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EBAY is blind to to spot bad buyers, helping them rip you off

Yet again I can see that a buyer (so far every single return I have received has been misuse of ebay's policy and they don't think this is a problem?) is obviously up to something. It's not hard to figure out when i send a video showing my items working as described along with those items, recorded just minutes before tracking is posted. The recording shows the time as displayed on a local broadcasting tv stations tv guide (which cannot be manipulated) and the item shows all featuyres working like new, then the back showing all wires connections and all outputs working then a close up on the serial number, then time and date again. all video is recorded in 1 take and no editing.

That video is then burned to a disc, that disc is time stamped by my computer as well. I send that copy alon with the item, I have a TERMS OF TRANSACTION posted in each description area of my listings that need to have it.


I explain exactly what I do and what I expect to see happen after a sale is made. I keep my end of the deal and I back it up, then I have a 48 hour time period to report any shipping dmages, I tell every buyer to test each item the moment it arrives to make sure that it works as I have shown in my recording. Then I offer a 14 day return as well. I go on to explain that buyers need to read manuals and understand them, any questions need to be asked directly to me for fastest help.


I also explain that any SNAD cases will first need to have an insurance claim opened with the carriers since I know I sent a working item so there's no other way that the item could be broken or not working as described. this is based on the fact that buyers are always telling the truth as EBAY has stated to me hundreds of times. With that idea I see no other choice but to open an insurance claim, correct? So I also will try to arrange for that item to be inspected by the carriers, this might take a few days to arrange since they do not automatically want to inspect items but when it involves items over $150 they will want to do this.


This all sounds reasonable since 95% of buyers who open SNAD cases have proven to be outright liars, sending back perfectly good working items, items they damaged on purpose and items misssing parts or even empty boxes! So since ebay has explained that they don't know who's telling the truth I have decided that a 3rd party inspection by the carriers would provide the missing information that ebay has no right to be judging in the first place (since they have no idea how can they even make a decision?).


Here's the problem, buyers have the items a month and open a case and say "it's broken" then no other explanation is given, my terms say that any SNAD cases must provide a detailed explanation of what they are experiencing or their case would not have any merit and will have to be inspected by the carriers. But ebay only gives me 3 days to get anything set up and since the buyers refuse to cooperate and even reply back to me I have to wait at least 1 day to hear a reply so that leaves me 1 day to try to get something set up with the carriers to get an inspection since I'm sure this is simply a fraudulent buyer who has either removed parts or has plans to not send any items back at all.


So you see if the carriers demand inspection, the buyers are screwed, if they don't supply the items they will be denied and I will get the news and report them to ebay to close the case. The thing is I need more time than 1 day to get this set up, and why should I have to jump when the buyer has had the item for a month and then will not even reply back to tell me what's wrong with it?


I believe that any cases opened up by buyers that do not reply back with the needed information should have their cases closed after 3 days, period!


So when I'm working on getting this set up to provide both me and ebay with information and a means to stop this blatant activity of ripping off us sellers, ebays desperately trying to make sure I cannot do anything that would help me stop it!? Before I can get anything set up and have no information at all on my item (that I have proof of working as described), ebay goes and sends the liars a shipping label at my cost thereby bypassing the plan for inspection that would stop this activity before it can even take place. I'm not authorizing the label so why should I pay for it, I'm only asking for the time top set up an inspection, nothing more, its not unrersonable and I'm sure any court of law will see this my way.


Today the item arrives and I know without even opening the box that there's going to be a worthless item insde, and sure enough it was, parts removed and pieces laying inside it, JUNK! I just lost $200 again plus fees and a defect! the entire time I was trying to stop this return since it was so obvious and the entire time I was telling ebay that this was just another rip off they made sure I could not stop it! They have it set up so I can't defend myself no matter what I have written or I have planned to do to make sure this can't happen.


Ebay has effectively made sure that the criminal can fulfill their crime and then protects them and charges me for a costly shipping label that they make money off of and they also still make money from the sale either way, plus they punish me with a defect for getting ripped off and losing $200 or more on the sale, just because I sold it here!


