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Community Chat, March 6 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

Not applicable

Hi everyone! We hope to see you here on March 6 at 1 PM PT for our weekly Chat with the Community Team. Bring your general buying and selling questions for discussion slight_smile

Message 1 of 87
latest reply

Re: late shipping, no shipping, defects?

@dhbookds wrote:

tyler@ebay wrote:

@my-cottage-books-and-antiques wrote:


I don't think so. YOU can see the remaining time in YOUR Seller Hub. I don't think buyers see a count down on the listing itself. (Although the Ending Soonest sort would show them the time left, as GTC listings are treated same as 30 day for the Ending Soonest sort in Search.

Hi @my-cottage-books-and-antiques - just want to clarify that GTC listings present themselves as 30 day listings to buyers. This means that on watchlists and in search results the time remaining for the listings' current cycle is displayed or factored. 


The countdown is not displayed on the listing itself, as it would in an auction or other fixed price listing, but from search results (via 'ending soonest') or the watchlist the time remaining is displayed to promote that sense of urgency.

I understand why it's not shown now on GTC listings..........since 30 days listings show it.......  (I guess is the reason).....  but when only GTC goes into effect.......why NOT show the ending time within the listing......since it is displayed on search results?  Perhaps a suggestion to the team?  It doesn't really make sense to show it on one, but not the other..........

Hi @dhbookds - great suggestion! I'm not sure what is planned for this functionality when the transition is complete, but I'll make sure that this is sent to the right team. Thanks!


Copying @my-cottage-books-and-antiques  who had similar sentiment. 🙂

Message 76 of 87
latest reply

Re: late shipping, no shipping, defects?

@dentalsales4u wrote:
Hi Trinton,
I would like a little information regarding returns.
I've had 3 returns in the last 3 weeks.
All 3 were after the 30 day return had passed.
The last one was on day 31 and eBay auto approved that return. I was given the option on the other two whether to accept or not.
My last return, the buyer stated he changed his mind after using product for 30 days.
1) Is the seller protected from bad feedback if the return is declined?
2) Why does eBay even let the buyer open a return if it's past the 30 return date? (30 days from date of receipt).
Why doesn't eBay tell the buyer to contact the seller to see if something can be done. All my items have a 1 year or longer warranty, so there is no reason to let a buyer make a return after the 30 day return period. No one in my industry would allow a return after 30 days of using. It automatically falls under warranty, which costs the buyer nothing.
This is costing a lot of money for the seller having to take returns after the 30 day return period.

Hi @dentalsales4u, I took a look at this and found that the only return that was automatically accepted was within the 30-day protection time. Declining a return does not block a buyer from leaving negative feedback and would would not qualify for removal by customer support. 


Opening a return is a means for buyers to contact their seller, whether it be for a remorse reason or Not As Described, even if 30 full days have passed. This opens communication between the two parties to help facilitate a resolution, whether that be accepting the return, working with the buyers through the returns messaging towards another resolution (such as letting them know about the manufacturers warranty), or declining the return. The seller can choose which solution works best for them.


Edited to correct a typo 

Community Team
Message 77 of 87
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Re: late shipping, no shipping, defects?

@golfingaddict wrote:

tyler@ebay wrote:

@golfingaddict wrote:

I have a problem in my seller dashboard.


It is related to shipping, uploaded tracking and validated shipping.

1. I use ebay labels

2. I ship everything within 1 day

3. I did not have any issues in   December, January or February no late, no missing tracking. I had  0% in all areas of my seller dashboard in Defect rate, shipping on time, late shipment rate, uploaded on time and validated.  Perfect across the board in all months.


Suddenly today, I have 99.55 and show that I did not have tracking on two transactions in December. Out of the blue. They were not there in December, They were not there in January, They were not There in February.  They appeared sometime between yesterday afternoon and this morning with a recent update of my dashboard I assume.


I called ebay support (concierge) Which was no help. She told me that it was for a late tracking validated  in October.

I showed her the transaction details in the dashboard which is showing that I have 2 items not uploaded/shipped in December.  (this is completely untrue)


She then said that they just don't show up yet on my reports in the dashboard (see full report under tracking uploaded on time and validated)

 But that does not seem right as ebay is showing them in December and they don't show up until now? why the delay, why would they not appear until March?


I further suggested that since they have no item number and they have no further info to give me that perhaps they are false?  (I can assure you without any doubt that I shipped every single order and I shipped on time and I uploaded tracking and they were validated by the carrier on time)


She finally put me on hold and came back within a few minutes and suggested that perhaps the info will show up later (or that I should not worry since it does not affect me)  She would not accept that it might be an ebay error and since she could not explain or show me the details.  She did finally accept that she could send it to "tech" and I would just have to deal with it and she would get back to me if she found out anything.


