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Condition description

It looks like ebay moved the condition description on some or all of our items. We're getting messages from buyers asking question about the condition - which we have in the listing. It's now under item specifics.


Did they do this to everyone or are we just lucky? Really bad move. Causing us  problems already.



Message 1 of 31
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Condition description

Mine's been moved to.

Have a great day.
Message 2 of 31
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Condition description

I'm not seeing any change in the format for either of you.........only thing "new" I see is  "Breathe easy":


Breathe easy. Returns accepted.


Condition description is still uptop...just below title........

Message 3 of 31
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Condition description

 I still see it buried in Item Specifics. Partial good news. Some buyers may still find it.

Message 4 of 31
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Condition description

Several of my buyers have stated that huge chunks of the information in most of my listings seem to be missing as well; but, as it turns out, those buyers were looking at my listings on their phones, rather than on laptops.  


As soon as they checked my listings on a laptop -- VOILA! -- all that information magically reappeared.


Gotta love the "convenience" of those cell-phones. . ..

Message 5 of 31
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Condition description

We're on a computer. Never looked at eBay on a phone. But our info isn't missing. It's under item specifics instead of boldly on top like it used to be - the first thing a buyer would see. Now, they need to look for it and some decide to ask questions about it, a real time waste.

Message 6 of 31
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Condition description

@dhbookds  I just looked at your listings and the condition, for me, is buried in the item specifics (under 'seller notes')

Message 7 of 31
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Condition description

I found that buyers rarely read the item specifics so if it's something I think is important for the buyer to know, I make sure it is in the item specifics AND the item description.

Papa Was A Rolling Stone - The Temptations
Message 8 of 31
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Condition description

@iart wrote:

We're on a computer. Never looked at eBay on a phone. 

LOL, give it a try, prepare to be shocked at how awful it is compared to the web view, how much information isn't visible on the main page, and even the place to click for it is hard to find. 

 I also don't use my phone much for ebay, so I had no idea how listings looked on the app until there was a local hurricane so my phone was all I could use.    I WISH we could just shrug it off as something that only affects a small subgroup of ebay shoppers, but unfortunately tons of people use only their phone, not their computers (nowadays tons of people don't even have a computer).  

Message 9 of 31
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Condition description

@iart wrote:

@dhbookds  I just looked at your listings and the condition, for me, is buried in the item specifics (under 'seller notes')

This is what I'm seeing (in addition to the same thing up at the top)




are you seeing the same?

Message 10 of 31
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Condition description

I go one step further.

Most descriptions are black lettering on white.

I found a few bits of code that allow me to put a simple frame around my description and a pastel background.

I first used this decades ago as some basic Branding.

But I have continued to use it because the Descriptions which eBay says are preferred simply disappear.

That's my opinion and I will stick with it.


This seller uses HTML to make his description stand out.


This one doesn't.


And both sellers use more that three words to describe the item and purchasing.


Note that Item Specifics in both cases are above the Description.

To me, that means the customer can see those before scrolling down to the Description.


Of course, the customer is also seeing an attractive string of similar products from completely different sellers. Sigh.

Message 11 of 31
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Condition description

The problem is most sellers whose listings include a colorful framed box DO NO put the actual item description inside that box.  Instead it is just something that goes in all their listings, identical, with only their personal policies on shipping, returns, etc. -some many long paragraphs including bitter defensive stuff LOL!  Also some of them include duplicates of the item photos, no idea why they put them there, when at least photos are something ebay still prioritizes to the top of the page.  

I shop here a ton (for inventory as well as household need stuff), and when I see one of those circus panels I immediately start scrolling to see if the actual item's description is in black-on-white above or below the panel.  Some sellers don't even write one.  And a few do it like you and the example listing you shared.  Very few, unfortunately.  

Message 12 of 31
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Condition description

eBay changed it. Item condition used to be in its own section up top of the listing. Now they buried it in the item specifics.


We really don't want to revise 2,300 items. Ugg

Message 13 of 31
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Condition description



No, I don't see that anymore. But I DO see that the condition is also directly under the title, in small print, and easy to miss.


Same for your listings as mine.


What browser do you use? We use Firefox and eBay often tries to get us to use Google Chrome - which I hate.

Message 14 of 31
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Condition description

@reallynicestamps  I looked at your listings. From where I site, yours have changed too. The condition is no longer obvious.

Message 15 of 31
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