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twighlightmanor calling mustangrockstar!!!


Scrooge fan #1 calling Scrooge fan #2!! I know you're on eBay some-where cause you've out bid me in the past, on you know what!!!! AAAARRRRRRRRRRRGH! The ultimate of all ultimate, best of the best items! I want one sooooooooo bad. At least it went to a good home. (Oh and the other one that goes with it: I saw one for $185 at Amazon, you might want to check that out. It's been there a loooong time.)

If you find this thread---contact me---leave a message here, bring your friends, tell your wife to join in too.

I'm the only major Scrooge nut on this board, come and talk to me please!!!
Message 1 of 1,514
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twighlightmanor calling mustangrockstar!!!

Although the Longbox Grading thread has 10 more pages. So, pixels probably goes to that, with words going to the eel.

Message 1396 of 1,514
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twighlightmanor calling mustangrockstar!!!

Eelkat, which is your e-mail? I have been trying to contact you but the message always returns.
Message 1397 of 1,514
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twighlightmanor calling mustangrockstar!!!

Check out the CORRAL to see if you can contact EK over there.
You can find the url on my "About ME" page.
Message 1398 of 1,514
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twighlightmanor calling mustangrockstar!!!

Must...resist...urge...GAH!!! 1400
Check out my "ME" page for a link to The Corral - sweet freedom is at hand!
Message 1399 of 1,514
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twighlightmanor calling mustangrockstar!!!


WOW, I had no idea this thread was still alive

hmmmm....I seem to not be getting my emails 😞 is the one that I check every week (i have 7 differant ones)

nope not been at the Corral or even on my own boards much either, though there was an quick explaination for it on the problems got waaaay out a control this past winter, and I ain't had much time for internet at all, than my dad ended up in the hospital, not expected to live, with no will, and no on claimed as power of attonry, and only me and the 3J's as living relatives (all the rest of the family is from my mom's side), it raised complete hell with our lives, and resulted in us haaveing electrictiy, phone, and water shut off, cause everything thing is in my dad's name, and I'm not authorized to make payments...sheesh the stupid laws our country has!

my dad's been in a coma and it was touch and go for a while, but he's on the road back up hill now, he's awake and learning to walk again, the doctors at the 2 hospitals have both said he beat their records for coming out of this, not only should he not be alive, but if he had survived he should be in a vegative state, they can not explain the fact that he is nearly normal again.

well, with my dad getting better, I should be able to return to posting again...I hope.

{{{{{{{{{{{{all comics guys}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} .
The C*C*DeVille Fanlisting
Mods Feed on Trolls
Don't Feed the Mods!
Message 1400 of 1,514
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twighlightmanor calling mustangrockstar!!!

All the best to you and your dad, EK.
The power of prayer is awesome, sin't it?
Message 1401 of 1,514
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twighlightmanor calling mustangrockstar!!!

All my prayers, eek!
Message 1402 of 1,514
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twighlightmanor calling mustangrockstar!!!

Glad to hear about your father, eelkat. I know how having an ill parent can mess you up. I'm glad yours seems to be recovering. Keep us posted.
Message 1403 of 1,514
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twighlightmanor calling mustangrockstar!!!

Great news Eelkat, I can relate to what you have gone through, and my heart goes out to you and your family.
My prayers and thoughts are with you.
Message 1404 of 1,514
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twighlightmanor calling mustangrockstar!!!

Hi Eelkat. It's good to see your posts again. I hope your Dad continues to get better.
Message 1405 of 1,514
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twighlightmanor calling mustangrockstar!!!


my dad is back at home this week, he's got 15 prescriptions to take, and he can't walk more that a few feet without stopping, and he's got one last sugery next week, but he's home! .
The C*C*DeVille Fanlisting
Mods Feed on Trolls
Don't Feed the Mods!
Message 1406 of 1,514
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twighlightmanor calling mustangrockstar!!!

Great news, Eelkat. Treasure every moment.
Message 1407 of 1,514
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twighlightmanor calling mustangrockstar!!!

Just in case this is one of those threads that disappears after a certain amount of time (and I haven't slogged thru it yet)


Message 1408 of 1,514
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twighlightmanor calling mustangrockstar!!!

and I haven't slogged thru it yet
Slog is the word, and have you got a couple of months to spare? :-)

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Message 1409 of 1,514
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twighlightmanor calling mustangrockstar!!!

4 or 5 pages was enough for me.

Message 1410 of 1,514
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