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Ebay sent the wrong payout to my account which is a big loss. Please explain why

I started my eBay business in January this year.  I sold my first item at $39.95. The order total was $42.75 inclusive of tax. After all fees were deducted my order  earnings totaled $28.73 of which I believe would be the total payout to my account based on the statement. March 2, 2024 was the due date for payout and I did received an email indicating that "$5.60 was sent to your  bank account".  I am not sure I understand why the incorrect amount would be paid out when in fact I should have received $28.73. 

I would greatly appreciate any assistance in providing an explanation at this time as I am currently at a loss for the item sold. Thanking you in advance.

Message 1 of 25
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Re: Ebay sent the wrong payout to my account which is a big loss. Please explain why

Hopefully, since you offer free shipping, the price you charged the buyer would have included the shipping fee.  Someone has to pay for shipping,  Neither the USPS nor UPS, etc provide their services free.

The buyer either pays you the shipping as a separate charge or you list with free shipping, but you make sure that the shipping cost is included in the item price so that, either way, the buyer is the one who pays for shipping. 

I don't know of any other way to explain it more clearly.

Message 16 of 25
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Re: Ebay sent the wrong payout to my account which is a big loss. Please explain why

@allyessentials-03 wrote:

I do not use eBay shipping labels so I still not understanding why I am charged for shipping from EBay. They sent the statement and my earning amount is $28.73. Nothing shows a breakdown for why I received a $5.60 payout. I don't understand why I have to face this huge loss

One of your earlier posts implied you purchased shipping through eBay, but since that's not the case, the difference is probably unrelated to shipping. As I mentioned above:


For a thorough review of your financials @allyessentials-03 view this page along with details for each transaction:


I suggest viewing on the web and not the app for the most clear view.

Message 17 of 25
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Re: Ebay sent the wrong payout to my account which is a big loss. Please explain why

I still don't get why I didn't receive my full earnings amount which is the total after all fees were charged. The item was sold for $39.95 and I should receive $28.73 after all fees are deducted. I can't see how my payout is $5.60. 

Message 18 of 25
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Re: Ebay sent the wrong payout to my account which is a big loss. Please explain why

@allyessentials-03 wrote:

I still don't get why I didn't receive my full earnings amount which is the total after all fees were charged. The item was sold for $39.95 and I should receive $28.73 after all fees are deducted. I can't see how my payout is $5.60. 

Well, we can't either.

What do you see when you click on the transaction?  What does that show as your net profit?  If that is 28.73, then something else (not related to this transaction) has deducted funds.  Such as another transaction, or the funds were used to purchase something, as you have that option as well:





If you click on one of your sales as shown here, it should give you a break down:




What does yours show as your Order earnings when viewing the sale transaction?


If that shows a different amount than what you were paid, then you need to look at your payment section:


It may look like this:



If you click right on the arrow in the blue box, it will give you a detail of all your in and out payments.


You need to see if you have any processing, or pending, etc. Anytime you have funds available that are processing, they will not be deducted from if you have a balance available.  So if the sale earnings are more than what you got sent to the bank, something else used funds to cover something.  Either another sale, or a purchase.

Hopefully you can track it down.



Gator08041971  •  Volunteer Community Mentor 2024
Member of eBay since 2000

Message 19 of 25
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Re: Ebay sent the wrong payout to my account which is a big loss. Please explain why

All the details are listed if you click "Payout ID" from this page:

(it will show you how the payout number was determined)




Message 20 of 25
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Re: Ebay sent the wrong payout to my account which is a big loss. Please explain why

@allyessentials-03 wrote:

I still don't get why I didn't receive my full earnings amount which is the total after all fees were charged. The item was sold for $39.95 and I should receive $28.73 after all fees are deducted. I can't see how my payout is $5.60. 




As far as I can see, your first item sold was one item from listing # 235419250492, which sold for $39.95 on Feb 16, 2024. You have stated that you expected to receive $28.73 for this, after all FVF and ad fees, which was due on Mar 2, 2024.


However, on Feb 28, 2024, you sold another 2 items in one order from # 235407593937 at $90.99 each, for a subtotal of $181.98, not including sales tax. So, you would have been charged the FVF and ad fees for that sale also, and they would have been deducted from your pending funds before the payout was sent.


Message 21 of 25
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Re: Ebay sent the wrong payout to my account which is a big loss. Please explain why

@allyessentials-03 wrote:

I still don't get why I didn't receive my full earnings amount which is the total after all fees were charged. The item was sold for $39.95 and I should receive $28.73 after all fees are deducted. I can't see how my payout is $5.60. 


Go to the payments section in the Seller Hub and see a break down of the fee's.

Have a great day.
Message 22 of 25
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Re: Ebay sent the wrong payout to my account which is a big loss. Please explain why

Thanks for this information.

Message 23 of 25
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Re: Ebay sent the wrong payout to my account which is a big loss. Please explain why

Thank you for this information.

Message 24 of 25
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Re: Ebay sent the wrong payout to my account which is a big loss. Please explain why

Thank you for this information. Much appreciated.

Message 25 of 25
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