What seems to be wrong with this way of thinking? Unless you want to provide a safe haven for criminals to be able to take advantage of sellers then why else would they have this set up this way? If this is so this is a perfect description of aiding and abetting crimal activity and fraud to take place. Offering a safe place to commit fraud and make money off of it, this makes them a conspirator to commit crime as well since they are making money off each crimal activity, they refuse to provide refunds in known cases of fraud and they do not turn in the criminals, in fact they allow them to continue doing so without so much as a warning!


They leave me no choice but to not pay my bills and hope that they come after me and try to collect so I can present my case in a real court to a real judge and show them all the thousands of screen shots I have taken showing the way things have been done here. Showing pictures of all of the returns working or missing parts, empty boxes weighing only what the box werighs as recorded by USPS at the time of shipping back to me and posted diectly on the shipping label as welll. This happens after I have proof from the buyer that they received what I had show in my listings but then did not return those item since the box couldn't have held them at that weight, proof positiive of fraud!


I see no way for ebay to be able to avoid this becoming a problem for them and I'm sure that my outstanding bill (which is much less than they have caused me to lose over the years) will be dismissed but I will also counter sue for the rest of the money at that same time. I'm sure that judges are hearing many of the same cases on a daily basis and soon it will ring true each and every one of them will be rewarded with very little effort to prove that ebay has been commiting fraud and helping to comit fraud or the actual act of defrauding their sellers directly by making decisions on cases that they will directly be making a financial gain. This is not a legal activity in the eyes of the law. They provide no proof of their decisions and they are not allowing us to have a 3rd party inspection to occur, this is something that we have the right to do to provide the answers that ebay admits they cannot provide and uses as thier excuse to defraud us and collect payment on sales that we made but were ultimately returned by misusing their open ended policy that allows buyers to easily commit fraud and steal from us directly while sheilded by ebay who is charging us for the fraud to occur. promises of seller protection that I see in my agreement that is offered to me are not happening, if anything it's just the opposite, they are guarantying I will be ripped off with no recourse, this is not how their seller protection is worded, they have effectively broke their end of the agreement and continue to comit and help to commit fraud daily to thousands of unwitting sellers world wide.


 Not only participating in but also providing the worlds largest Mail fraud network ever seen, in addition to but not limited to: obstuction of justice (not reporting fraudulent buyers and sellers), adiding and abetting (allowing guilty buyers to get away with their plans and blocking any attempts to stop it), conspiring to commit crime and fraud (when a buyer calls and ebay tells them to open a case based on the knowledge that ebay will automatically decide in their favor without any proof of evidence needed) and directly defrauding their sellers (by removing their funds from their accounts without permissioon when a seller has proof of the buyer commiting fraud and ebay will not accept any evidence or report the buyers to authorities and ebay charges extra for a return shipping label at the sellers cost effectively making even more money from them as well as charging them for the sales fees associated to the sellers overall loss on that proven fraudulent sale).


Latest victim of fraud (2nd one this week)


Message 1 of 17
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Re: EBAY is blind to to spot bad buyers, helping them rip you off

I don't understand why you think your videos and photos prove anything. Your extensive videos do not prove what you actually handed over to a clerk, nor do they prove what you actually got back in the return. It is and always will be your word against the buyer's word.


You can tell people that they must start an insurance claim before opening a SNAD case, but very few will fall for that.


You do not have the right to have a third party inspect returns on this site. eBay has no way to verify that you didn't simply have your garbage man, doctor, or cable lady inspect the package and sign off agreeing with you.


I would suggest at this point that you stop selling on here because eBay's policies aren't likely to be changing in your favor. Some of the policies are unfair, but that is what you agreed to when you started and continued listing. The scummy buyers aren't going anywhere. 

Message 2 of 17
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Re: EBAY is blind to to spot bad buyers, helping them rip you off

Buyers Rule on eBay.  eBays Money Back Guarantee (MBG) trumps every return policy or rule you have in your listing. Good Luck to you.

Message 3 of 17
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Re: EBAY is blind to to spot bad buyers, helping them rip you off



"This all sounds reasonable"


Ummm...No it doesn't.


