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Why is every change just for the worst??

It must be typical office people who never do the actual work or use the product.  Every change is for the worst.  Do not want seller hub.  Now it is forced upon everyone because of some genius(es), who never uses eBay, decided it was the best move.  It's bad enough the last change(s) are hurting sales with a decrease in views.  ARGH!  Stop changing things!!!  Good luck to all sellers.  🙂

Message 1 of 80
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Re: Why is every change just for the worst??

@thatsallfolks wrote:

@buyselljack2016 wrote:

@abfabvintage wrote:



Hi, thanks for your help. I am adverse to using Seller Hub and each time it comes up "ready to whatever" I hit the back button. Am trying to stay out of it before I can't go back to this other horizontally challenged Selling page. Unless you are telling me that is where I can go back to the one pager compact view. And this is the one that when you clicked on solds, it gave the solds like a number and you would click on it and all the buyer info came up. Is that where it will take me? Thanks. I am almost going crazy that maybe other sellers never saw/used the page I am talking about lolol. And I can't send a screenshot cause it is gone.

That selling page where you have to scroll left and right is as big a pain as the seller hub.


I just want my ice cream in a cone.


I don't want it in a banana split dish where I have to use my spoon to dig throught the whipped topping, cherry, nuts, and sprinkles to get at what I want.

Now I want ice cream. Thanks a lot. 😞

Me tooSmiley Frustrated  Now I have to settle for a choco chip cookie.

Message 46 of 80
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Re: Why is every change just for the worst??

@thatsallfolks wrote:

@debvor wrote:
You win the cigar. The fact is Ebay doesn't care about sellers which are Ebay's actual customers and not the people that buy from the sellers which are our customers.

The people who drive eBay's profits are the buyers. Those buyers are using eBay's website and services. It's obviously a hybrid arrangement, where buyers are your customers, but they're also eBay's. Arguing that buyers aren't eBay's customers simply isn't logical.

The people who drive eBay's profits are the SELLERS. The buyers are the ones who drive the sellers profits, whos portion of seller profits then go to eBay.


The perspective you are looking at it through is dismissing this fundamental aspect of the marketplaces design. If you remove the sellers, then there will no longer be buyers.


That's the fundamental flaw in policy changes this year that eBay have not yet realized. 


If there's sellers offering good items at good prices, there will be buyers.


If there's no sellers offering good items at competitive prices, there won't be any buyers.


The current path is focusing on buyers only, which is harming sellers, and inadvertently limiting eBay's growth.


Combine this with eBay's tweaking of search, that instead of actually finding items easier, it's harder to find items than it was 1 year ago. 


If eBay's goal is to encourage growth, the focus is on the wrong places....


If you focus on improving the marketplace for sellers, this would in turn bring more competition & more item variety, which leads to the outcome of more sales, which = more money to eBay.


If you focus on upgrading the search to make it easier for buyers to find any items they are looking for, this will bring more sales to the sellers, which = more money to eBay.


Right now, we have the CFO's comments to clarify that they are trying to direct buyers to high ASP branded items specifically. This might bring up the ASP of eBay, but directly limits the amount of total sales.


As to what reason they could possibly have to put ASP ahead of total sales/profits? Your guess is as good as mine...

Message 47 of 80
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Re: Why is every change just for the worst??


Sounds just like what a politician would say, how long have you worked for Ebay. I see you only have a rating of 12 with nothing for sale so how can you honestly critique anyone on here?

I just read that feebay took another drop in the stock market, google "ebay stock drop" and see for yourself.

I'm also betting that a good chunk of those alleged billion transactions dont just in include sales, likely also includes each time an items listed/relisted, a seller pays their bill, each time a buyer opens a return or a snad case....

As for those newly registered accounts that likely includes sellers too which is another problem with the way the market on here is so flooded esp. with all the rampant duplicate listings full of keyword spamming

You also say "single way for all sellers to do the same tasks" what "tasks" were people doing differently?

