Ahhh... just another reason to NOT have a store!

Message 10 of 20
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Re: Looks like all stores now have an extra search bar at the very top which is for All of eBay.

@little*blackdog wrote:

Ahhh... just another reason to NOT have a store!

Well NO!  There are plenty of benefits of having a store that would absolutely be more costly for a seller.  Stores have very good value to them if they are Basic and above.  Something like this certainly does not take away from that if you ONLY considered the lower FVF benefit.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 11 of 20
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Re: Looks like all stores now have an extra search bar at the very top which is for All of eBay.

Maybe I'm just silly, but it's clear as day that the top bar belongs to the general site, and the lower bar belongs to the store.

(sorry, I can't get a screenshot to show the entire page, but anyone can look )

Anyway, search bar for general site - I mean, it seems clear as day to me.

Besides, as far as I remember that search bar has always been at the top.



Search box under store header and featured items - clear as day that it is a store search.


The easier you are to offend the easier you are to control.

We seem to be getting closer and closer to a situation where nobody is responsible for what they did but we are all responsible for what somebody else did. - Thomas Sowell
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Re: Looks like all stores now have an extra search bar at the very top which is for All of eBay.

Message 13 of 20
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Re: Looks like all stores now have an extra search bar at the very top which is for All of eBay.



I'm still seeing Search This Store on the top search bar.


The screen shot you shared looks a lot like the old store layout. It's funny to me that there were complaints when they went to a single search box and eliminated the Search Store box (me included) and now that they put it back, there are concerns that it's going back.


Like you, I think it's pretty  clear that the Search This Store is for the store and Search For Anything is for the entire site. The only thing I'd like to see return is the ability to search the store by category.


Message 14 of 20
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Re: Looks like all stores now have an extra search bar at the very top which is for All of eBay.

@dhbookds wrote:



Screenshot (58).png

Thank you for doing the screenshot.  What you shared is what I WAS seeing the other day.  Now every store that I have checked is missing the new search this store box and looks like this...

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