So my question and point of all of this.


1.  I did nothing wrong and I have these "defects or missed shipping" on my record.

2. If ebay expects sellers to follow the rules and standards and ship on time and provide great customer service I expect ebay to do the same.

3.  I don't think it is fair to have these types of defects or error rates show up 2 months after the fact with no detail and expect me to just accept them when I know my history and my record is clear, 100% shipping on time for those months.


Thank you.  (I have pictures I can post of the details from my dashboard if you need them)




Where are these coming from and how do I get them off my record.  I do not think it is too much to ask for ebay to correct what appears to be an error.

Tracking uploaded on time and validated

Hi @golfingaddict - it sounds like there may be some confusion on the part of Concierge, I'll definitely work with getting their contacts with you reviewed. 


The Tracking Uploaded on Time and Validated metric counts any transactions as 'missing' until tracking proves otherwise. It's the only metric built that way, and it can be stressful for that reason. If a few of your items sold today, it would show as a potential miss until your tracking upload validates, at which point it would change the percentage.  However, this should only fluctuate on the 'If we were to evaluate you today' tab. Your 'Current Seller Level' section should not change, since that was made permanent at the time of the last evaluation.


If you are looking at the 'If we evaluated you today' section, be aware that that number will fluctuate as you have sales come in and orders go out. 


If you see something different feel free to update me with screenshots. Alternatively, you can look at the 'Get Report' section for data on what items were counted against you when it comes to evaluations. Thanks!

Tyler did you read what I wrote?


These are new "missing uploads" that mysteriously showed up today that apparently happened back in December.  Are you seriously telling me that ebay did not report them until today? Two plus months later? They didn't report them in December, or January or February. They showed up in March?


And they do not show up in Full Details.  There are no transaction reports, There are no item details.


What can I say to be understood. These are phantom transactions.  I shipped everything, by ebay labels which automatically upload.  Why am I missing?

Hi @golfingaddict - I'll reach out for more info. 

Message 78 of 87
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Re: late shipping, no shipping, defects?

Not applicable

@echo_and_zip wrote:
But... it a GTC rolls over, news, w/o a sale, in a few months, doesn't 'Cassini' see it as 'undesirable' ?
So, basically, while a GTC -may- show in 'google search'... it will be demoted in eBay 'Best Match', no ?

Hi @echo_and_zip, happy to elaborate on this as much as I can. While many specifics of our Best Match algorithm must remain internal, I can confirm it is much more complicated than you describe. It is not just past sales that affect placement, but also other factors such as the number of watchers and views. We understand that some items are long-term inventory, and the level of engagement those listings have with potential buyers is taken into consideration. I've spoken with many sellers recently, some I know personally, who have reported listings that are 18 months or older suddenly selling.


Third party search engines play a major role in modern day commerce and we work hard to align with changing expectations so the listings on our site have the most visibility. What ensured high visibility in the past (both on and off of eBay) may not have an effect or actively penalize search placement today. This is the nature of commerce - it is always changing, evolving, and adapting to the market.

Message 79 of 87
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Re: late shipping, no shipping, defects?

Not applicable

@dentalsales4u wrote:
I don't believe this is true Trinton.
There are sellers in my dental category that have duplicate listings, I report, but they remain. This has been going on for years!

Hi @dentalsales4u, most often when a duplicate listing is identified eBay will remove the listing we have found and educate the seller that they need to review for any other removals. There are even instances where additional time is provided for these steps to be taken based on the size of the seller's business or if the source of the duplicates poses complications. Additionally, I do want to clarify that duplicate listings are generally only a concern when we are discussing fixed price format items for the same item at a similar price point. There may have been variations between the listings you reported that we would have seen in our review that supported both items being different enough to both be on the site.


If you have a few examples I will be happy to get these reviewed to ensure the correct action is being taken. I will email you for more details shortly!

Message 80 of 87
latest reply

Re: late shipping, no shipping, defects?

@golfingaddict wrote:

I really find it hard to believe that you hide the "no tracking uploaded" since December and then show it in March.


I did nothing wrong.  Everything was shipped on time, everything had tracking and everything was delivered on time.  My numbers were clear in December, January, February.

In March these appear and you tell me that it is stressful and frustrating?


PS I know how my dashboard works, I look at it every day.


I give up. 

Hi @golfingaddict - thanks for the screenshots! I don't know why those would be coming up for December, and am especially confused by the fact that they don't display in your tracking report, as any item counted against you would be located there. Particularly if they weren't present on your last evaluation, since December would have been included in last month's numbers as well as this month's. 


I'm glad that you worked with Concierge to have this reported as a potential technical issue, and hope that there's a quick resolution for this!

Message 81 of 87
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Re: late shipping, no shipping, defects?