These are just a few opinions from a seller& buyer here on ebay since 2001 with over 16k transactions, been in retail for 30+ years& with numerous college degrees inc. Bus. Admin but hey what do I know I'm not a Millennial that just graduated& now has all the answers. I've never been more disgruntled and disrespected by Ebay& their unrealistic policies and the numerous rude& intolerant CS reps I've dealt with this past month. Ebay needs a clean sweep of management& tech.
Message 48 of 80
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Re: Why is every change just for the worst??

Very well said Zamo-Zuan!
A big hindrance in search that I find is that I am unable to search for an item without the cost of shipping being included. I've got a lot of money tied up in a few vehicles& equipment and if you search my store from price high to low or reversed you won't even see those items because they are hidden at the bottom of the last page because they have freight shipping or local pick-up only.

As a reseller it also detracts from trying to research actual sold prices without shipping costs being included.

Thanks for sharing

Message 49 of 80
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Re: Why is every change just for the worst??

@zamo-zuan wrote:

@thatsallfolks wrote:

@debvor wrote:
You win the cigar. The fact is Ebay doesn't care about sellers which are Ebay's actual customers and not the people that buy from the sellers which are our customers.

The people who drive eBay's profits are the buyers. Those buyers are using eBay's website and services. It's obviously a hybrid arrangement, where buyers are your customers, but they're also eBay's. Arguing that buyers aren't eBay's customers simply isn't logical.

The people who drive eBay's profits are the SELLERS. The buyers are the ones who drive the sellers profits, whos portion of seller profits then go to eBay.


The perspective you are looking at it through is dismissing this fundamental aspect of the marketplaces design. If you remove the sellers, then there will no longer be buyers.


Let me lay it out for you:


1) If 10% of eBay's sellers disappeared off the face of the Earth, their sales would be absorbed by other eBay sellers; net effect on eBay: virtually none


2) If 10% of eBay's buyers disappeared off the face of the Earth, their purchases would disappear with them; net effect on eBay: 10% reduction in revenue.


Any argument that starts with "if you remove the sellers" is absurd, because no event short of nuclear war or an asteroid strike is going to remove ALL the sellers. Sellers leave here all the time, sometimes voluntarily, sometimes not. And an existing seller or new seller steps up and takes their place.


eBay knows who drives their profits, even if you're in denial about it.


Message 50 of 80
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Re: Why is every change just for the worst??

I am not surprised by the stock drop after the CFO's comments. But I do wish the stockholders were more aware of what was actually going on at eBay. It's probably being surpressed, as I don't think anyone who does not regularly read these forums has any idea of the truth. Even eBay MSO support is not aware of these things.


I'm sure those new accounts are partly the result of so many stores having visibility/impression issues this year, as one of the first things we noticed when we had visibility issues was that newer stores seemed to be unaffected. We asked eBay if there was any work-around that they could allow us to open another store, and we were told it's not possible... But if they can confirm issues with impressions affecting our account, I beleive it's only fair. But we were rejected.


I would not be surprised about their manipulation in the stock report. They specifically noted how many users were now using Guaranteed Delivery. This was after the "bug" that, just days before the stock report, suddenly automatically turned on GD for stores that never turned it on themselves.


If they will manipulate that metric, and the ASP metric as admitted to by the CFO, all metrics are fair game.


We are also an experienced seller. 6,444 transactions in the last 90 days (and this has been a far slower year than past years) and #1 in our category since around 2013. Yet we are still regularly treated like we don't have any idea what we're doing and it's our fault that our visibility and impressions were limited, even though we followed all eBay's best practices to a point where representatives were not able to even suggets anything we were not already doing... and the only sellers who were improving beyond us were ones who were NOT following best practices.


EBay really needs to allow 6 months to iron out all the bugs/glitches before adding anything eles new... especially within their search & catalog systems. Once that is ready, they should take another pass on the policy changes. Sellers are an integral part of the equation, and doing so many harmful policies to sellers will not end well.


I fully believe if they keep on this path of disregarding sellers, their metrics will show it very soon, and they won't be able to hide it for much longer.

Message 51 of 80
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Re: Why is every change just for the worst??

@dkcorner wrote:

Thanks for that link, I can't find a way to the All Selling page to find out how many free listings I have left.


This new page took away my notes.....I use them on every listing.  ebay really needs to stop wasting money paying people to make the site less user friendly.

I think the notes area will be back again soon.


