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What is eBay take the site of scammers over legitimate People

I find it ironic eBay refuses to investigate or even do any type of due diligence when it's brought to their attention that someone is scamming. This is the third time that I have brought it to their attention they have overlooked it denied any type of due process and refused an appeal, to just side with the buyer. By sending a great deal of Information I showed them that this buyer attempted to buy an item I was selling cancel the sale two days later stating changed his mind but had hoped I had already sent the item. They made a big old fuss about me not getting back to them even though I sent them an email right out of the box. However the address they were using to send it item was not their address in fact it was an address of a property that was sold By the buyer months before they neither had no equitable claim no ownership in that address. The address was being rerouted to their actual address which would thereby claim they never received The item. Ebay was not concerned nor looked at any of the hyperlinks I sent them to include the buyer had three different Profiles that showed three different people bought the item. On top of that I pointed it out to ebay they didn't pay no mind to it and the bigger kick is a week prior another person with a different profile Contacted me, Claiming the Item I was selling was fake I simply told the person I would pull the serial numbers have it sent to the company verified and it would cost him $7500 and I would gladly bring it to their house so they could pay for it and be accountable for making such absurd accusations this buyer What's the same person because they told me well you told me you'd bring it to my house I never said nothing like that to them I said it to the other person I showed this to eBay they didn't care they charged me their fees returned the money held my bank account hostage credit card hostage and refused to even look at this matter it's become a shame because when eBay first started I was on it back in 2003 -2004 And it was a good place to buy and sell items now it's no longer that I don't know who's the bigger crook the scammers or eBay let him get away with it and charging the sellers I think my time has come to an end here As this is the third time in a row it has happened. With so many policies and so many rules and so many stops blocks for charging and collecting eBay shares hell don't follow their own rules. But this time maybe they will as somebody has to be accountable if they allow people to lie and they sanction the other party in favor of money, they call that fraud, embezzlement, Deceptive practices To name a few. I highly doubt eBay will post this as they did with the last ones but who knows maybe it'll slide through,...if we allow people to continue to do this then we're really no better than they are but if we stand up to them Perhaps the next person won't have to.

Message 1 of 42
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Re: What is eBay take the site of scammers over legitimate People

All I know is 20 years ago this **bleep** didn’t happen. Now they tell you it’s the cost of doing business like b&m stores  deal with shoplifting. Then they’ll tell you don’t sell anything you can’t afford to lose. Well, I don’t want to lose anything if it’s not my fault, but I do know what it’s like to be a piñata  

Message 31 of 42
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Re: What is eBay take the site of scammers over legitimate People

My husband is a software executive for a major retail chain.   One of His responsibilities is theft.


Most in B&M theft from major retail chains is still the theft that occurs  in the supply chain side,  before it ever hits the floor.  


Everything you say is true.         A lot of the on line retail problems stem from Amazon,  who until recently could have cared less.     Most on line companies never thought it was a big enough problem,  so they did little or nothing to combat it.   It is only recently that they are noticing what a huge part of there bottom line it effects.


Message 32 of 42
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Re: What is eBay take the site of scammers over legitimate People

Omg yes I was literally also the victim of a scammer  recently and ebay gave absolutely no f&cks at all. I'm out $450 that my bank also denied my claim on. The guy literally sent it to the wrong address twice, I had proof the tracking number provided was not tied to my street address. But since it was tied to my Zip code, the "system" saw no fault and they blew me off. Literally have vowed never to shop here ever again, i'm only perusing this board because they had the audacity to invite me to join the "ebay buyer Council" and i'm half tempted to join just to give a piece of my mind. Horrible shortsighted company that's susceptible to this kind of thing, hope they fold.

Message 33 of 42
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Re: What is eBay take the site of scammers over legitimate People

@isaiah53-57 wrote:

@retro_entertainment_collectibles wrote:

@erzengelb wrote:

Agree with OP. And the number of sellers white knighting for eBay here is sickening. When it finally happens to you, your tune will quickly change. I'm only sorry I won't be around to say, "I told you so."