Not applicable

@theshoppingmom2 wrote:

I must be missing something about the GTC


So I list an item today 3/6/2019 at 5:00 pm with GTC

This item will run for 30 days and  renew automatically on 4/6/2019 at 5:00 pm 


is this  correct?


when I list it  it will show  up as newly listed and when it renews it will also show up as newly listed? Is this correct?


when it ends it will show up as ending soonest right?

Hi @theshoppingmom2, this is essentially correct, though I do want to clarify that GTC listings auto-renew every 30 days and this may not be the same date each month. For example, a listing submitted at 5 PM on the 1st of February would automatically renew at 5 PM on 3rd of March, not the 1st. The listing should still display as normal when considering ending soonest and newly listed filters.

Message 82 of 87
latest reply

Re: late shipping, no shipping, defects?

@this4chris2012 wrote:

brian@ebay wrote:

@this4chris2012 wrote:

In the sales record of something I just sold it says: "eBay note: This total includes tax that eBay is required to collect from your buyer. You can view the amount paid to you in the sales record." Two questions:


1) It wasn't directly available in the sales record. I had to search around and finally noticed in two different places that one screen showed one total and another screen showed a different total. I assume the difference of $1.30 is the sales tax eBay collected? Why did I have to search? Why isn't the tax collected a line item in the sales record?


2) eBay paid the tax to me. I thought eBay was going to collect state sales tax and pay it directly to the states? (Unless it's a sale to my own state.)

Hi @this4chris2012, the total amount the buyer paid (including sales tax) is shown on the Orders page in Seller Hub. This is also where the eBay note you mentioned is located.  The first sentence (This total includes tax that eBay is required to collect from your buyer) of the note is referring to the total found on the Orders page. The second sentence of note (You can view the amount paid to you in the sales record) gives directions for a seller to see the total they received from the transaction, which will not include sales tax. This means sales tax info will not be displayed on the Sales Record. You are correct that the difference in price from the Sale Record and what is shown on the Orders page is the tax collected by eBay. 


A Sold record in File Exchange will include eBay collected tax within the file. You can access File Exchange here. Go to Download Files and download a Sold record.


Please double check the amount you received in PayPal. You should not have received the sales tax as eBay collects and remits it. If the PayPal transaction shows that you received the tax then please let us know. 



Did you answer my question as to whether or not eBay is going to pay states directly? Or is it up to me to file a sales tax report to give Iowa its $1.30?


No the tax eBay paid me is not recorded as part of the payment. PP has a line item for sales tax. Etsy has been paying state tax as long as I've been on Etsy. I am not familiar with File Exchange. Are you saying FE is the only way to get a report on sales tax? Can't that be done more simply?

Hi @this4chris2012, the tax eBay collected was not paid to you. We collect the tax and remit it on your behalf, meaning you don't have to do anything. There are a couple places where more information is available, such as an announcement we made last year and on this help page. Please review these pages fore more details.


File Exchange is the only option currently available to get a report with Sales Tax collected by eBay. However, we announced in the recent Seller Update that reports will be added to Seller Hub. This report will also include eBay collected Sales Tax details. 

Community Team
Message 83 of 87
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Re: late shipping, no shipping, defects?

Not applicable

@vrykalak wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

@vrykalak wrote:

Several times in the last couple of weeks, I've relisted something that I thought I had already relisted, but couldn't find in a search. So I relist it, no problem...then I see it actually IS already there, and now I have two of them. Why are they still on the "Unsold (not relisted)" page? And why doesn't eBay catch duplicate listings anymore?
(a couple that I caught, and did not relist:  382801187551 & 382748836325, 382776640949 & 382754910721)

Hi @vrykalak. while eBay does review for duplicate listing violations and notifies a seller when these are found so they can resolve this, the responsibility for preventing this type of issue from arising is ultimately the seller's. 


As for these listings showing up on the Not yet relisted page, the first item number you shared is not present on this list. The second item number is present, because you ended that listing and have not yet relisted it. It will not automatically be removed from this list because you accidentally listed it twice and ended one of the listings. You would need to take steps to delete it from this list before it was inadvertently relisted again. The same is true for the third and fourth item numbers you shared - the third is not on the Not yet relisted list because it is currently listed. The fourth item number is present on that list because you ended the listing and did not delete it from your not yet relisted list. These are the steps you would need to take when you mistakenly created duplicate listings and have ended one of the duplicates.

I think you missed my point.
The first number in each pair is an Active listing. 
The second number in each pair is on the Unsold (not relisted) page.
The point is 
- the same item should NEVER appear on both lists at the same time.
- those are two that I caught, so I didn't Relist either of them
- in those two cases, I did a search on Active listings, and found them
- in four previous cases, I did a search on Active listings and DID NOT FIND THEM
...but they were indeed there, so I ended up with two copies of the same listing.