"They leave me no choice but to not pay my bills and hope that they come after me and try to collect"


Now that's reasonable! And that will happen.


"I see no way for ebay to be able to avoid this becoming a problem for them and I'm sure that my outstanding bill (which is much less than they have caused me to lose over the years) will be dismissed"


Not in a million years.


"I will also counter sue for the rest of the money at that same time."


Good luck with that!

Message 4 of 17
latest reply

Re: EBAY is blind to to spot bad buyers, helping them rip you off

I just had eBay tell me "the buyers are the experts" in the merchandise, because they purchased the item and they should know what they purchased. WOW...... Then eBay went on to tell me it was on me to distinguish the color of sterling silver..... What is the color of sterling silver to you? I am told I will lose my return case because I fail to give the color for a vintage sterling silver pendant (although I supply 4 photos of the item). I will lose despite the fact I have a no return policy and despite the fact that everything I said in listing and in listing description is a factually 100% correct. I have had 4 returns forced down my throat, including a case where the buyer threatened extortion of feedback and return through eBay messages, if I didn't give her an additional discount (after already discounting the price by $75 in the sale to her). EBay is crooked and MORE THE UNFAIR. Yes, I have heard sellers state we "agreed" to this by selling here, but I didn't agree to eBay's guarantee to buyer' was put upon me and perhaps it is time to move on and out, because I am not a vendor to Walmart, I am not here to be stepped on like carpeting and I am sick and tired of eBay telling me they are my "teammate", when every time I go to them for help....they don't help and they just "take money" for lack of service.

I have no doubt eBay is losing on this in the long run and there have been plenty of sellers that have left eBay (who were also buyers) and moved on to greener pastures. Those people who have left, haven't looked back and many have made better successes and have more control over their business by leaving eBay. Think "Girl Boss" and know if she had stayed on eBay, she wouldn't have made the millions she did. It's scary out there, but it's crazy and irrational in here. I think I will conquer scary, but crazy and irrational in business, will NEVER DO.
Message 5 of 17
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Re: EBAY is blind to to spot bad buyers, helping them rip you off

You agreed to eBays policies the day you joined. I'm with you on eBays poor Customer service, but Silver does tarnish, and to describe color would depend on who's looking at it. Good Luck to you.

Message 6 of 17
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Re: EBAY is blind to to spot bad buyers, helping them rip you off

What makes you think that taking lines out of context will make you correct? And why do you think it will be difficult to prove my case? also what other options do I have left when they have effectively taken all of my available money from me? I'm not sure what you think you are proving by what you wrote here but what I am doing is taking action and making a stand and not just idle words. When someone replies back like this I always have to commend them on you selective copy/paste skills, you are pretty good at it, too bad your comments hold no merit since you have no idea of what I'm planning on doing.

As always there's going to be someone who just doesn't seem to think that what happened to me could ever happen to them, I will say as i have to so many others, just hang in there and your time will come. Once you are the next one targeted by bad sellers or have ebay decide that you are no longer worth having around for any number of reasons it will become clear to you.

What makes you think that you know exactly what a real judge will be thinking once they hear my case and it has the exact same things that these judges have been hearing day after day when it comes to ebay sales? After so many cases have been heard all with the reasons for not paying, judges will start to think that maybe there's a real problem here, but when I come with a mountain of proof along with my claim I don't think there will be much for ebay to use in a defense other than "we just don't know who is lying, so how can we know?" that won't fly in a real court of law. The judge will have to think , If you don't know then how DO you make any decisions? Plus the fact that their decisions are geared towards their own profits! Doesn't take a genious to figure it out, when you are acting like a judge and a real judge is hearing how you reach your decisions while you are not a judge but mearly an entity that has become a tool that can easily be used to defraud sellers, I can see how a judge might not like that type of position and methods used to reach conclusions on matters they have not even collected any facts and have a computer determine the outcome and have that computer program set to favor the buyer on 99.99% of all cases no matter how much evidence there is against the buyers. It all seems very contrived and fixed.

