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HEY EBAY - WTH IS THIS? Why does this keep happening? Guaranteed delivery **bleep**!

Hey ebay - explain to me why this keeps happening!!!

Sold item today - 1 day handling - ship by Monday - guaranteed to buyer buy TUESDAY!!! WTH?






Message 1 of 37
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HEY EBAY - WTH IS THIS? Why does this keep happening? Guaranteed delivery **bleep**!

As long as you are shipping within YOUR handling time you can point them to eBay to get a $5 voucher.  eBay is overpromising the speed at which USPS can operate, so make sure EBAY eats the issue.


Explain to the buyer that "You are sorry the item didn't arrive by the date that eBay told them it would and that eBay is promising that USPS will perform their delivery in less time than what USPS will promise.  eBay makes that guarantee without your permission, you promise to get it to the shipping agent within 1 business day and you kept that promise.  The fact the USPS was not able to deliver on eBay's promise is eBay's problem."  Point them to where they can make their claim for a $5 voucher.

Member of the Grumpy Old Man crew
Message 2 of 37
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HEY EBAY - WTH IS THIS? Why does this keep happening? Guaranteed delivery **bleep**!

@dtexley3 wrote:

As long as you are shipping within YOUR handling time you can point them to eBay to get a $5 voucher.  eBay is overpromising the speed at which USPS can operate, so make sure EBAY eats the issue.


Explain to the buyer that "You are sorry the item didn't arrive by the date that eBay told them it would and that eBay is promising that USPS will perform their delivery in less time than what USPS will promise.  eBay makes that guarantee without your permission, you promise to get it to the shipping agent within 1 business day and you kept that promise.  The fact the USPS was not able to deliver on eBay's promise is eBay's problem."  Point them to where they can make their claim for a $5 voucher.

Oh, believe me - I certainly do point them to ebay, but it's still a problem - I got a negative they won't remove because a buyer claimed I was "arrogant" over telling him that it's ebay's problem, they guarantee delivery that the post office won't even deliver!

Message 3 of 37
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HEY EBAY - WTH IS THIS? Why does this keep happening? Guaranteed delivery **bleep**!

I've got 4 more screen shots all showing the same type of time guarantee/estimates!!!

Message 4 of 37
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HEY EBAY - WTH IS THIS? Why does this keep happening? Guaranteed delivery **bleep**!

I did let ebay know that their wording (about guaranteed delivery) is giving buyers high expectations, and the buyers are not understanding that the sellers are not making the promise, so their "guaranteed delivery" verbiage is going to backfire, because they've not only disappointed the buyers (essentially chasing them away from ebay), but also made sellers look bad (again, chasing away buyers). The rep agreed and thought it was important enough to pass on to the powers that be. Whether it makes it to the board or not is anyone's guess. Only when it hits ebay in the bank account will they stop over-promising to buyers.

Message 5 of 37
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HEY EBAY - WTH IS THIS? Why does this keep happening? Guaranteed delivery **bleep**!

@mysticlake007 wrote:


My reply




Guaranteed delivery is a fiction.


How can eBay (or anyone else) guarantee the actions of an organization over which they have no control (the post office) when the post office itself can not control delays caused by traffic accidents or the movement of the airplanes that carry the mail because the airlines can not control the weather or other mechanical issues that periodically ground a plane, along with the mail it is carrying.


Guaranteed delivery is an advertising gimmick over which we, the sellers, have no input or control  over the days that eBay arbitrarily selects. eBay is betting that most items will show up on time and when they don’t they just shrug and blame the post office.


A little patience please.




I know some may not agree with this as being too blunt. But more and ore I am getting tired of dealing with “snowflakes”. Your package is one or two days late - Oh the Horrors.


If you needed it by a certain date for a special event why did you wait until the last minute to order it? Lack of planning on your part does constitute an emergency on my part.


Message 6 of 37
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HEY EBAY - WTH IS THIS? Why does this keep happening? Guaranteed delivery **bleep**!

i agree with you this is happening i already reported this problem to ebay billing department section who handle also the defects on transactions, what you should always do is to call every three week to that department and let them take out the defects, if due to this problem you get negative feedback, they will remove it after verify details because its technical problem, its not your fault, all the negative feedback due to technical error on transaction late shipment rate will be removed. THIS USUALLY HAPPEN SPECIALLY IF SOMEONE PLACE ORDER ON FRIDAY AND ON MONDAY IF YOU SHIP ITEM YOUR LATE SHIPMENT RATE WILL INCREASE which is bug what ebay need fix it .i call every three weeks to fix it so far because its internal error in the system .
Message 7 of 37
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HEY EBAY - WTH IS THIS? Why does this keep happening? Guaranteed delivery **bleep**!

@tracdea1 wrote:

I did let ebay know that their wording (about guaranteed delivery) is giving buyers high expectations, and the buyers are not understanding that the sellers are not making the promise, so their "guaranteed delivery" verbiage is going to backfire, because they've not only disappointed the buyers (essentially chasing them away from ebay), but also made sellers look bad (again, chasing away buyers). The rep agreed and thought it was important enough to pass on to the powers that be. Whether it makes it to the board or not is anyone's guess. Only when it hits ebay in the bank account will they stop over-promising to buyers.

