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Rude seller

I asked seller if bandages could be shipped cheaper than 6.90 so rude seller decided to list item higher and sent rude messages. I sent rude message back and stated that’s why they still have item ... maybe try being nicer to the buyer and you might sell something ... 

Message 1 of 30
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Rude seller


Everyone is a key board warrior these days 

Message 2 of 30
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Rude seller

I understand and wish sellers could be better, even myself in some instances have reacted to buyers wrongly.  I don't like the "Can you change the shipping costs?" question. My shipping is higher than actual cost which I attribute to handling.  Instead I suggest sending an offer other than having the seller change shipping as this invites contention.  I have very reasonable prices and usually am the cheapest even when including shipping.  I offer combined shipping and when a buyer asks if I can charge lower for shipping I take it to mean I am ripping them off and am angered considering my prices.  A buyer has many options and when he sends me that email I think they came to me because of my good price  and want an even better price even though I still am the lowest with my shipping costs included.  When a buyer sends an offer, no matter how bad the offer, I am not insulted like when they ask tell me I charge too much for shipping.  Just a suggestion and a suggestion for sellers may be to try to answer emails like you were talking to the person face to face.

Message 3 of 30
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Rude seller

Maybe if you researched the newest postal increase which just about tripled shipping costs you would not insult the seller.  You in essence accused the seller of over inflating costs.

This quest stands on the edge of a blade...stray but a little and you shall fail to the ruin of us all.
"The Lady Galadriel"
Message 4 of 30
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Rude seller

@frodobagginskennedy wrote: ... newest postal increase which just about tripled shipping costs ....

The only recent drastic rate change has been the introduction of "dimensional weight" for all packages shipped via Priority Mail and Parcel Select Ground.  This applies only to packages that are over 1 cubic foot in volume (i.e., 1728 cubic inches) and the minimum dimensional weight is 11 pounds. So a shipping cost of $6.90 is less than the cost to ship 11 pounds so that's not the reason. The seller might have added a significant handling cost, or might be shipping a lightweight package via Priority Mail.

Message 5 of 30
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Rude seller

@frodobagginskennedy wrote:

Maybe if you researched the newest postal increase which just about tripled shipping costs you would not insult the seller.  You in essence accused the seller of over inflating costs.

1.  The last USPS increase was on or about January 23, 2019 (almost 11 months old).  Increases were not close to  triple from the previous year.   The biggest increase was  that the dimensional rate (over 1 cubic  ft.) was applied to all shipping zones  vs  previously only to two zones and the rates for FCP became  zone based  vs flat rate based but the  change wasn't a tripling of any costs.

2. The next increase is set  for ~mid January 2020.  Expected rate increases  have been pre announced - none close to triple over the 2019 rate.  USPS claims the increase will be an average increase  of about 1.9%.

3.  BTW UPS & FedEx  have both announced a 5.9% increase- slated for late Dec. 2019.

"I have the right to remain silent but I didn't have the ability." Ron White, Fritch, Texas
"Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution." A. Einstein
The Devil made me do it! - Flip Wilson
If the band can only play loud - they ain't no good - peps too J.R. Johnson
Message 6 of 30
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Rude seller

Not applicable
DITTO! I get that question a lot!!! I then send back a rambling note about rising costs. I also explain that it would make no sense to overcharge for shipping, seeing that sellers have to pay 10% on what is charged.
Message 7 of 30
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Rude seller

Not applicable
You are wrong! That USPS chance has added a significant amount to larger packages!
Message 8 of 30
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Rude seller

Not applicable

Been on eBay for 20 years, and I get that question A LOT!!!


Yes I find it annoying, however I explain the following to the buyer:


I charge actual costs for shipping. It would make NO sense to over-charge for shipping as Seller's pay 10% on what is charged!




I would state that in all my listing, but so many buyers have a tendency to NOT READ LISTINGS.


So when I get questions about things clearly stated in description, (WHICH I GET MANY!!!!!) I answer: if you READ the listing, you can answer your own questions.