Click here for an update to the seller hub August 2018 update


Good Luck Selling!

Message 52 of 80
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Re: Why is every change just for the worst??

Folks read this post from eBay - get used to the Hub this month or sooner

"I have the right to remain silent but I didn't have the ability." Ron White, Fritch, Texas
"Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution." A. Einstein
The Devil made me do it! - Flip Wilson
If the band can only play loud - they ain't no good - peps too J.R. Johnson
Message 53 of 80
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Re: Why is every change just for the worst??

@thatsallfolks wrote:

@zamo-zuan wrote:

@thatsallfolks wrote:

@debvor wrote:
You win the cigar. The fact is Ebay doesn't care about sellers which are Ebay's actual customers and not the people that buy from the sellers which are our customers.

The people who drive eBay's profits are the buyers. Those buyers are using eBay's website and services. It's obviously a hybrid arrangement, where buyers are your customers, but they're also eBay's. Arguing that buyers aren't eBay's customers simply isn't logical.

The people who drive eBay's profits are the SELLERS. The buyers are the ones who drive the sellers profits, whos portion of seller profits then go to eBay.


The perspective you are looking at it through is dismissing this fundamental aspect of the marketplaces design. If you remove the sellers, then there will no longer be buyers.


Let me lay it out for you:


1) If 10% of eBay's sellers disappeared off the face of the Earth, their sales would be absorbed by other eBay sellers; net effect on eBay: virtually none


2) If 10% of eBay's buyers disappeared off the face of the Earth, their purchases would disappear with them; net effect on eBay: 10% reduction in revenue.


Any argument that starts with "if you remove the sellers" is absurd, because no event short of nuclear war or an asteroid strike is going to remove ALL the sellers. Sellers leave here all the time, sometimes voluntarily, sometimes not. And an existing seller or new seller steps up and takes their place.


eBay knows who drives their profits, even if you're in denial about it.


I'm not sure if you are being serious or just trolling me.


It seems obvious to me that you left out a very important part of the equation. If 10% of sellers left, you are leaving out the fact that they will be taking their competitive prices with them. Which means eBay's prices will no longer be competitive with other market places. Which means buyers will go elsewhere.


I question if you have any experience selling at the top of a category? If you did, you would know that in order to make it to that top spot, you are 100% reliant on finding the best prices possible for your product. That's the thing that separates other vendors from us. We worked very hard and have years put in to relationships with our partners. That's the one thing that other sellers can not compete with - hard work put in to business relationships. And that is what drives the top sellers on eBay.


Of course, if you do what eBay is doing, and 100% focus on major brand name items with a high ASP, then your conclusion makes sense. Those items have a MAP price that you will receive violations if you go below. So there's no true competition in those categories, and you are strictly buying based on feedback and reputation.


I also question if you are even familiar with eCommerce? Think about what eBay has focused on as it's weak points compared to other marketplaces. They have directly added the competitive pricing features of other marketplaces so sellers can compete with each other. This is the exact equation I mention to you above that you left out in your post


They have focused on Guaranteed Delivery, because faster shipping is what other marketplaces offer, and this is a weak point of eBay.


They focus on trying to force buyers in to Free Returns, because that is something other marketplaces offer. Although other places do not force the sellers to provide it, they provide free returns only if sold by marketplace.


Even if we compare current eBay, they are still lacking in shipping time & returns compared to other places. I could ship my items to other marketplaces and they will pay for the free returns if a buyer wants to return. I could order off other marketplaces and receive it in less time than guaranteed 3 day deilvery eBay has.


The one place eBay has the advantage right now, is competitive prices. 


Do you realize that free returns being paid by the seller, has made their prices less competitive than ever?


They are losing the one advantage they had, and trying to steal the market of other marketplaces, with subpar offerings.


That's the true state of eBay's eCommerce. 


If you are going to argue that buyers are so important, I would like to request that you please don't leave out an integral part of the equation. The competition of sellers is 100% required of price. The only reason top sellers have to lower their prices, is usually if other competitors are lower. 


You do realize that traditionally, 30-50% of eBay's profits are from the top 10 sellers in each category? And you are claiming that virtually no difference would be made if 10% of sellers left??? That's simply illogical.

