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What percentage of ebay users in US are on mobile vs website?

Anyone know? Trying to understand why the ebay app functionality is such a low priority for ebay. The constant back & forth between app & website is awful and very behind the times. Navigating your site as seller & buyer on a mobile device with no mouse is cumbersome and frankly awful. For example (and this is just ONE): As a buyer, if I want to buy multiple items from a seller, I have to leave the app, go to the website, to request a combined total or pay all of the shipping and hope the seller refunds the overage. As a seller, we can’t send invoices to buyers with multiple items unless we leave the app and go to the website. We can’t rearrange photos in the website from our app, another example. Back & forth, back & forth, back & forth. All I can figure is that only a few of us are on mobile or it would be a higher priority? But according to general user data across the internet, mobile is huge! 

Message 1 of 23
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Re: What percentage of ebay users in US are on mobile vs website?

Rearranging photos, for starters. I have a list. LOL.

Message 16 of 23
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Re: What percentage of ebay users in US are on mobile vs website?

@krys888   If you use PayPal's date range programmable CSV formatted database (that opens in a spreadsheet program) you can sort the one column for the transaction type and all mobile purchases are grouped together as are purchase from non-mobile devices ...

The % numbers that eBay publishes are good information from a general standpoint but I think its also good to know what the breakdown is for the categories one sells in.  They may be higher or lower then the "national" average.

Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 17 of 23
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Re: What percentage of ebay users in US are on mobile vs website?


 Can you not drag them with your finger? Or do you just not want to?

Everyone has options. Just be sure the best option is right for you.
Message 18 of 23
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Re: What percentage of ebay users in US are on mobile vs website?

THIS is huge! Thank you! I’ll be able to see how my own customers are shopping with me! THAT is worth gold to me, thank you so much!!!!!!! Omg omg omg!!!!

Message 19 of 23
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Re: What percentage of ebay users in US are on mobile vs website?

No. They just highlight; and sometimes disappear; sometimes I get a pop up box asking if I want to share or some other things, but I’ve never been able to move them. I’ve posted on here before about it and others have the same problem. Might have been one of those that they’re “looking into” or something, but just the other day, tried again, and nope.

Message 20 of 23
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Re: What percentage of ebay users in US are on mobile vs website?

Looks like you’re using the app in your screenshot. I’m talking about using the website from the ipad. Not the app. Rearranging photos on the website from the ipad.

Message 21 of 23
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Re: What percentage of ebay users in US are on mobile vs website?

I don't know what the exact percentage is, but the 55/45 split someone posted earlier seems reasonable to me. But, I have to ask, why do you expect so much from an app that has to run on a device that weighs less than 4 oz and is expected to run for hours before it is recharged? It can't possibly be compared to a website accessed by a computer.


A smartphone may be much more powerful than computers used to be back in olden times, but at the same time, computers are proportionally even more powerful now. You can't expect a baby device like a phone to perform like a computer. I have a tiny little "tablet" computer that has an I-5 chip in it, and is probably more powerful than the Sun Workstation I had at my first job after grad school (pre-internet), it was part of the first LAN (local area network) at the company I worked for, which was pretty close to the top of the Fortune 500 around that time. 


There is just no  possible way that an app, running on a smartphone, can ever compare to the performance of even a small, cheap laptop. They both keep improving at about the same rate, so the phone is never going to catch up. Any "App", by definition, is going to be stripped down in comparison to the actual website.


What really scares me, about this prevalence of using apps on smartphones, is how easy it is to hack a smartphone.


A colleague was talking to me after a customer-focus meeting we were both at, about 5 years ago. He was working on smartphone interfaces to vehicles, and he was appalled by the customers he had been talking to, who wanted to be able to control their vehicles from their smartphone. "Don't they understand how easy it is to hack a smartphone?" he asked rhetorically. If they insisted on setting up access to their vehicles with their smartphone, they were giving the vehicles away to any hacker. And their homes, because of course, their homes were programmed in the vehicle's navigation system, and the garage doors would open automatically and let them in to steal everything, when the hackers approached in the stolen cars. 

Message 22 of 23
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Re: What percentage of ebay users in US are on mobile vs website?

There is just no possible way that an app, running on a smartphone, can ever compare to the performance of even a small, cheap laptop.


Actually, they could, but the app programmers will always write for the latest and greatest, and are usually poor programmers anyway. They suck up more resources on a simple process than Microsoft or IBM does with their entire operating systems, because THEIR device is 10 minutes old. If it runs slow, they would upgrade, not figure out why.


I see it getting worse every day. I have to deal with it getting worse every day.


Edited to add - it's not just the app programmers for phones, either. It's just about any college educated "programmer" today.


Message 23 of 23
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