People need understand what "Venue" means. Facebook Marketplace is a venue, anyone who's tried buy there in any significance has people asking to send them money via Venmo and others amongst literal hordes of other scams.  Does anyone see Facebook removing people's social media accounts?  Uh uh.  Breaches of law are matters for law enforcement who THEN inform the venue to act accordingly.  If someone attempts to steal you're prized Lionel Train Engine at the flea market whether they were or were not do you expect the proprietors of said flea market to ban the customer?  Hold him/her in chains?  No, it's a matter for police, that's the way things work and police work on facts not suppositions.

Thanks for posting, though I am fairly sure most people are aware ebay is a venue and they operate within those parameters  - In my opinion, where the site can mitigate fraud is by being more selective with regard to who they allow to create accounts and how well they back up the protections they state they do have - Surely, with all the technology including tracking, data acquisition, AI, etc, etc, there is something that can be done to stop a great deal of online fraud, or make simple inferences on a case where a 0 feedback buyer scams a 10 year, perfect reputation seller for a $2000 item.  I have dealt with fraudsters who seem to operate without worry here, even though I know they have been reported numerous times, yet there they are, doing what they do months or maybe even years later - maybe even until they tire of it and move on to something else...


I see people posting that Chargebacks are nearly an unwinnable situation here...When I was dealing with PayPal, I had three attempted chargebacks and Paypal settled each one without me needing to lift a finger or lose a dime - If you need the money processor involved to win a case, why arent these cases deferred to Ayden to handle?



I'd pretty sure Ayden deals with chargeback defense, thats the $20 cost.


Can something be done?  I'd say yes and requires none of what you're suggesting.


The feedback system back in the day was implemented as a handshake after a sale or a mechanism by which transactional history could be displayed even the he said/she said's.  That goes all the way back to when eBay was called Auction Web and I'd written code for a place called Haggle that also had feedback.


IMHO a new metrics system would be ever so helpful, one that displays both seller and consumer metrics and afford the ability for sellers/buyers to both filter listings based on ratio's they set.  Thus say a seller with "nn" of this or that buyers could have listings within parameters not even appear, that would encourage good seller behaviors.  On the other side, same deal, I could set parameters, ratio...  If buyer has 10 returns in 100 transactions never going to see my listings.


We could go steps farther...  Sellers ability to truly handshake transactional approval.  Thus there would exist forward facing metrics, how many returns, chargebacks, NAD claims and on seller side similar public facing.  Encourage better behavior on all sides.  Gift sellers the ability to set minimum qualifications for their mass of items or singular items... Seller may not care if they get beaned now and again on some $5 item but when they want sell a $500 item, there are requirements the buyer need meet or exceed that the seller can set.


All and all more granular control over transacting.  Such metrics could establish an overall ratio I suppose.  Right now a seller might have say 1000 transactions, 300 ratings and say 20 issues that popped up.  See none of this now as a mechanism of judgement to purchase from, all a consumer see's is 300 ratings, no clue the seller did 1000 transactions.  Seller side, same problem, more so perhaps.


Now such a mechanism surely doesn't solve matters, there are no concrete solutions.  However, IMHO it'd be a significant step in both consumer and seller problem prevention and encourage better behavior across the board.  Perhaps if it worked well enough then eBay could afford implement more actual $$$ prevention and guarantee's for both seller and consumer who meet or exceed a metric that eBay puts in place even further encouraging best behaviors.


This is all relatively simple to implement as those statistics already exist...  So it becomes a matter of displaying them, creating code to perform automated filtration et el.  Now legally, well, who knows?  Is it legal to expose said datum publicly?  Good question.  If not, perhaps wavers can exist whereby sellers or buyers can waver exposure of said data.  Further filters matters, want shop with a place who's not scared to show their metrics?  Want buyers who are not scared to show theirs?  Sort of a natural filter whereby even more get weeded from the garden.


Can even implement a "gate" whereby say a seller doesn't want limit based on such things noted above but DOES want final say as to whether transact.  Thus a gate, buyer wants buy, seller need approve based on being shown the buyer metrics history.