The other matter I have a problem with is when I have a year subscription for something like a store and ebay goes and makes changes to their policies which dramatically affect my subscription to a point where I can no longer even get any use from my store but does not give me the option to opt out of the store. Then there's the policy changes made that become retroactive and go back a year from when they implement them, meaning what was OK up till the point the changed it now has become a problem for a year prior to when they changed it. You simply cannot make changes that will affect what's been done in the last year while it was not a problem. Last thing is I dislike the way that policy changes come and they are aimed at creating problems for small sellers and structure the way that defects are seen in a completely different way for low volume sellers. Making it impossible for a small seller to ever get rid of or overcome any defects they may get, (wether they deserve them or not), after making them below standard then reducing their amounts that can be sold will only make their defect % INCREASE as time goes by. By making it harder to make sales+less sales so how does someone get any defects removed? Then after waiting up to 15 months to get them off their record, instantly making sure that they will be provided with new defects from brand new problems within a few days after the old ones went off their record

Strange enough, that's exactly what happened to me, seems hard to believe that I would have 5 SNAD cases opened in 2 weeks just 2 days after I finally was defect free? When you consider I had about 7 SNAD cases opened in a years time prior to that. Plus SNAD stands for SIGNIFICANTLY NOT AS DESCRIBED, The first word has a meaning:

significantly adverb

in a way that is large or important enough to have an effect on something or to be noticed

(how about my copy and paste skills?)

When most SNAD cases are opened the first word is forgotten, something arriving with "TOO MUCH TAPE" is not a reason for a SNAD case, at least one would not think this could be a reason but ebay disagrees and finds that I'm at fault for making sure their items arrive in good condition. Or an item arriving in the exact same condition as shown in the pictures but the buyer has some kind of vendetta against you and says the item is only good for a trash can, but then you get it back and find it in nearly perfect condition and take pictures of it and post them for ebay to see and guess what? I got a defect for that as well. OR the other 10 returns that you get back that all have perfect working items when the cases all say the item was not working correctly? Or getting back missing parts or an empty box, proving proof of the box being empty because they took it to the counter and dropped it off and it weighs the same as an empty box weighs? But turning that information over to ebay to help prove that they did this ends up in another defect! How do you think a judge will react to seeing this type of problem and how ebay handled it? Or when I wrote 2 letters to the board of executives showing the problem with 2 buyers opening SNAD cases on items that were working perfectly, video recorded the items to show that if the buyers had simply done as I said and when i asked if they had taken the time to charge the batteries , they said they had. I get it back and charged the batteries and it worked perfectly. When I reported these buyers I got defects!

I sent a copy of the video showing both items working perfectly as I described and as I told them they will need to charge the batteries when they arrived in my original listing! 2 months later no reply, I sent a second copy and got a response that basically told me, too bad!

I need to describe items better?! WHAT? I did describe them perfectly but buyers failed to do as instructed and didn't listen to me when I told them in the SNAD case.

I could go on and on with all the problems I have encountered over the last 7 years, I will save them for the judge, I don't think you have a clue of what you are saying when it comes to me. So unless you can provide me with specific facts please keep you comments to your self, NOT IN A MILLION YEARS!!?!! HA!HA! get a clue

Message 7 of 17
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Re: EBAY is blind to to spot bad buyers, helping them rip you off

show me where I can find a complete set of rules and policies for download so I have a fresh copy on hand, you know that ebay will delete web pages of vital content whenever they want to, they will also block pages from being viewed 2 times. you will see it once and then you'll never find it again. I have set a page to be saved and when I went back it wasn't available to me.

They change and lie about everything and anything making changes on a whim, I never agreed to having ebay decide that when I have absolute proof of the buyers ripping me off that i would be ignored and provided with defects for getting ripped off, then ebay charges me for the sales as well, limits my sales and takes my money for a store I can not use to benefit me at all. It;'s all just a way to rip me off and get money for nothing, half of my items never even show up in searches, even when I type in the title letter for letter! I didn't see that in any of their agreement so you need to think before you start with your "YOU AGREED TO IT ALL" Because I didn't agree to any of this and none of it is in print anywhere ion this site so since you know everything where can I get my dated PDF copy of all ebay rules and policies? Here again I think this will be something that a judge will find very interesting as well.
Message 8 of 17
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Re: EBAY is blind to to spot bad buyers, helping them rip you off

"I could go on and on with all the problems I have encountered over the last 7 years,"



Please don't.

