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Failed International Delivery

I sold an item to a customer in China.
The shipping method I selected is, "eBay International Standard Delivery".
I filled out the customs form and printed out the label.
A week later the package was returned to me.
On it, with a red marker was written, "Cannot send old items".
The last update on tracking info is, "Customer already canceled the shipment"
However, the customer is just as surprised as me. They did not cancel.
And they have purchased this type of item before without issues. This is not a prohibited item.
I have shipped items internationally before, but this is the first time I've had a problem.
I'm curious if this is something that others have experienced.
I'd like to know what is the reason for this cancellation,
how can I send the item to my customer,
and if there is a way to get a refund for the shipping.  
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Re: Failed International Delivery

Ebay has lost control of their shipping services.  When they started their, "We can handle everything" plan, eBay didn't have the software, services, or people to operate their systems, so they handed payment, shipping, data storage and other basic services to a huge number of other companies around the world.  Now they have no idea where your money is, where your shipping went, or how much they owe you.  It's time for an investigation.

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Re: Failed International Delivery

Please send a message to with the order number and ESUS tracking number and the team can investigate. 


Thank you


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