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It is wrong that buyers cannot have negative feedback.

When  a buyer tries to extort you or leaves a negative feedback for no reason other than they do not take any responsibility for their own actions, a seller cannot rate them to warn other sellers or block them. 

Message 1 of 11
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It is wrong that buyers cannot have negative feedback.

I was scammed twice in the past few months.  The first seller had zero feedback and claimed the item was scratched and rusted.  Both lies.  I refunded it and she left negative feedback.  Ebay did nothing and allowed this behaviour. 

   However  , I now found a way to possibly  avoid these criminals by screening the feedback they leave to other sellers. 

    Last week , a buyer asked if my item included extras not listed in the description.   I checked his feedback and found he left negative feedback 31% of the time for petty reasons. I told him I dont want to sell to him because he cant be trusted and he asked for items not in the listing. 

Message 2 of 11
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It is wrong that buyers cannot have negative feedback.

Negative buyer feedback would be useless.


No time to read it before the transaction.


Sellers who left retaliatory negative FB for buyers hurt this site in the past and it has never recovered from the reputation the site got.


Back in the bad old days, you could not tell what buyer with negatives deserved it.


Never had a bad experience with a seller who did not have 100% FB, on any site with FB.


If a message from a buyer makes you feel uncomfortable, block the buyer. At least some of us are not desperate enough to take risks we cannot afford. In my case, there are buyers who are more high maintenance than the item they are interested are worth - whether they are scammers or not.



Message 3 of 11
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It is wrong that buyers cannot have negative feedback.

I feel they just need to eliminate ALL feedback for seller and buyer. Instead go to a "rating" system where sellers can see a buyers statistics such as return rate, partial refunds and scam returns. Similar for buyers to see on a seller. This would be way more fair on both sides and would help alleviate the scammers.

Message 4 of 11
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It is wrong that buyers cannot have negative feedback.

@pcobra93 wrote:

I feel they just need to eliminate ALL feedback for seller and buyer. Instead go to a "rating" system where sellers can see a buyers statistics such as return rate, partial refunds and scam returns. Similar for buyers to see on a seller. This would be way more fair on both sides and would help alleviate the scammers.

The problem with applying metrics based on the return rate is that returns are an important customer satisfaction tool. Too many Ebay sellers already discourage returns, and that makes buyers avoid buying on Ebay.


Amazon used returns to evaluate seller performance in the past and eliminated it as a tool, probably about 15 years ago.


Amazon has more recently used return rates to evaluate products, but their catalog system makes it a far more reliable measure of product quality than would be possible on Ebay.




Message 5 of 11
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It is wrong that buyers cannot have negative feedback.

That sounds like a useful solution.  As a buyer I have questioned the best way to leave feedback for a seller in certain conditions.  For instance, where the description was wrong, which, in truth, warrants a negative feedback for that segment, but the seller made good by refunding the item either in whole or in part.  In such instances I don't want to negatively impact the seller feedback rating.  Notwithstanding the scammers, the seller who makes good is the one I [and I expect most others] would prefer to deal with. The trick is to be able to distinguish between genuine and scam adjustment and/or return requests.   However, from the sellers' perspectives, having the ability to track which sellers are helpful with returns isn't the answer as that simply opens them up to more scammers.   


But I foresee the possibility of another problem with your suggestion.  With eBay moving to the new International Delivery protocol, wherein the broker absorbs returns rather than returning the item to the seller, how would such returns be incorporated into the statistics?  As I don't sell on eBay, I have no knowledge of whether sellers get some type of chargebacks in such circumstances and, if they don't, how such returns would be reflected.

Message 6 of 11
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It is wrong that buyers cannot have negative feedback.

@oemspecialists wrote:

When  a buyer tries to extort you or leaves a negative feedback for no reason other than they do not take any responsibility for their own actions, a seller cannot rate them to warn other sellers or block them. 


Posting ID
Message 7 of 11
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It is wrong that buyers cannot have negative feedback.



I think the Feedback system needs a major overhaul.  Friends this week shared a Neg FB experience with me and we are trying to work things out to get it removed.  One issue is inexperienced Buyers who don't really understand how eBay works, especially in the area of returns.  In the case of my friends who offered 30 Day FREE returns the Buyer never messaged them about any issues and simply slapped down Neg FB that included some bizarre accusations.   Now, anyone reading that FB might think the Buyer has some real issues but that is beside the point.  The Buyer's FB count is under (10) with very low buying activity.