Message 54 of 80
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Re: Why is every change just for the worst??

The filters you use to relist used to be on the same page of all selling. They removed the filters forcing people to use seller hub. I only go there when I need to and then I go back to all selling. Many changes are unecessary and come with a loss of functionality. There are so many glitches that they don't or can't fix. Why should I trust them to run a business?

Message 55 of 80
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Re: Why is every change just for the worst??

@bostonsgarden wrote:

Sounds just like what a politician would say, how long have you worked for Ebay. I see you only have a rating of 12 with nothing for sale so how can you honestly critique anyone on here?  Really?  You come here with all this experience but you do not understand an open forum or a posting ID?

I'm also betting that a good chunk of those alleged billion transactions dont just in include sales, likely also includes each time an items listed/relisted, a seller pays their bill, each time a buyer opens a return or a snad case... .I do not contend to know what eBay considers a transaction but I will assume it is different than what a seller considers a transactions and BTW  this number came from a link  several years ago and it is reports that the actual number far exceeds Two Billion, but I only have the link to the One Billion stat so that is what I go with.

As for those newly registered accounts that likely includes sellers too which is another problem with the way the market on here is so flooded esp. with all the rampant duplicate listings full of keyword spamming.  Yes new accounts means both buyer and seller but since we are going to discuss this further let me add that this number is very surprising because eBay now has guest checkout so new users do not even have to register here any longer to buy. 

You also say "single way for all sellers to do the same tasks" what "tasks" were people doing differently? Really?   Have you read this thread at all?  eBay has several ways to do selling tasks.  Probably have 5 different seller pages that sellers access in order to do selling tasks
  1. selling pages
  2. all selling pages
  3. sales manager
  4. sales manager pro
  5. seller hub

Each of these areas work differently and that is what the complaining is about.  Some sellers do not want any kind of change.


Good Luck Selling!


Message 56 of 80
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Re: Why is every change just for the worst??



Thanks for the seller hub from yesterday ebay announcement link. It would have been beneficial if that notice was also posted on the Seller Board as I would never have gone to Seller Hub to reference. Unless I am way off and just missed it? I think if it had been on the Seller Board there wouldn't be so many posts about the overnight change. I know, it was maybe in the Summer Update or even Spring, and even Winter 2017 Update. And doubtful it stated "by August 1." But how many times do you think people go to that when it comes in as an overnight ghost? 

I ain't got the brains to make this up (Fantastic Beasts)
Message 57 of 80
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Re: Why is every change just for the worst??

@abfabvintage wrote:



Thanks for the seller hub from yesterday ebay announcement link. It would have been beneficial if that notice was also posted on the Seller Board as I would never have gone to Seller Hub to reference. Unless I am way off and just missed it? I think if it had been on the Seller Board there wouldn't be so many posts about the overnight change. I know, it was maybe in the Summer Update or even Spring, and even Winter 2017 Update. And doubtful it stated "by August 1." But how many times do you think people go to that when it comes in as an overnight ghost? 

I agree.  Most of the threads today can be explained with the changes of there 2018 summer seller update starting to go into effect.


We see this all the time when the updates start to roll out.


Good Luck Selling!

Message 58 of 80
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Re: Why is every change just for the worst??

The "classic" view is a new "classic" view. Everything is HUGE. Instead of seeing at least a dozen listings at a glance, only three or four fit on a page. Instead of seeing the info I want at a glance, it requires tons and tons of scrolling.
Message 59 of 80
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Re: Why is every change just for the worst??



Thx Good. Anyway with some of your influence can you suggest to eBay that they post notices at least on the Seller Board where members are most affected? And I would also suggest the Buying Board, too. And I see the notice is dated August 1. A little reminder from someone before it happens would be nice. I am not and don't think others will sit here and read every line of a summer update. Too many of us are trying to list and make our way through these eBay glitches and  mazes. And it probably said some time in August lolol. Thanks.


Oh, I think the next notice should be they will be changing up your categories without notifying sellers if AI doesn't think it belongs where you listed it. Can't wait for that one lololol. 

I ain't got the brains to make this up (Fantastic Beasts)
Message 60 of 80
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