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Do your listing prices end in .00 or .95 or .99?

Do you price your items at even dollar amounts or add pennies to the price?


Do you think it makes any difference in sales volume if your items are priced at an even amount (25.00) or with cents added (25.95).


I realize that the competition can and probably will undercut your price by a few pennies. eBay staff (Griff) used to recommend pricing your items a penny or a few pennies below your competition but do those pennies make as big a difference in sales as they used to?  

Message 1 of 37
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Re: Do your listing prices end in .00 or .95 or .99?


Although i've heard studies show the .95 and .99 thing works, I just don't like it. 

Papa Was A Rolling Stone - The Temptations
Message 2 of 37
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Re: Do your listing prices end in .00 or .95 or .99?

I don't know if it helps or not.

I use 7 because I don't like 5 or 9 😀

The easier you are to offend the easier you are to control.

We seem to be getting closer and closer to a situation where nobody is responsible for what they did but we are all responsible for what somebody else did. - Thomas Sowell
Message 3 of 37
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Re: Do your listing prices end in .00 or .95 or .99?

Where I worked retail................. things were not marked .00

When seen .......  theory was ........... $9.99 (or $9.95) was observed to be much more of a bargain than $10.00.

Message 4 of 37
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Re: Do your listing prices end in .00 or .95 or .99?

.99 always

Message 5 of 37
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Re: Do your listing prices end in .00 or .95 or .99?

My favorite is seeing someone with an item priced $100 higher than the other 10 people selling the identical product. But they list it as $299.99. That way people think it's only $99 dollars higher.

Message 6 of 37
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Re: Do your listing prices end in .00 or .95 or .99?

Do you price your items at even dollar amounts or add pennies to the price?

I actually use 95, 96, 97, 98, and 99 cents as a shorthand to indicate which shipping policy an item has!


It has been pretty well documented that $X.99 is viewed more favorably than $Y.00 by some buyers.



"A 2018 UC Berkeley study found that the average person treats a price ending in .99 as if it were 15 to 20 cents lower. The tendency is called left-digit bias, when the leftmost digit of a number disproportionately influences decision-making."

Message 7 of 37
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Re: Do your listing prices end in .00 or .95 or .99?

I often end prices in 95. As in $9.95 or $195. I don't have a good reason, other than it seems a tad less gimmicky than 99.


It obviously works for buyer psychology, or it wouldn't be such a retail standard. Works like a charm on my other half.  She sees $4.99 in a store and says, "Look, only four dollars."

Message 8 of 37
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Re: Do your listing prices end in .00 or .95 or .99?

When i had my store i would have a coded system so i could know when i listed the item. From time to time i would take the older listings and put them on sale to move them. I have heard there is some psychology behind pricing but since i do sell to musicians for the most part, i don't bother since they are emotional buyers more than thrifty buyers. (myself included)

Message 9 of 37
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Re: Do your listing prices end in .00 or .95 or .99?

All of them and .79, .75, .29.

Message 10 of 37
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Re: Do your listing prices end in .00 or .95 or .99?

I use .95 because it's cheaper than .99


It's a "standard" price so it's not odd looking and if it realllly comes down to it, at least I'm a couple pennies cheaper than the other guy.



BETTER QUESTION (I think) ... DO YOU ROUND YOUR DOLLAR AMOUNTS!? Most everything I sell is $_4.95 & $_9.95

Message 11 of 37
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Re: Do your listing prices end in .00 or .95 or .99?

Hi,  I usually use .99.  I dont' really think that there is any advantage to it.  It's just that soooooo many years working retail in different venues.  I just cant' help myself.  HA!  (J.B.)

Message 12 of 37
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Re: Do your listing prices end in .00 or .95 or .99?

I use .99, just habit I guess. I think when I started on Ebay in 1999, $10.00 and up was a higher fee category, so I listed things at 9.99 and it just stuck.

Message 13 of 37
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Re: Do your listing prices end in .00 or .95 or .99?

Always .95 to me it always looks better than .99 don't ask me why.

Message 14 of 37
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Re: Do your listing prices end in .00 or .95 or .99?

I always use .00.  I know the theory behind odd cents but for some reason my brain likes to use .00.


I actually did a test a couple of years ago and changed all my listings from .00 to .95.  I could not tell any difference in my sales.  

Message 15 of 37
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