I think Buyers should have a rating system like Sellers have on their Seller levels, if they fall below a certain amount of purchasing in "X" amount of time they should be limited to the type of FB they can leave if any at all.  I mean why should an infrequent inexperienced Buyer be allowed to have a negative impact on a Selling account?  In my view they shouldn't and they need to earn the right to be that critical.


The other thing that I think that has come in to play today compared to say 10 - 15 years ago is the impersonal nature of communication from behind screens ... be that on a desk top computer or handheld device.  People can be pretty nasty online but face to face it may be a different story.


Here is a screen shot from the Help pages on Feedback ... 7 dedicated pages on this search ... I think a system that needs THAT much time and energy has issues ... 


Screenshot (466).png  







Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 8 of 11
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It is wrong that buyers cannot have negative feedback.

Returns are widely misused by customers. 
In stores and even more so online where the transaction is faceless.

Both eBay and Amazon DTC Marketplaces have out of date returns polices and unreasonable expectations of sellers. When compared to ecom sites and retailers themselves. Amazon and eBay automatically accept returns at a cost to the brand/ store. Taking the decision out of the sellers hands.


1. Feedback system needs to be abolished all together, there are more bad buyers who intentionally scam the eBay system, there ever are bad sellers.  A seller cannot afford to loose sales from a business perspective and hence try the best to have a good store or they don’t have a business.


2. eBay have a get out of jail free card in respect to constantly claiming as they don’t see the item etc etc when there is a problem. Generally new items are sold as new and it is glaringly obvious when a sellers store sells new items and then has great feedback when a buyer is a scammer trying it in with a return or and item. Ebay need to step up and earn their commission that they get by supporting sellers.


3.  A deterrent to scammers would be for eBay to ensure that the customer pays for the return postage unless the item is deemed faulty by the seller upon return. Most ecom retailers ensure that the customer pays for the return postage now.


4. Most items are sold at a discount on eBay,  therefore the money back and returns policy should be up to the seller and not eBay. So that allows the seller to take into account returns when calculating price and margin. As legally you don’t have to give a refund for non faulty goods, exchange only.






Message 9 of 11
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It is wrong that buyers cannot have negative feedback.

I think the problem is deeper.  There is a buyer and a seller and ebay.  The seller makes claims about an item.  There are sellers that scam.  The buyer gets the item and leaves feedback.  There are buyers that scam.  Ebay never has the item or inspects it.  It is a he said/she said situation.  What proof does Ebay have that the pictures and claims are true on the seller or the buyer side.  Money enters via the buyer.  A system that works for all 3 parties would have to deal with this fundamental issue.

A buyer is unhappy with the seller so leaves negative feedback.  So the seller leaves negative feedback for the buyer.  The only parameters that are not hearsay are:

1) it was paid

2) it was shipped (time date etc)

The feedback system on sellers does encourage sellers to strive to keep good ratings.  It also allows entitled buyers to extort sellers with the threat of a bad review if it was deserved or not.  As sellers strive to have 100% reviews they are willing to allow some buyers to get away with it because it isn't worth the negative review.  So a feedback on buyers doesn't have much value (you can set it to be automatic).  If you left a negative review as a seller, likely the buyer would retaliate.  The information value becomes worthless.

What stats on buyers and or sellers would give feedback but would minimize abuse?

If a buyer does not get the item for free only the truly intentional would gain from abuse.  Ebay should require the buyer to return the item or not be able to leave negative feedback.  This would stop the casual "it wasn't right I hope they just give it to me so I don't leave negative review".
Intentional scams would just ship back a rock.

Buyer stats that would be useful.

1) number of returns in the last month(s) vs number of purchases.

2) Total purchases and value.

3) Returned items total value.

These are easy numbers to collect, and would flag buyers that habitually abuse the system.  There is already a pretty strong system to note seller issues.



Message 10 of 11
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It is wrong that buyers cannot have negative feedback.

Ive been scammed by several buyers. They make up stories and Ebay not only lets them get away with it , they also punish me for their schemes with "not as described " and higher return rates.

   I have found some buyers leave more than 50% negative feedback and ask odd questions or make strange comments.

  These are the only way we can screen some of the fraud buyers.  Someone tried to scam me for $500 last week . Ebay held my funds but the buyer gave up on the scam.  However , its still possible he can try to put a chargeback on his credit card


Message 11 of 11
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