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Click to view entire descripton??? What the heck???

Has anyone seen this new layout for listings? I have a button on my last listing called 'click button to view entire description'.

There is a completely blank screen unless one clicks that button. There is NO description of the item for sale until you click this button and then the description opens in a separate window.

What is this all about - an I in a test group?

Message 1 of 1,018
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Re: Click to view entire descripton??? What the heck???

@pvcliff wrote:

Just now went to show my husband this new madness and the listings I checked in collectibles, books and ethnicities all had their descriptions fully intact.  So maybe the screaming was actually heard!

Not a chance.

Message 136 of 1,018
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Re: Click to view entire descripton??? What the heck???

@b86fiero wrote:



Hassle Free Returns will be forced on all sellers with the coming Spring Update.


Buyers who do not click the button to actually read the description will not be allowed to file an SNAD case against the seller.  No read - no case.





Not a chance, even though that SHOULD be a requirement.


Silly wabbit - updates are good for buyers, not sellers.


"Nothing is obvious to the oblivious"
Message 137 of 1,018
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Re: Click to view entire descripton??? What the heck???

Maybe this is a divergence tactic so that we'll be more mellow when the spring update comes out!


They didn’t say it was your fault. They said they blame you.
Message 138 of 1,018
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Re: Click to view entire descripton??? What the heck???

As Erroneousbay's Titanic of forced changes is taking place in a very poorly thought out sinking ship, NOW is the time for another on line venue to rise and learn from these idiots, what NOT to do.
Message 139 of 1,018
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Re: Click to view entire descripton??? What the heck???

Again, go to their Facebook and Twitter and post there with hashtag ebayfail  


these are public forums and can have a lot really get their attention... 

Message 140 of 1,018
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Re: Click to view entire descripton??? What the heck???

@d-k_treasures wrote:

@b86fiero wrote:



Hassle Free Returns will be forced on all sellers with the coming Spring Update.


Buyers who do not click the button to actually read the description will not be allowed to file an SNAD case against the seller.  No read - no case.





Not a chance, even though that SHOULD be a requirement.


Silly wabbit - updates are good for buyers, not sellers.


"GREAT NEWS FOR SELLERS!!! You asked and.... WE LISTENED!!! New listing format designed to drastically cut SNADs for sellers!"


I'm expecting royalties when Corporate picks up that line and runs with it, Jeff! 

Chaos is NOT an "industry standard".
Message 141 of 1,018
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Re: Click to view entire descripton??? What the heck???

I also agree 100% with the person who said, “ much business (revenue) sellers are losing by this ...”
Message 142 of 1,018
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Re: Click to view entire descripton??? What the heck???

@chator_2078 wrote:
As Erroneousbay's Titanic of forced changes is taking place in a very poorly thought out sinking ship, NOW is the time for another on line venue to rise and learn from these idiots, what NOT to do.

Cue ship's orchestra playing, "Nearer My God to Thee"

Message 143 of 1,018
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Re: Click to view entire descripton??? What the heck???

@jeff wrote:

@kates-of-mequon wrote:

Has anyone seen this new layout for listings? I have a button on my last listing called 'click button to view entire description'.

There is a completely blank screen unless one clicks that button. There is NO description of the item for sale until you click this button and then the description opens in a separate window.

What is this all about - an I in a test group?

Yes, we are currently conducting a temporary test that is focused on simplifying and improving the buying experience. The experience you are seeing is how all buyers are currently accessing item descriptions when they use our mobile apps. We are exploring buyer experiences when the buying process is consistent across all devices and screens.

eBay is not simplifying and improving the buying experience, their doing what they always do, and that's complicating matters. The more a buyer in confront with to many choices to make and items they have to click on, they get mentally exhausted over a short period of time and leave. The more eBay keeps hiding information the more buyers blame the seller for not providing the information. The links also create unnecessary errors. Which BTW, thanks for not responding to the error page issue that I PM you as you requested with a screenshot of the error page.


Simplifying something means just that. Keeping everything very basic and easy to see and read. All information right there in front of you and nothing hidden behind and cluster of scattered tabs and links.  Nobody wants to spend all their time navigating a listing. They want to get in and get out with their purchase and get on with their life. 

Message 144 of 1,018
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Re: Click to view entire descripton??? What the heck???

I know, I know.....


I was be facetious.  Just looking for an upside, any upside, to this chaos.


Although, refusing SNAD cases for buyers who do not click and read might not be a bad thing.  I'm sure the eBay wonderkids could create a little big brother is monitoring you means of recording clicks  🙂

Message 145 of 1,018
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Re: Click to view entire descripton??? What the heck???

Message 146 of 1,018
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Re: Click to view entire descripton??? What the heck???

So will INAD defects be suspended during the test for those sellers whose descriptions were hidden?


The ebay instructions to avoid INAD defects focus on the description, so now buyers will need to click a tab or read from a pop up - something people almost universally despise. Unless the INAD defect system is scrapped it's just blatant hostility to sellers - 

Message 147 of 1,018
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Re: Click to view entire descripton??? What the heck???


no description listings are a natural intersect with the new Ouija Board Search.

Message 148 of 1,018
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Re: Click to view entire descripton??? What the heck???

@octochick wrote:


@jeff wrote:

Yes, we are currently conducting a temporary test that is focused on simplifying and improving the buying experience. The experience you are seeing is how all buyers are currently accessing item descriptions when they use our mobile apps. We are exploring buyer experiences when the buying process is consistent across all devices and screens.

This is the very opposite of simplification! How does making the buyer do more work make it a better experience? Then if they miss the very hard to see button all together and later find an issue that was fully disclosed in the description they never saw, whose fault is that? And how will that improve their buying experience?

Keep it simple for the buyers! That is the key!! And please stop experimenting with our listings that we pay for and for many of us pay our bills! We are not lab rats. 


It's a test. We'll see if having a consistent experience between the platforms has any impact or not. Regarding the concerns over buyers who don't read the descriptions, any negative feedback left for a seller that we can identify as resulting from this test will be removed and will not impact th seller's standing.

Message 149 of 1,018
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Re: Click to view entire descripton??? What the heck???

Thank goodness our phone doesn't come with smooth scrolling, and includes free data for those extra pages we must wait to load... oh wait.

Message 150 of 1,018
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