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My eBay Sales Are Totally Dead In 2023

Thanks to the current government administration printing and giving away over 5 trillion during covid, they have created massive inflation and ruined the economy. Rent, groceries, gas, utilities, etc. have increased so much, many people have stopped spending and have little to no discretionary money. The worst economy in my 67 years. Mine and many others eBay sales have been almost nonexistent. Disgusting.

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Re: My eBay Sales Are Totally Dead In 2023

Sales are bad, but don’t waste my time with your political rant.  Post that on your Facebook page.  I would say what you sell has a VERY limited appeal. 

Message 2 of 13
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Re: My eBay Sales Are Totally Dead In 2023

Now watch them put a stake in the heart of it with the $600 - 1099 ruling.

Message 3 of 13
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Re: My eBay Sales Are Totally Dead In 2023

@kakenetit2  By law you are required to report all income regardless if you get a 1099 or not.   

Message 4 of 13
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Re: My eBay Sales Are Totally Dead In 2023

Please stop blaming the government for mass inflation, its not true, its the corporate world who sets the prices,and makes all the money,wall street is making big bucks,as always the rich always do well when things are bad for the little people,that is us,because they have all this wealth, and the have all the advantages, to take advantage of all the good deals money can buy and wealth begets more wealth, as always people love to blame immigrants, the poor,the homeless, and single mothers on welfare,while we are busy hating different people who are not like us,the rich make out like bandits all the way to the have been fed,led,and bred, to blame people who are just trying to survive, and you turn to the media which sells you there propaganda, which is own by these giant corporations, controlling all the information, 



Message 5 of 13
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Re: My eBay Sales Are Totally Dead In 2023

It's about quality, not quantity, yes I have a nitch business it's about the created arts, not numbers, which the u.s. is obsess with, you do not like my reply,change the channel. 

Message 6 of 13
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Re: My eBay Sales Are Totally Dead In 2023

I think it has to do with what you sell. You could not be more wrong about Ebay sales.

Message 7 of 13
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Re: My eBay Sales Are Totally Dead In 2023

Maybe thank the Trump adm. Who gave a massive tax cut to the rich. Which is one of the main causes of inflation. Big business got a free pass, and have shown massive profits. Killing small businesses 

Message 8 of 13
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Re: My eBay Sales Are Totally Dead In 2023

A recent expert economy said it is primarily the Governments of UK and USA during start of Covid that are responsible for this.  Their lack of (especially Trump) properly responding and scoffing at it being no big deal that caused the countries to shut down for so long.  Had borders been immediately closed, masks mad priority etc never would have been so bad.  When it was over the whiplash effect caused the inflation spike.  Supply was way down and demand was way up so everyone raised prices to ridiculous levels.

Message 9 of 13
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Re: My eBay Sales Are Totally Dead In 2023

Not applicable

Shut the **bleep** up! Trump 2024! 

Message 10 of 13
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Re: My eBay Sales Are Totally Dead In 2023

Your ebay lack of sales have nothing to do with COVID, outside of the
fact "duh" you could thank China and the people who pretended it did not exist.


You have to realize the debt went up due to Iraq and Afghanistan. That is why Obama had to "Bail out" the bankers, including various loan debts as well. These debts are preventing people from taking out loans for houses. Thus the housing crisis. Even the fact people lying about income on health insurance, and hiding money in offshore banks while going on benefits.

lets not forget about "tax shelters", and people buying up property because they want a Casino town like a pugly Target-store.


COVID is because the Authorities in Wuhan did not talk about it. The hospital where it was found did not talk about. Even when it was November and it was in the news, the President at the time did nothing about it but stock-pile hydro-blah-blah which is given as medication towards it. Nobody shutdown the ports ( as with Vietnam ), or took care to screen people on planes ( as with Elis Island ).


People also did not listen and used COVID as a vacation. They would rather retire then deal with the court ( which won the rights to workers who was fired ) People even lied about being vaccinated. Remember we also have criminals/wanted ( who broke into steal vaccines ).
Many of those people help spread the virus. Even stupid people who spit on people ( like the person spitting on girls running down the road in my area to even coughing on people on purpose, and pretending it was okay ).


China knew what would happen to the world economy. They benifited from it.
because the CCP is selfish, or as the founder of Alibaba-express said  "bad leadership". In China tourists had passports taken away, deported, and food stores would serve in a bowl ( like a dog ) to tons of discrimination. Even over here with the masks. Speaking of which all of those masks was "Made In China", along with other tools.


COVID alone did not make the economy fall alone. The fact that people with the money left the big-cities ( some Stepford Wives **bleep** ), NYC had 1/3 of it's population and election was based off Race ( Elected a born-citizen, African-American police officer thanks to George Floyd murderer ). People fleeing also help spread the virus. People who could work at home did not have to use transit/cars-bus-trains. Even now it is helping keeping a lower-carbon foot print. The water even got cleaner. In fact many problems within peoples families help damaged the economy. Covid just help it even faster then 9112001.


Right now After COVID. Thanks to the conspiracy of Russia attacking Ukraine. More importantly the illegal racist evictions of Islamic/Arabic and stoning/abuse towards people observing Islamic Holidays which led to the bombing of 200 people inside a residential building in Gaza ( After the Iron dome did it's job ), and pro-racist Zionist leaders causing people to be attacked, jailed, and put in camps because they are dark enough to be considered black from 2016, which eventually led to the recent October retaliation, which was even stated by the creator of Linux Mint in 2009. These events are causing tons of people to flee into the United States and tons of people to take jobs meant for local citizens. Not to mention other world problems as well.


Most of those payouts was gone within a short period of time. Meant to fuel the
economy which it did ( like ebay taxes and somebody buying coffee ). Money to invest. So there are people it did benefited. There is no difference when the US printed money via people going to war in WW1-WW2. People died, and lives was ruined. If your so unhappy then why not invest your cash, make it grow and  stop crying. Out there a small babies are dead for no reason and your greying up like silver with your golden-years well behind you. Your alive and whole bunch of virgins are dead in shallow graves.


Maybe try and raise the prices v. the taxes, and your losses? Or just invest
in another direction. All the stuff I usually buy on ebay are just raising the
prices slightly higher. Again COVID happen.


Speaking of resolution to COVID we have all of these immigrants that needs Suburban
houses for their families and single men and women who needs dorms. China have factory
towns, why can't the US have American Dream Factory neighborhoods. A whole area
of immigrants being paid the same below belt prices of Chinese/India/Mexico manufacturing
living in Eco-friendly-homes inside one-acre housing, in some No-name-state, waste-land
transformed into a thriving economy. They would still be on benefits but at least they
would be able to live, have children that will compete and do a days work helping recover
what was lost from Wuhan, China authorities "not saying anything about it". If I could
live in a house for free, do a 9-5 shift getting paid next-to-nothing, and have benefits
I would be super-happy. We have water-usability, we have affordable powerful computers,
we have projector-displays, energy efficient e-cars, e-bikes, and community gardens.
There goes your solution, the only problem is investing with that leftover money.

President Ford was doing it at the age ninety. Just build houses for people and let them

take care of the taxes. US could do it better.

Message 11 of 13
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Re: My eBay Sales Are Totally Dead In 2023

And Biden didn't help

Message 12 of 13
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Re: My eBay Sales Are Totally Dead In 2023

Same here. Have been eBay seller for 25+ years. Last 2 years our sales fell off a cliff. Unfortunately, eBay management has done nothing to help us, but they continue to destroy the UI.

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