Hi @vrykalak, allow me to elaborate: 


  • These are not the "same item" as you have described, because they have different item numbers. You mistakenly created duplicate listings with the actions you have outlined here and that is something you as the seller would need to resolve.
  • I have suggested you wait for more than 24 hours before attempting to relist. After 24 hours have passed, you should search your active listings again to confirm the items truly did not list under the first attempt. 
  • I must stress that it is not eBay's responsibility to stop a seller from listing the same item twice. While we work to identify duplicates to the best of our ability, and this is considered a listing violation, it is not possible for us to catch every duplicate that a seller creates. If it were, we would not have any on the site.
  • We are continuously striving to improve our automatic filters and appreciate reports from members of the Community regarding duplicate listings, but ultimately it is up to a seller to prevent this from happening.
  • The steps you have described indicate one way that a seller can accidently create duplicates of their listings and we have provided recommendations to minimize this from happening in the future; waiting to attempt a relist, confirming through your active listing page, and deleting any listings from your Unsold and not yet relisted section that you ended because you descovered they are a duplicate.
  • To reiterate, the two pairs of item numbers you have shared are not examples of an eBay error, but simply examples of a duplicate listing that that you created and what will happen when you do not take steps to delete the duplicate from your Not yet relisted section.
Message 84 of 87
latest reply

Re: late shipping, no shipping, defects?

@labs118 wrote:

Can it or has it been brought to anyone's attention with the new shipping label that 
USPS insurance only shows in the drop on services such as First class or Media Mail
If we use Priority mail there is no drop down for USPS only Ship cover insurance
Is it because we get the $50 or $100.0 USPS already ?
I have items I still add insurance to and would like this fixed please !!
I have to revert back to classic as it is still correct .

And the change mailing zip code  anything there? Don't want to change full address and I have a post office one way within 5 miles with one zip code & one in the other direction with a different zip code


Hi @labs118, I'm not sure if insurance should be working like this. I'll send this over to the shipping team for review, along with your feedback about the mailing zip code feedback.

Community Team
Message 85 of 87
latest reply

Re: late shipping, no shipping, defects?

@labs118 wrote:

Can it or has it been brought to anyone's attention with the new shipping label that 
USPS insurance only shows in the drop on services such as First class or Media Mail
If we use Priority mail there is no drop down for USPS only Ship cover insurance
Is it because we get the $50 or $100.0 USPS already ?
I have items I still add insurance to and would like this fixed please !!
I have to revert back to classic as it is still correct .

And the change mailing zip code  anything there? Don't want to change full address and I have a post office one way within 5 miles with one zip code & one in the other direction with a different zip code


Hi @labs118, I've received some answers to your question. Your are correct that USPS insurance options don't show up for Priority mail because $50 or $100 insurance is included already. If there is a situation that you can't add insurance when it's not already included, please let us know.


The reason a full address is required instead of just a zip code is actually due to new USPS mandates that are or will be taking effect soon. USPS will require a full address for the ship from location, meaning they will not accept just a zip code. Because of this, the new label page will require a full address. 

Community Team
Message 86 of 87
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Re: late shipping, no shipping, defects?

@globalautodistributors wrote:

Hello Community Team members!


I've got a suggestion for your IT team to consider.  I wonder if it's possible to develop a feature where sellers can REPRINT shipping labels in bulk?  


It doesn't happen often, but once in a blue moon, I encounter a system error where a bulk batch of labels that were successfully paid for, did not print.   When that happens, it's impossible to reprint in a single bulk batch.  Instead, I have to click each label individually to reprint.  If I had less than 10 labels, it's no big deal.  But if I have more than 20 labels to reprint individually, it gets to be time-consuming. I'm sure there are other high volume sellers out there who may even print up to 50 labels in one shot. But if the dreaded technical system error happens right when the bulk label printing window is supposed to appear, then the labels cannot be printed in bulk.  


If I'm mistaken and there currently *is* a way to reprint in bulk, please let me know how to do it.  Otherwise, I think the fix would be for a "checkbox" placed next to each of the shipping label transactions, so sellers can select multiple labels that need to be reprinted in bulk.


Thank you! Smiley Happy

Hi @globalautodistributors, the shipping team let us know that when a bulk print goes through properly an email is sent to the seller. That email has a link to the PDF including all of the labels they printed in that batch which can be used to reprint as needed. In a situation where the bulk print failed, such as the situation you've described, our system won't recognize that a bulk print occurred and thus won't provide a mean to reprint the labels. I don't know if this isn't something that can be addressed in the future, but the shipping team has seen your feedback. Thanks!

Community Team
Message 87 of 87
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