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2020 Wish List for eBay

Um, eBay? For 2020, can we have some site changes that are REALLY needed and not just cosmetic changes to keep your programmers busy?

Let's start with honest to gawd traffic reports, like the old Omniture reports (at the barest minimum).   You have yet to deliver on this, despite promising them to us for over 4 years now, ever since you dumped Omniture.  Kinda hard to plan a business when one has no idea of the traffic.   I used to be able to see sales by day and do comparisons to a wide variety of prior periods. This was especially helpful in determining what to list and when.  The current reports are a useless joke.

Then let's move to a fees and sales report that shows sellers everything - sales, taxes collected and remitted, postage expense, eBay fees, etc. Amazon does this for their sellers  so I know it can be done.   Even better, the Amazon reports are up-to-date daily - I already have the December 2019 and 2019 annual reports from my Amazon accounting clients.  For eBay, my clients had to give me weekly reports and manually figure out sales for 12/29-12/31.  Really, eBay? This is the best you can do?  eBay sellers should not have to look at every individual sale to obtain amounts paid for shipping and sales tax.

Oh, and every sellers favorite wish - arbitration in false SNAD cases so we at least have a fighting chance.  I honestly don't expect anything from this wish, but there's no reason under the sun as to why you can't give us sales reports and traffic reports.  No. Reason. At. All.

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Re: 2020 Wish List for eBay

Sales reports that show calendar month would be good as well rather than 'last 31 days'.
Message 31 of 36
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Re: 2020 Wish List for eBay

Message 32 of 36
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Re: 2020 Wish List for eBay

The Best Offer valid only after payment thing failed but not because of nonpaying bidders whining.


It was GOOD buyers whose offer was accepted in the middle of the night and someone else bought it before they had a chance to pay. eBay and sellers cannot afford to lose more good buyers.


ebay does not want to lose good buyers for a nonpayment issue that only affects some sellers and is mostly just an inconvenience.

Message 33 of 36
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Re: 2020 Wish List for eBay

Bulk editing capabilities would be useful in both promotions manager and business policies.


I hate having to edit handling times and shipping locations in each individual business policy. It's a big time suck.


With promotions manager the ability to pause and delete promotions in bulk would be a time-saver, as well.

Message 34 of 36
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Re: 2020 Wish List for eBay

As a participant in managed payments, this is one of my biggest complaints about reports.


Within the Payments tab you can download reports. None are currently working right now and eBay is aware, but that's another matter.


The reports downloaded from the Payments tab are "transaction reports" and they go back far enough that I can (or will be able to when functioning again) download all of 2019 from the time I joined MP. These reports do not show sales tax which is a major problem.


The "sales reports" you can download from seller hub do show sales tax, however those reports only go back 90 days whether you're in Managed Payments or not.


eBay needs to make the "sales reports" from seller hub available for the full previous calendar year and I don't see any reason why they can't. The information is still in their system so it's a matter of them choosing to give us that functionality or not.

Message 35 of 36
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Re: 2020 Wish List for eBay



Some really good feedback in this discussion. I don't control what our engineering team works on, but I can ensure they see these requests. Thank you! 


And, thanks for selling on eBay!



Head of Community Development

Join us at eBay Open this September!
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