While I appreciate you took the time to contact them, I can almost guarantee (Even I won't try that **bleep**!) they will do nothing about it - FALLS ON DEAF EARS. As someone else pointed out, it's just a gimmick of theirs that makes the sellers look bad. The chances that a customer will actually contact ebay for the $5 credit are slim to none, AND THEY (EBAY) KNOW THAT!


And if the buyer complains and gets a free return label, that just screws the seller, they lose the sale.

Message 8 of 37
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HEY EBAY - WTH IS THIS? Why does this keep happening? Guaranteed delivery **bleep**!

What I want to know is - WHY WON'T EBAY REPLY TO THIS HERE???


They act like it doesn't happen. I've got 4 more screen shots for DIFFERENT orders that are just the same! When I get time to cover up the buyers info, I'll be happy to share them too!!!

Message 9 of 37
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HEY EBAY - WTH IS THIS? Why does this keep happening? Guaranteed delivery **bleep**!

@mysticlake007 wrote:

@dtexley3 wrote:

As long as you are shipping within YOUR handling time you can point them to eBay to get a $5 voucher.  eBay is overpromising the speed at which USPS can operate, so make sure EBAY eats the issue.


Explain to the buyer that "You are sorry the item didn't arrive by the date that eBay told them it would and that eBay is promising that USPS will perform their delivery in less time than what USPS will promise.  eBay makes that guarantee without your permission, you promise to get it to the shipping agent within 1 business day and you kept that promise.  The fact the USPS was not able to deliver on eBay's promise is eBay's problem."  Point them to where they can make their claim for a $5 voucher.

Oh, believe me - I certainly do point them to ebay, but it's still a problem - I got a negative they won't remove because a buyer claimed I was "arrogant" over telling him that it's ebay's problem, they guarantee delivery that the post office won't even deliver!

Call back and tell them the negative is because of late delivery with the guaranteed delivery and that th feedback should be removed under seller protction 

“Birth certificates show that you were born. Death certificates show that you died. Photographs show that you have lived.” -Unknown
Message 10 of 37
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HEY EBAY - WTH IS THIS? Why does this keep happening? Guaranteed delivery **bleep**!

@mysticlake007 wrote:

What I want to know is - WHY WON'T EBAY REPLY TO THIS HERE???


They act like it doesn't happen. I've got 4 more screen shots for DIFFERENT orders that are just the same! When I get time to cover up the buyers info, I'll be happy to share them too!!!

Hi @mysticlake007, you are always welcome to tag a member of the Community Team if you need clarification or have a general question. I need to clarify that buyers do not need to call eBay customer support to get the $5 voucher guaranteed if an item is delivered late. All they need to do is go to their Purchase History and select More Actions next to the order. From here, they select Report Late Delivery and choose the $5 voucher option.  The voucher will then be added to their account. This process is meant to be simple, without the need of contacting customer support, so buyers can quickly resolve the matter if an item arrives late. If one of your buyers contacts you about a late delivery for a guaranteed item then it would be best explain this step to them for an easy and quick resolution.


Report Late Delivery.JPG


While we do offer feedback protections for guaranteed items if that feedback is about a late delivery, we will withhold that protection if the seller has created a bad experience for their customer, either by the way they treated the buyer through eBay messages, shipping an item late, etc., and the feedback received is related to that bad experience caused by the seller, not solely or necessarily because of a late delivery. I haven't reviewed your specific situation because we can't discuss account specific information on the boards, but if you contact customer support they can elaborate on why feedback protections may not apply to this particular transaction. 


Guaranteed Delivery means we guarantee the item will be delivered on time to the buyer OR we'll give them a $5 voucher or cover return shipping costs if it's delivered late.  If we put Guaranteed Delivery on a listing then we are confident it will be delivered on time to the buyer. However, there are times when an item will arrive late due to unexpected events, such as when a shipping carrier makes a mistake, severe weather, or natural disasters. As long as the seller ships the item within their stated handling time then eBay will honor the terms of the guarantee and give them a $5 voucher or cover return shipping costs if the buyer choses to return the item instead.


Edit: I'll send this to the appropriate team for review. You should receive an email with more information after they've had a chance to take a look at the feedback and situation. 

Community Team
Message 11 of 37
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HEY EBAY - WTH IS THIS? Why does this keep happening? Guaranteed delivery **bleep**!

Now that Paypal is no longer refunding their fees in the case of a return, will Ebay also be covering that lost money?
Message 12 of 37
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HEY EBAY - WTH IS THIS? Why does this keep happening? Guaranteed delivery **bleep**!

Yeah, I got that email that they are claiming it's my fault for responding to the customer arrogantly for telling them it was EBAYS FAULT for offering absurd estimates and the post office for actually being the one that screwed up. I fully expect you all to cover for yourselves and leave us sellers out to hang. I find it interesting nobody is mentioning this CURRENT situation or the other 5 screen shots!~!~!~!

Message 13 of 37
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HEY EBAY - WTH IS THIS? Why does this keep happening? Guaranteed delivery **bleep**!

Oh, now isn't that special - I have an account warning for not being nice to ebay.....



Message 14 of 37
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HEY EBAY - WTH IS THIS? Why does this keep happening? Guaranteed delivery **bleep**!


Message 15 of 37
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