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eBay Standard Envelope $.63 doesn't exist according to the PO

We have been on ebay for almost 24 years.


Our Post Office said there is no such, "eBay Standard Envelope shipping for $.63" .... every one under 1oz are pulled and sent back to us for additional postage of $.40.    We have called ebay several times over this


1: Ebay has no proof that you can ship a coin, under 1oz, for 63 cents.

2: We have to pay an additional 40 cents

3: The Post Office says if you put anything in the envelope like a coin ... the envelope requires $1.04 postage.


The Post Master says, "eBay Standard Envelope shipping for $.63" is Postal Fraud. 



Message 1 of 49
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Re: eBay Standard Envelope $.63 doesn't exist according to the PO

Correct, nothing to show, because nothing is needed as proof.


The ESE restrictions on "eBay" are just that....... the categories "eBay" allows........ what eBay allows from their selling point of view.


USPS  vs eBay is apples and oranges. eBay chooses what it will allow to be sold/shipped from their site with ESE (metered mail)


As explained ESE is a "metered mail" product.  From the USPS point of view, in the long run, it does not matter what is in the envelope. What matters is that it meets the characteristics to be processed as "metered mail".


Find another P.O. location

Message 16 of 49
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Re: eBay Standard Envelope $.63 doesn't exist according to the PO



Coins are permitted to ship ESE. If your postmaster is saying otherwise, I suggest filing a complaint here:


Someone higher up than your postmaster will look into it and will educate your postmaster on the service. That URL is the best path for reporting local/regional ESE issues.


That said, can you tell us exactly how you're packing the coins for shipping so we can make sure you're not having issues because of thickness or rigidity in packaging?

Message 17 of 49
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Re: eBay Standard Envelope $.63 doesn't exist according to the PO

"That said, can you tell us exactly how you're packing the coins for shipping so we can make sure you're not having issues because of thickness or rigidity in packaging?"


It has nothing to do with thickness or rigidity in packaging -- the Post Master at the Florence Post Office is having our envelopes  pulled because they have a "coin" in the envelope ... she says absolutely no coins allowed.  This started about 2 months ago after sending approx 1500 or more coins through the Post Office out side drop box.

Message 18 of 49
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Re: eBay Standard Envelope $.63 doesn't exist according to the PO

OK then I suggest filing the complaint at the link above.

Message 19 of 49
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Re: eBay Standard Envelope $.63 doesn't exist according to the PO

As said because they aren't properly trained and you need to get someone higher up to educate your local PO.


Ive seen this happen for numerous sellers and once they got the call they never had issues again.

Message 20 of 49
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Re: eBay Standard Envelope $.63 doesn't exist according to the PO

Perhaps the regional processing facility has had issues with "coins" improperly packaged jamming up the machinery and has passed a request to offices to be vigilant for "coins" improperly secured in envelopes, requesting that those get in the "nonmachinable" tray.


Perhaps the local Postmaster has made her own "local policy". Some do such things.

Message 21 of 49
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Re: eBay Standard Envelope $.63 doesn't exist according to the PO

"As explained ESE is a "metered mail" product. From the USPS point of view, in the long run, it does not matter what is in the envelope. What matters is that it meets the characteristics to be processed as "metered mail".


Find another P.O. location"


Fine another location -- My store is next to the Florence PO ... the next one is 15 miles away.   Making a 30 mile round trip as I wave bye to the one next to my store.

Message 22 of 49
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Re: eBay Standard Envelope $.63 doesn't exist according to the PO

white envelope .125 inch think and .6 ounces.  The Post Master of Florence will let this go because  I set the postage from .63 to $1.11


Message 23 of 49
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Re: eBay Standard Envelope $.63 doesn't exist according to the PO

Your postmaster is in the wrong. Get the complaint filed and keep us posted if you get this resolved.

Message 24 of 49
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Re: eBay Standard Envelope $.63 doesn't exist according to the PO

7 minutes each way to Coal Creek.


9 minutes each way to Penrose.


but your $1.11 payment seems to solve (cover up) the issue at a lower cost than a "road trip".

Message 25 of 49
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Re: eBay Standard Envelope $.63 doesn't exist according to the PO

You are not allowed to put coins in a standard envelope. 

It is approved by ESE....but you are taking a chance if it goes through the mail. 

Why someone not using ESE is not allowed and ESE is allowed...that makes no sense.

ESE is considered "Metered Mail" and not "Stamped Mail".

Meter mail goes through a mail sorting machine to speed up mail delivery.

Big cities use the machines...a tiny little town of course would not use such a machine.

This is why some mail does not go through with coins in it using ESE.


Message 26 of 49
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Re: eBay Standard Envelope $.63 doesn't exist according to the PO

Most of your buyers buy one coin and it will probably work with you don't live in a big city with meter mail sorting machines.

Message 27 of 49
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Re: eBay Standard Envelope $.63 doesn't exist according to the PO

Thank you!

I don't see the word eBay in there. LOL

Message 28 of 49
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Re: eBay Standard Envelope $.63 doesn't exist according to the PO

"Having a machine", "not having a machine" has nothing to do with how the mail is processed.


It is "processed" at a facility with " machines".


The reason they do not go through at some locations is because someone is making up their own rules.

Message 29 of 49
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Re: eBay Standard Envelope $.63 doesn't exist according to the PO

I wonder who came first....the post office or eBay.

eBay allows ESE while it is stated per USPS coins are not allowed in a standard envelope.

There are big cities and tiny little towns. 

The big cities have meter mail sorting machines...not little tiny, tiny towns.

So, some ESE does works depending where you live and where you mail these ESE to.

Message 30 of 49
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