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I just blocked a bidder, for a reason I never did before

I just had a buyer make an offer on an item. It was a low ball offer, which I don't have a problem with ($15 offer on a $23 item). I never block a buyer for making a low ball offer, I just either counter or just decline and move on. In some cases the person will come back and even accept my counter.


In this case, I countered with $20. The buyer countered again with the same $15 and left this message:


"I'm in ___. Shipping shouldn't be that much from ___. Change it to standard ground shipping with that lower cost to us both and you have a deal".


First of all, how is changing the shipping a lower cost to me?  All of my listings have a minimal handling charge which helps cover my packing expenses. Second of all, postage is not something to be negotiated over in "best offer". Thirdly, don't come back with the same exact offer I just refused.  Fourthly, don't dictate to me what I need to do to make the sale in my store.


And last and probably most importantly, the buyer just registered on ebay today 2/20, so for a newbie to be telling an over 20 year seller how to run their business isn't a good way to establish your presence on the site.


For those reasons, my gut is telling me, this customer could possibly be a problem right from the get. So I've declined the second $15 offer and blocked them. 


Two questions would any of you have done the same thing? 


Second question, because we were still in negotiation, meaning the buyer didn't use all of their offers, can they still come in and either buy the item at the listed price, or make another counter offer even though I've blocked them?  I don't believe they can, but again never blocked a buyer in mid negotiation.

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Re: I just blocked a bidder, for a reason I never did before

@gb58 wrote:

Second question, because we were still in negotiation, meaning the buyer didn't use all of their offers, can they still come in and either buy the item at the listed price, or make another counter offer even though I've blocked them?  I don't believe they can, but again never blocked a buyer in mid negotiation.

Not with the same ID.

Message 2 of 21
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Re: I just blocked a bidder, for a reason I never did before

Yeah I get tired of the games also and block.  I did have a few open new accounts right afterwards and purchase the item.  I report this to ebay right away and cancel order.

Message 3 of 21
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Re: I just blocked a bidder, for a reason I never did before

There is nothing to report to ebay.


My gut was just telling me this could turn out to be a not so great transaction, so I just went with what my gut was telling me, and block them.

Message 4 of 21
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Re: I just blocked a bidder, for a reason I never did before

Good riddance. 

Message 5 of 21
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Re: I just blocked a bidder, for a reason I never did before

Go with your gut. I have blocked for exactly the same scenario. When you get that Spidey sense - you know...

Message 6 of 21
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Re: I just blocked a bidder, for a reason I never did before

They can still try and get the item at listed price under another ebay account id. I had one buyer using 6 different ebay accounts on me once a while back.

Message 7 of 21
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Re: I just blocked a bidder, for a reason I never did before

@gb58  wrote:

”…would any of you have done the same thing? “


In the 15 years of my eBay selling, i have developed a philosophy about blocking potential buyers.


My block list has 5 names on it.

That is because my sole purpose here is to sell, so i very rarely block potential buyers, especially those who show interest in my item by making an offer. They are the most unlikely to be blocked. 

I consider lowball offers to be a starting off point for closing the sale. They do not offend me, as this is business, not personal. In that same vein, questions from buyers are another indication of interest in my listings, so those who ask  questions won’t be blocked either, even if the answer to their query is found in the listing.


If a potential customer has multiple questions, my response is to answer them politely, in a timely manner. While doing this, i use the opportunity to clinch the sale.

Buyers with little to no sales history or feedback do not raise my concerns. One cannot discern a bad buyer from a feedback score alone. More info is required before a sound judgement can be made about the suitability of a zero feedback newbie as a trading partner.


Lastly, I try not to worry upfront about transactions going south, or about getting scammed, because there are enough challenges to selling online as it is. I sure don’t need to borrow trouble before it visits me, nor anticipate bad things happening with my transactions.

That would be leading with fear, which could interfere with my buyers having confidence in my listings. So it is best not to worry about what might happen, or to base actions and decisions on such anxiety. That profits no one.