That said, I'm no rocket scientist but I do know marketing and programming.  The engineering can well be done and likely be a WHOLE LOT simpler than what eBay has attempted to automate towards such matters.  Marketing wise well, it opens a plethora of wonders for the company to tout' against competition and perhaps more so "wolves" who want see third party commerce scrapped.  As a market leader it'd even give Amazon a kick in the pants as seller and consumer say, "Hey!  Lookie what they done!  I can actually see something about who I am transacting with!  How come I can't see that here or at Walmart online."


I could see the headline, "eBay takes measures to advance business and consumer safety in a shot across the bow to all other online sales entities."

Message 34 of 42
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Re: What is eBay take the site of scammers over legitimate People

@isaiah53-57 wrote:

@retro_entertainment_collectibles wrote:

@isaiah53-57 wrote:

@soh.maryl wrote:

It IS truly regrettable that being scammed has to be part of your business model, just like shoplifters are part of the equation when a B&M store prices it's wares.  

I'm not defending eBay but simply stating facts.  eBay is NOT the authorities.  I recall being passed stolen credit cards for four days in a row with hundreds of dollars of goods purchased.  Cards processed fine, no problem... Became suspect to a perpetual fraud and contacted Visa, Mastercard, merchant provider, aggregate processor, bank and not a single one of them CARE LESS.

"Anticipate stolen cards passed?  Call the cops and reverse the charges before hit with charge backs costing $75-$100 for each transaction before a word is even said or written."


Thats reality.

I was part owner of a comic book store for 10 years - I can count the stolen credit card situations we had on one hand...

I was speaking of online stores as well as "Super Venues" of the day.  We were an anchor tenant at the former iDeal Networks, Onsale Inc. which in its day was the largest B2C site on the net, bigger than Amazon back in the day.  Amazon was another, when they jumped into third party eCommerce they didn't process third party transactions, that came along with the reverse price listing venue.

Message 35 of 42
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Re: What is eBay take the site of scammers over legitimate People

@retro_entertainment_collectibles wrote:

@isaiah53-57 wrote:

@retro_entertainment_collectibles wrote:

@isaiah53-57 wrote:

@soh.maryl wrote:

It IS truly regrettable that being scammed has to be part of your business model, just like shoplifters are part of the equation when a B&M store prices it's wares.  

I'm not defending eBay but simply stating facts.  eBay is NOT the authorities.  I recall being passed stolen credit cards for four days in a row with hundreds of dollars of goods purchased.  Cards processed fine, no problem... Became suspect to a perpetual fraud and contacted Visa, Mastercard, merchant provider, aggregate processor, bank and not a single one of them CARE LESS.

"Anticipate stolen cards passed?  Call the cops and reverse the charges before hit with charge backs costing $75-$100 for each transaction before a word is even said or written."


Thats reality.

I was part owner of a comic book store for 10 years - I can count the stolen credit card situations we had on one hand...

I was speaking of online stores as well as "Super Venues" of the day.  We were an anchor tenant at the former iDeal Networks, Onsale Inc. which in its day was the largest B2C site on the net, bigger than Amazon back in the day.  Amazon was another, when they jumped into third party eCommerce they didn't process third party transactions, that came along with the reverse price listing venue.

OK great then - lets get back to the real subject of online sales fraud relating to ebay specifically...

Message 36 of 42
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Re: What is eBay take the site of scammers over legitimate People

@retro_entertainment_collectibles wrote:

@isaiah53-57 wrote:


I see people posting that Chargebacks are nearly an unwinnable situation here...When I was dealing with PayPal, I had three attempted chargebacks and Paypal settled each one without me needing to lift a finger or lose a dime - If you need the money processor involved to win a case, why arent these cases deferred to Ayden to handle?


@retro_entertainment_collectibles wrote:

I'd pretty sure Ayden deals with chargeback defense, thats the $20 cost.


Can something be done?  I'd say yes and requires none of what you're suggesting

I didn't realize I was suggesting anything - Making a broad statement that with all the technology and data we have at our fingertips, surely there is something that can be done to comabat fraud... surely...I'll say it again surely...


And I'm sorry, but I quit reading after the 1st paragraph, so maybe you posted something in there that will solve the problem...hope so...

