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U.S. - China Trade Desl

Do you think since the U.S. and China has reached a trade deal, that China’s stuff will still be pouring over to the U.S. and onto EBay?

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U.S. - China Trade Desl

Yes. The new "deal" was more about politics than fairness.
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U.S. - China Trade Desl

I never saw a decrease in China activity -- on eBay or any where else.  Now, I do expect more incoming products. If only the quality would improve...

I am a founding member of the eBay Community Expert Group: a USA volunteer mentor with over a decade of experience. I am not an eBay employee.

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U.S. - China Trade Desl

I wish their quality would improve too!

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U.S. - China Trade Desl

The US and China have not reached a trade "deal;" this was "step one."


Trump agreed to not initiate tariffs that were supposed to start on December 15.  You know, the tariffs originally set to go into effect in August but he had already delayed those "just in case some of the tariffs would have an impact on US customers" in the Christmas season.  In other words, he backed down when someone finally got through to him that those tariffs would hurt US consumers and his reelection chances.


China's stuff never stopped pouring over to the US and on to ebay.


From the WSJ:


As part of the deal, the U.S. canceled plans to impose fresh tariffs on $156 billion in annual imports of Chinese-made goods—including smartphones, toys and consumer electronics—that were set to go into effect Sunday. The U.S. will also slash the tariff rate in half on roughly $120 billion of goods affected on Sept. 1, from 15% to 7.5%.


U.S. tariffs of 25% would remain on roughly $250 billion in Chinese goods, including machinery, electronics and furniture. In exchange, officials in Washington said China agreed to increase American agricultural purchases by $32 billion over previous levels over the next two years.

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U.S. - China Trade Desl

@dash-2773 wrote:
Yes. The new "deal" was more about politics than fairness. dash 


It hasn't happened yet . The final details are still unseen . Somewhat  like the USMC  replacement of NAFTA  is as well.. Too early  to come to conclusions .  Tulips 


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