Message 9 of 17
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Re: EBAY is blind to to spot bad buyers, helping them rip you off

That was a very long post describing terms and conditions that are in no way relevant to the platform you have chosen for selling.

Message 10 of 17
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Re: EBAY is blind to to spot bad buyers, helping them rip you off

I think we've already read a big chunk of them here.


If the site doesn't work for you, stop using it.


Message 11 of 17
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Re: EBAY is blind to to spot bad buyers, helping them rip you off

@dorcaslane wrote:
I just had eBay tell me "the buyers are the experts" in the merchandise, because they purchased the item and they should know what they purchased. WOW...... Then eBay went on to tell me it was on me to distinguish the color of sterling silver..... What is the color of sterling silver to you?



Was this the Madelyn pendant? To be fair your photos LOOK gold, and sterling can have a gold wash over it

Message 12 of 17
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Re: EBAY is blind to to spot bad buyers, helping them rip you off

@zinda2010 wrote:
show me where I can find a complete set of rules and policies for download so I have a fresh copy on hand, you know that ebay will delete web pages of vital content whenever they want to, they will also block pages from being viewed 2 times. you will see it once and then you'll never find it again. I have set a page to be saved and when I went back it wasn't available to me.

They change and lie about everything and anything making changes on a whim, I never agreed to having ebay decide that when I have absolute proof of the buyers ripping me off that i would be ignored and provided with defects for getting ripped off, then ebay charges me for the sales as well, limits my sales and takes my money for a store I can not use to benefit me at all. It;'s all just a way to rip me off and get money for nothing, half of my items never even show up in searches, even when I type in the title letter for letter! I didn't see that in any of their agreement so you need to think before you start with your "YOU AGREED TO IT ALL" Because I didn't agree to any of this and none of it is in print anywhere ion this site so since you know everything where can I get my dated PDF copy of all ebay rules and policies? Here again I think this will be something that a judge will find very interesting as well.

If you didnt read the fine print when you signed up, and you dont know the rules and policies, no one can help you, not even a judge because guess what? You gave away your right to sue ebay when you signed up.


Also, with the number of badm feedback you've got, you probably wont be selling here much longer

Message 13 of 17
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Re: EBAY is blind to to spot bad buyers, helping them rip you off

@zinda2010 wrote:
show me where I can find a complete set of rules and policies for download so I have a fresh copy on hand, you know that ebay will delete web pages of vital content whenever they want to, they will also block pages from being viewed 2 times. you will see it once and then you'll never find it again. I have set a page to be saved and when I went back it wasn't available to me.

They change and lie about everything and anything making changes on a whim, I never agreed to having ebay decide that when I have absolute proof of the buyers ripping me off that i would be ignored and provided with defects for getting ripped off, then ebay charges me for the sales as well, limits my sales and takes my money for a store I can not use to benefit me at all. It;'s all just a way to rip me off and get money for nothing, half of my items never even show up in searches, even when I type in the title letter for letter! I didn't see that in any of their agreement so you need to think before you start with your "YOU AGREED TO IT ALL" Because I didn't agree to any of this and none of it is in print anywhere ion this site so since you know everything where can I get my dated PDF copy of all ebay rules and policies? Here again I think this will be something that a judge will find very interesting as well.

Message 14 of 17
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Re: EBAY is blind to to spot bad buyers, helping them rip you off

@kitschy*loot wrote:

I would suggest at this point that you stop selling on here because eBay's policies aren't likely to be changing in your favor.

That's what I opted to do once I found out how terrible their policies are.  They're geared towards high volume sellers that can afford to take a loss here and there, not the average Joe that just wants to get rid of some stuff.

Message 15 of 17
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