I do not care if I lose a sale, as it has become very annoying and makes for wasted time. Many times I just block the buyer. If you can not take the time to read, then you are a potentially a PROBLEM buyer.

Message 9 of 30
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Rude seller

Regarding expenses, Don't apologize, Don't explain, That's always been my motto.

I cancelled an order for a Canadian Gentleman (My choice) after he wrote me a dissertation
on why my shipping costs to Canada were 75 cents too high to Canada for a multi item order.

It took more than 75 cents of my time to read it. Life is too short.
Message 10 of 30
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Rude seller

Right after I wrote this I had a "Buyer" in Israel ask why it would cost $1.50 to mail him his $3.99 stamp.

That was his response to me sending a special offer $4.99 marked down to $3.99
Message 11 of 30
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Rude seller

As a seller, I get inquiries also about how high shipping is, especially for shipping outside of the USA.

As a seller, I take all responsibility for packaging and shipping the item for safe arrival.

As a seller, I have to purchase packaging materials.

As a seller, I have to drive to the post office for boxed items.

As a seller, I have to pay both Ebay and Paypal fees on shipping price.

As a seller, I have to refund all shipping costs on a return, in majority of refunds.

As a seller, paypal does not return any fees charged when a return is issued.

As a seller, shipping costs are not a PROFIT CENTER for me.


As a buyer, if you find the shipping too high with one seller, you can find another seller with lower shipping.

As a buyer, you can ask questions of the seller.

As a buyer, you understand that a seller has a right to say NO to your requests for lower pricing.

As a buyer, you have a right to say NO to a seller, by not purchasing, and moving on.


As a buyer or seller, you should not respond with hysterics, threats, or insults to the buyer or seller.

As a buyer, accept the seller terms, and if you can't, move on.

As a seller, as hard as it is sometimes, be professional in your response.

As a buyer or seller don't take responses as a personal attack against your being or business.


Message 12 of 30
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Rude seller

@Anonymous wrote:
You are wrong! That USPS chance has added a significant amount to larger packages!

Yes, it did. That's why I referred to the change as "drastic."

Message 13 of 30
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Rude seller

@Anonymous wrote:
You are wrong! That USPS chance has added a significant amount to larger packages!

Sorry but  nobodys perfect is spot on.

What USPS shipping service are you talking about, what "large" size package ( i. e. l x w x h) & weight are  you referring to?  Specifically how much was the significant amount added on and from what price to what  price?   The person  they  responded to said USPS tripled  shipping label costs recently - not true.

"I have the right to remain silent but I didn't have the ability." Ron White, Fritch, Texas
"Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution." A. Einstein
The Devil made me do it! - Flip Wilson
If the band can only play loud - they ain't no good - peps too J.R. Johnson
Message 14 of 30
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Rude seller

@Anonymous wrote:

Been on eBay for 20 years, and I get that question A LOT!!!


Yes I find it annoying, however I explain the following to the buyer:


I charge actual costs for shipping. It would make NO sense to over-charge for shipping as Seller's pay 10% on what is charged!  But you get to keep  90%  of the amount you over  charge.

1.  Never  have sold my shipping & handling charges at cost - have  shipped 1524 package for eBay sales.

2.  All eBay charges and FVF fees are total recovered in my selling price, along with a worthwhile profit margin.

3.  For some unusual reason I have yet to have a "shopper" or buyer send me a message the by S & H is too high since the date I started selling on eBay - January 10, 2010




I would state that in all my listing, but so many buyers have a tendency to NOT READ LISTINGS.


So when I get questions about things clearly stated in description, (WHICH I GET MANY!!!!!) I answer: if you READ the listing, you can answer your own questions.


I do not care if I lose a sale, as it has become very annoying and makes for wasted time. Many times I just block the buyer. If you can not take the time to read, then you are a potentially a PROBLEM buyer.

"I have the right to remain silent but I didn't have the ability." Ron White, Fritch, Texas
"Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution." A. Einstein
The Devil made me do it! - Flip Wilson
If the band can only play loud - they ain't no good - peps too J.R. Johnson
Message 15 of 30
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