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:: Buyer Scammed Me On Return Product, and Got His Money Back, Left Negative Feedback ::

You Guys, check this out:

Well, I guess it was my turn to get scammed on a return, and eBay is fine with stealing. I have a good track record, and have over 109 positive feedback. I sold a brand new Western Digital 8TB external hard drive. Free Priority shipping, so the Fraudster (fkp_toys) gets it, removes 8TB hard drive from the enclosure, puts in old Seagate 160GB piece of **bleep**, glues the case back together, takes original power brick and puts in the box generic power brick. Messages me saying the drive is defective. I send him return label, it arrives, so I want to test the drive myself, try to plug in the usb to the enclosure and the plug is dangling loosely. I knew right and there he swapped internal drives! Tamper tabs were broken, so I opened it, and there it was a **bleep** Seagate hard drive.


I snapped some photos, and called eBay. They told me to contact buyer and explain situation. Well he never wrote me back. Ebay opened a case and I gave full details  with some closeup photos. Money was on hold on PayPal. I wait a day and I get a email from Ebay saying that I did not prove anything, maybe I did send him a drive in this configuration, so they decided to refund the buyer! On top of that fraudelent buyer left me a nasty negative feedback.


I am sooooooo angry, I lost money in shipping, the drive, and left with a negative feedback. This is fraud supported by Ebay and PayPal, how can this happen this day in age?? What about the sellers, who put money in Ebay pockets?! What the hell is going on here?!


I will fight this, starting with Ebay, any advice how to talk to ebay? Is it too late to file a police report?

Will try to get my money back, but most importantly negative lie feedback needs to be removed. If Ebay cannot reverse the refund, I will try with PayPal. ????Any advice guys????


All comments are appriciated



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:: Buyer Scammed Me On Return Product, and Got His Money Back, Left Negative Feedback ::

Same thing happened to me. Sold an iPhone, buyer said it was defective and sent it back to me only to have a flash drive inside the package. eBay said they can't do a thing for me despite the buyers "scam" feedback. I am frustrated with eBay and their lack of protection for the seller. I will be filing a local police report as well as reporting the incident on: which is online crime. 

Message 2 of 9
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:: Buyer Scammed Me On Return Product, and Got His Money Back, Left Negative Feedback ::

File a mail fraud case through USPS.

Have a great day.
Message 3 of 9
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:: Buyer Scammed Me On Return Product, and Got His Money Back, Left Negative Feedback ::

I do not know if this is of any help or not but I watch Judge Judy quite a bit and have seen cases where Ebay sellers take buyers to court or vise versa. If that is the case, I guess making copies of message interactions between you and buyer and I guess Ebay CS as well and get a police report, you might be able to have something done about it.

Make copies of the original photos and Ebay listing of the item the way you sold it and photos of the item as it was returned to you. I know there could be some kind of arguments to that,but you never know you might still be able to make a case out of this. Just a suggestion.

Also, there is another suggestion I would like to make as well. Anybody that sells anything electronic, should have a "secret marking" to that item [Inside and outside the item].

Take photos of what you have done to that item to show as proof. Use something that will show up only under ultraviolet light. That way if it gets returned, you can argue this and could quite possibly prove this if the original item is with the "theif"

*This is only a suggestion

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:: Buyer Scammed Me On Return Product, and Got His Money Back, Left Negative Feedback ::

Ebay is useless, and sooner or later this will catch up to them. I won't be here bailing out their a$$eS.

I did a mail fraud claim, which is getting no where... 


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:: Buyer Scammed Me On Return Product, and Got His Money Back, Left Negative Feedback ::

Did that, nothing so far.
Message 6 of 9
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:: Buyer Scammed Me On Return Product, and Got His Money Back, Left Negative Feedback ::

Ebay supports downright fraud. Sorry this also happened to you!
Message 7 of 9
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:: Buyer Scammed Me On Return Product, and Got His Money Back, Left Negative Feedback ::

These are great ideas, unfortunately taking him to small claims court will cost me too much. I live on East coast he lives on the West. As for the second suggestion, secret marking is maybe good for own refrence, but Ebay just dont gives a **bleep**! Thank you for taking the time and sharing your thoughts!

Message 8 of 9
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:: Buyer Scammed Me On Return Product, and Got His Money Back, Left Negative Feedback ::

Preaching to the quire brother!!

I have a seller slandering me as a Seller!! It's getting bad and no other place to sell.



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