Message 8 of 21
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Re: I just blocked a bidder, for a reason I never did before

And last and probably most importantly, the buyer just registered on ebay today 2/20, so for a newbie to be telling an over 20 year seller how to run their business isn't a good way to establish your presence on the site.


This is irrelevant and is personalising the transaction - always a mistake. They don't care. Just block and go on with your business, which is what I would have done.


ETA: Agree with @fashunu4eeuh - best to not base best practices on the possibility of a transaction going wrong, that is indeed 'leading with fear.'

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 9 of 21
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Re: I just blocked a bidder, for a reason I never did before

This scenario has become all to common in 2024. The lowball offer, the explanation of shipping and just why we as stores should give them a better deal.  You did the right thing. Your gut told you to just nip it in the bud and you did.

We've had 3 this month do this same thing and 2 never paid. Then we end up canceling.

You just saved yourself some time & aggravation.

Keep on selling & move on.

Message 10 of 21
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Re: I just blocked a bidder, for a reason I never did before

@epowerbargains wrote:

Go with your gut. I have blocked for exactly the same scenario. When you get that Spidey sense - you know...

Guts are notoriously bad at predictions.  Facts over feelings.  

Message 11 of 21
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Re: I just blocked a bidder, for a reason I never did before

Experience plus gut feeling is a pretty good method of self protection for me but you be you - whatever works for you. 

Message 12 of 21
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Re: I just blocked a bidder, for a reason I never did before

The gut reaction was based on fact. The facts are they came back with the same exact offer I had just declined, but this time with the stipulation I reduce shipping. This all being done with an account they just opened that day.


As I said in my original post, I have no problem with low ball offers, I also have no problem with new accounts. But for a brand new buyer as of that same day to want to dictated shipping policy to a seller, well, I see that as a problem potentially in the making.


Message 13 of 21
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Re: I just blocked a bidder, for a reason I never did before

I consider lowball offers to be a starting off point for closing the sale. They do not offend me, as this is business, not personal. In that same vein, questions from buyers are another indication of interest in my listings, so those who ask questions won’t be blocked either, even if the answer to their query is found in the listing.


I said in my OP, I don't have problems with low ball offers, the buyer wasn't blocked because of the low ball offer. I actually replied with a counter offer to this buyer.


The buyer didn't ask a question, they made a statement telling me what I needed to do (reduce shipping) to make the sale. Most likely had the buyer asked, "can you do a little better on the shipping", I would have responded, "sorry, shipping is not negotiable" and just declined the offer, without blocking.  As the title states, in over 20 years I've never blocked a buyer for this reason, so it wasn't just based on gut reaction it was also based on my 20+ years experience of buying and selling.


It was all the multiple factors together that made me decide to block the buyer.


If a potential customer has multiple questions, my response is to answer them politely, in a timely manner. While doing this, I use the opportunity to clinch the sale.

I always answer questions in a timely polite manner also. No question was asked, a demand was made by the buyer.


Buyers with little to no sales history or feedback do not raise my concerns. One cannot discern a bad buyer from a feedback score alone. More info is required before a sound judgement can be made about the suitability of a zero feedback newbie as a trading partner.


It wasn't the fact they had zero feedback. I sell to new accounts all the time. it was the fact the new account was just created that day and the buyer was making a demand regarding shipping to make the sale.


Message 14 of 21
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Re: I just blocked a bidder, for a reason I never did before

@gb58 wrote:

I just had a buyer make an offer on an item. It was a low ball offer, which I don't have a problem with ($15 offer on a $23 item).


Two questions would any of you have done the same thing? 



First, a $15 offer on a $23 item is not a low ball offer. Today I received a $10 offer on a $50 item that had free shipping.  Now that is a lowball offer.  Second, as you noted, you can make a counter offer or just decline the offer.  If they come back a second time with the same low offer you can just ignore, they will get the message.  

Message 15 of 21
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