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Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

I think this might be a great place to kinda land and connect with a some friends.






Can you please invite some folks to come and post and bring some snacks?  I think I will just keep 2 screens open and coastal picked the name of this place - "dingy falls" when ya need a little respite, please let me know to "dingy" and I will dingy over!




....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

Yesterday was a trashy day.   A little sun, a little rain.


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 I did get a walk in. This time it was a highway walk. North with a couple of plastic bags, and back home. Dropped off the filled bags, grabbed a couple of more and headed South. I was fortunate enough to find another empty plastic bag (lower left) on my southerly travels.  Filled the bags.


Today on my road trip I stopped off at the "deposit" recycler to get $$$ after I 1st stopped to get rid of trash/garbage/recyclables at the transfer station.


On my trip home I stopped for a photo of the river. Wanted to toss a line out but did not have my fishing pole with me.



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Message 8626 of 8,727
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

@silverstatetreasureboxes Bad weather is coming tomorrow...and I have to clerk an auction.  The guys are pretty good about putting me in a spot to stay dry because I have the papers with the prices!   


Today it was in the low 80's and only 3 degree off the record high.  We went for a walk and then walked around the yard, making mental notes of what we need to do this spring/summer.  We can't plant until May 15, but we were talking about what we want to plant in the garden this year.  

evry1nositswindy  •  seller since 2013
Volunteer Community Mentor

Message 8627 of 8,727
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate


I'll be watching TWC as it affects some of my peeps as well, please be careful.

Message 8628 of 8,727
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

Yesterday was in the 60's and then the rain came in the late afternoon.


Going to work and I see so many yards have been mowed.

It's only mid April and the yards are being mowed.

I think I may end up mowing at the end of April with the rain and warm weather is getting the grass growing.


My day off and it's to be raining on and off.

Plan on getting more items ready for listing.


Message 8629 of 8,727
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

The sun came out just after a short rainfall.

Went outside and there is that wonderful fresh grass smell in the air.

Then I see . . . .

the grass just grew 6 inches before my eyes.

I hope that the lawnmower will work when I get it out of the woodchuck section of the garage.

Should go and get premium gas for the mower that it's ready when needed.


It's darkening up again for more rain.

Message 8630 of 8,727
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

A day off and it's in the 40's and going up to the 50's.

Not sure if I am going down to the farm to do some more brush clearing.

Tomorrow will only be in the 40's and I figured that I would be working on another tote of clothing.


I have Dutchmen breeches, vincas and grape hyacinth & phlox that is blooming.


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I seemed to be the only one that hasn't started to mow yet.

Problem: woodchuck in the back of the garage, and I am not really ready to start mowing yet.


See the tall grass. NOT.  That tall grass looking stuff is that Star of Bethlehem bulbs.

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Message 8631 of 8,727
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate


I'm mesmerized by that old fashioned mailbox!

Your one busy lady, I couldn't hold a candle to you, go get em!

Message 8632 of 8,727
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

@silverstatetreasureboxes wrote:


I'm mesmerized by that old fashioned mailbox!

Your one busy lady, I couldn't hold a candle to you, go get em!

That mailbox could hold 2 medium flat rate boxes plus mail. 😄

At one time, that mailbox was painted as a siamese cat and I added ears and a tail.

Then I removed the ears and painted it black and white as a cow, but someone took it's tail.


Message 8633 of 8,727
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

just some daffodils and star flowers here. 


Lillies and peony sprouted but will be a while.


Will have to take a look for my Star of Bethlehem. They were slim pickings last year.


Little sprouts of something in the new back flower beds but could just be weeds. There is a section waiting for Cosmos, but it's only April here, so too early.


Did see some low blue blooms over on the neighbor's little slope by the driveway. That gets a lot of mid-day/afternoon sun.



Message 8634 of 8,727
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate



Could you post a close up of the Star of Bethlehem sprouts so I can compare to be sure I don't pull something that I shouldn't if I should get froggy and attempt some weeding?  Thanks. No rush, sprinkles today.

Message 8635 of 8,727
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

@buyselljack2016 wrote:



Could you post a close up of the Star of Bethlehem sprouts so I can compare to be sure I don't pull something that I shouldn't if I should get froggy and attempt some weeding?  Thanks. No rush, sprinkles today.

This is where some mini bulbs start off as. Rounded blades of grasslike.

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Then the bulbs multiply and form clumps. ( like in the lawn )


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And then you get these


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Message 8636 of 8,727
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

We have a freeze warning still in effect.

Yesterday was so cold with the high winds.

I did have to get out my winter coat twice to pet up Milo and keep him company for a while.


It's in the low 40's and the winds are getting worse.

The furnace is running. I was hoping to get 150 gallons of fuel oil before the end of April, but then the gas prices went up and I was hoping they would go back down before ordering. Pooo !


Trying to go through another tote of clothing and just can't get into the rhythm of getting that project done.


Message 8637 of 8,727
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate



Thanks. I looked when I went out yesterday to see what was sprouting. Looks like I have some poking out. No weeding😁  Not sure of all the spots that I put the bulbs, but only had blooms in one location last year.

Message 8638 of 8,727
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

Jack's not so nimble


that's not so bad


the ground is white


Jack is sad


It's also kind of nippy, but the sun is out, so I suppose I will go out to do a few things.


Broke the grill "burner tent" support on one end yesterday, so I should get that fixed.


Rain gutters could go up on the house (garage done recently).


Need to move the broken blower back near the garage to pull the engine off before scrapping. A guy that scavenges scrap (and anything else that I put out free) will be by soon. Could wait, but better to be done with it before I start trying to part it out on eBay.


Have a "new" rug remnant that is out for the picker, but thinking maybe I will keep it. Need to move it before it departs.


Also need to put out more fence. Some is rolled up in the back of the cellar. That will have to wait until after "quiet hour" before I go digging it out. No door on the doghouse. I don't want to end up in it now.


There were 2 mallards in the stream on the neighbor's side of the road yesterday. Not much rain predicted for the near future. Those silly ducks could start nesting, and get a big surprise when it rains hard, and the stream floods. I could go chase them off to make a better choice, but even though my intentions would be good I probably shouldn't.


Got fooled for a bit at the little stream recently. I thought a little trout was hitting the surface for bugs. After a bit I realized it was too consistent.  Apparently there was a broken branch over the stream, and the sap from that branch was dripping into the stream.


Was just out on the deck watching the white bug melt.  It was a chain reaction of spots turning from white to wet as it was warmed with the sun.


Emptied the trap line, and also have a couple of chicken bones as treats for the crows. Need to get them out. Last week I left chicken bones on the garage floor before taking them out, and overnight one disappeared😲

Message 8639 of 8,727
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

@buyselljack2016 @policequilts 

I do enjoy your stories. It was a pistol today, it still says 92* out and it's 7:30pm. Just sitting out with puppy, nothing happening. Supposed to have a cool down Friday in the high 70s.

Message 8640 of 8,727
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