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Feedback enhancements now visible



Over the past few months, we’ve been working to improve the feedback experience for buyers on eBay. We are making these changes in order to give potential buyers better insight into your products. 


  1. We recently updated the default sort to highlight the most relevant feedback for your potential buyers.

  2. We have also started rolling out images on feedback to select sellers who have listings with multiple quantities. 


Starting this month, sellers will be able to preview feedback images on their own sold items. At this time, other eBay buyers and sellers will not be able to view images in your feedback. Existing policies related to feedback and feedback removal will also apply to images. Once this rollout is complete, we’ll be expanding image feedback visibility to buyers.


With these updates, your potential buyers will see your most engaged buyers’ feedback and be more confident about their purchasing decisions. Richer text and images in feedback may add credibility and drive sales by instilling additional confidence for interested buyers as they shop. To date, we've already collected almost a million images and the vast majority are associated with positive feedback and showcase the great products and positive experiences buyers have with our eBay sellers.


These updates will serve to add credibility to reviews and increase buyer confidence, while also elevating your feedback scores and helping to drive conversion.


As always, thank you for selling on eBay.


The eBay Team

Message 1 of 107
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106 REPLIES 106

Re: Feedback enhancements now visible

@valueaddedresource wrote:

They also provided a link to an FAQ page, which of course only applies to Australia but my guess is most of it will cross over to other markets as well. 

Which promotes what I suggested above. eBay did a 180* on the policy to not allow product reviews in FB and now they are encouraging it.

Message 16 of 107
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Re: Feedback enhancements now visible

🤣They actually used a picture of a steering wheel cover on a sneakers purchase with a comment about "sneakers" and "kicks" as a GOOD example? 


Were they joking? 


I can't believe that's the one they actually used as the highlighted example. 


Am I misreading it?

Message 17 of 107
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Re: Feedback enhancements now visible

Screenshots of new features generally show what eBay put up to test the functionality. I wouldn't read anything into it. (But I get what you're saying.)

Message 18 of 107
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Re: Feedback enhancements now visible

I like this! far!

I can go back 3 that the limit?...To see photos of feedbacks from me or other sellers and such.

I like to see what is purchased and why such and such feedback was left.

A lot of complainers here probably don't sell or buy a lot of items....just my opinion.

I haven't seen old feedback bumped to the top.

Message 19 of 107
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Re: Feedback enhancements now visible

@ltldpr - I didn't even notice that at first, too funny. 🤣


It may be an embarrassing oversight but I agree with @wastingtime101 , I wouldn't read anything into it beyond that.

Message 20 of 107
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Re: Feedback enhancements now visible



Questioning why this is only posted on selling board (thanks for that)....but doesn't it qualify as an announcement?  These threads, once unpinned, drop into never, never land and when questions come up later......sure is a pain to try to find them again....    I note in AU it is shown under announcements. 


Also, since it involves BUYER feedback.....seems like it also should be put on the buyers' board.  Might explain to those million or so who HAVE uploaded pictures why the pictures aren't showing now....has to be a disappointment to those who bothered to upload them......

Message 21 of 107
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Re: Feedback enhancements now visible

@dhbookds wrote:



Questioning why this is only posted on selling board (thanks for that)....but doesn't it qualify as an announcement?  These threads, once unpinned, drop into never, never land and when questions come up later......sure is a pain to try to find them again....    I note in AU it is shown under announcements. 


Also, since it involves BUYER feedback.....seems like it also should be put on the buyers' board.  Might explain to those million or so who HAVE uploaded pictures why the pictures aren't showing now....has to be a disappointment to those who bothered to upload them......

Great call out @dhbookds ! Ironically it was originally posted as an announcement but they deleted that and posted here instead. 🤷‍

Message 22 of 107
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Re: Feedback enhancements now visible

I saw the jumble feedback, did not like it one bit, I couldn't see the latest feedback from my customers. Keeps me on my toes if something is wrong, not all buyer send an email. We've been asking for combine shipping on the ebay app for over 5+ years and your wasting time on stupid idea's like this. Ebay really needs to get its priority's in order.

Message 23 of 107
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Re: Feedback enhancements now visible

I want to chime in and say that I'm strongly against this revision.  If this is necessary, at least provide a way to sort by most recent.  As a seller, I monitor my feedback number closely, and every time it changes, I look to see my most recent feedback.  I want to know what my customers are saying and ensure I keep my rating at 100%.  Also, advance notice of these types of changes should be given to sellers;  it's always a surprise that results in a frenzy of freaked out sellers posting on these boards.  Releasing "updates" like this and then explaining it well after the fact is just poor customer service. 

Message 24 of 107
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Re: Feedback enhancements now visible

@jkramer2 wrote:

I want to chime in and say that I'm strongly against this revision.  If this is necessary, at least provide a way to sort by most recent.  As a seller, I monitor my feedback number closely, and every time it changes, I look to see my most recent feedback. 

Absolutely. I review my feedback exactly the same way.


@jkramer2 wrote:

Also, advance notice of these types of changes should be given to sellers;  it's always a surprise that results in a frenzy of freaked out sellers posting on these boards.  Releasing "updates" like this and then explaining it well after the fact is just poor customer service. 

Again I agree entirely. It's also discouraging to read of sellers contacting Customer Service and finding that CS knows nothing about the details of a new release. They should really be the first to know.


Question for @seller_news_team : Some details of an individual feedback comment drop off after a month, six months, or a year, such as a link to the listing, or the title identifying what the item was. Will photos also drop off after some predetermined period of time?

Message 25 of 107
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Re: Feedback enhancements now visible

I would like the default to be most recent, not "most relevant"


I noticed this new way of sorting when I was checking my own feedback weeks ago. I HATE IT!


I want to see most RECENT feedback, by default. Like, how is the seller performing NOW? NOT six months ago!

Message 26 of 107
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Re: Feedback enhancements now visible

You know, the reason most sellers opt out of having our items listed in the ebay catalog is because of the flawed "item reviews" system where buyers are allowed to review items they have purchased. In theory a great idea, but its implementation often left a lot to be desired and if that review system is any indication then I can only imagine this new feedback system to work out similarly.


As well, I see quite a crowd of cheerleaders today completely touting the greatness of AI however I'm an older individual who sees this world through the eyes of someone who grew up in a place where we had dumb corded rotary dial phones and have watched the progression of things since, and I do not believe for one instant that AI's greatness is anywhere near what these cheerleaders purport it to be. In fact, it is as deeply flawed as any human programmed algorithm can be, especially one where a boss gives the order and five levels of supervisors and managers and secretaries down a small crew of subcontracted workers churns out the program in some sort of disconnected fashion as none of them use the same standard of code but instead produce a mish mash of some sort of C++ or perl or who knows what they use but it's a wonder it even works considering all the errors.


Sorry didn't mean to get long in the wind.

Message 27 of 107
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Re: Feedback enhancements now visible

These updates will serve to add credibility to reviews and increase buyer confidence, while also elevating your feedback scores and helping to drive conversion.



Can you please explain how a mixed order, and unviewable feedback adds creditability and increases buyer confidence?  

How exactly are one's feedback scores "elevated'?  

How exactly does this 'enhancement' increase buyer confidence, with a jumbled sort order and missing information?  

Message 28 of 107
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Re: Feedback enhancements now visible

Agree with others.  Need to sort to most recent please!

Message 29 of 107
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Re: Feedback enhancements now visible

So what will the feedback of mega sellers who received hundreds of neutral and negative feedback each month look like?



Message 30 of 107
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