Message 37 of 42
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Re: What is eBay take the site of scammers over legitimate People

Most of the time I'm very passive but Every now and then people do or say things in the adverse manner because they feel they have the right to because somehow this new generation is entitled with their participation trophies not me. If you going to make a statement make sure it's correct make sure you've done Your due diligence and have your facts in order. You're correct in saying if people are committing fraud it is illegal matter however in order for it to go to the legality side, One would first have to demonstrate that it was brought to the attention of the party whose platform it happened on Through a chain of command. Now indeed if people are using defamation of character or slanderous remarks those are items that could be brought for too. I mention that because in your reply you stated following:


"If they deem eBay need act they'll inform eBay to act.  They can take issue with statement of "Send me $7500 and..." as that in its own right sounds rather extortive." 


Now looking at that makes me wonder how would you know something I said to someone In regards to this same item but you left out the editorial of what took place so let me bring you up to speed shall we here's the conversation that took place and the reason for that "send me $7500 came in to play" I'll highlight it for your viewing pleasures: 


New message from: happy_times_4_you (9,694GREEN_STAR Star)
It’s a counter, A Fake watch .
It’s not a question it’s an affirmation . Stop.


Reply from Gnracin72 to happy_times_4_you

Your previous message


I'm not sure of your intentions, although you should indoctrinate yourself before making such frivolous statements. I'm sure you find validity in your opinion, but its surly not by due diligence. Perhaps you can find something more constructive to do with your time than make Frivolous accusations, as youve done here.

and lastly please govern yourself accordingly on this site as you're engaging in defamation of character, with you're slanderous and untrue remarks.

New message from: happy_times_4_you (9,695GREEN_STAR Star)
It’s not frivolous or slanderous. It’s a fact that you’re selling a fake watch. People selling fake merchandise, like you make it a pain for others, who are selling real merchandise.



Reply from Gnracin72 to happy_times_4_you

Your previous message

I received your message and your continuous slanderous remarks, have now got my attention because you continue to say I'm selling fake items which is absurd, OK. You get your information you rely on to call this item Fake or what you're relying on to make these claims and I'll take the watch to a jewelry store that's reputable here in town and have them open the back to pull the serial numbers & manufacturer identifications then let them call the manufacturer and have it transcribed to the authenticity. At that point you'll need to put your money where your mouth is by that I mean last time I seen a watch like this it was in New York and it was almost $4000 plus my time to do this and the fact your gtrying to tarnish my name will slanderous remarks which will cost you another 3500 so the total will be $7500 now that's a game if you want to play I'm all for it heck I'll even give you the watch at the end of it so you'll have a $7500 watch that you'll know is real and you can tell everybody you paid double price because you claimed it was fake.

Your claims that I'm selling fake items and it hurts people like you who are selling real is  nothing more than **bleep**. There's a lot of scammers on this thing but I sure the heck anit one of them, I personally had three people tried to scam me out of a motorcycle I was selling on here and even claimed they were military which **** me off even more people on this site think they can say whatever they want and they'll be protected that don't fly in my world now if you want to play the game you put that money where your mouth is and let's get this thing rolling. I didn't grow up with no computer warriors in their mom's basement, Nor people that think they're not accountable if you're gonna make accusations make sure you have something to back it up not just your thought or opinion so if you wanna play the game let's go your move just have that 7500 ready heck I'll even deliver it, so Check "your move"


So, Feel free to read through that but as you can see it wasn't addressed to you trailblazer but it was to happy_times_4_ you which ironically I thought was probably an individual who was buying or selling watch parts or things of that nature because why would they make such ridiculous claim without being able to back it up like, I think you said  "police work on facts not suppositions" which if I'm selling a fake watch that's deceptive practices and If I am attempting to extort someone then that too would be a claim that they could report" here's the two challenges you run into 1.) At no point in that verbatim did I attempt, convey, nor construe and actions of extortion. Although when you paraphrased an excerpt from the editorial above you claimed that the wording "send me $7500 and....." could be interpreted or construed as a means of extortion. So let me bring you up to speed, The word extortion means to physically or mentally impose threats upon another person to illegally extract  "life, liberty or property" from them. Secondly you would need a motive to enact the extortion against another party whether it be for gain monetary or otherwise legal or illegal. Now correct me if I'm wrong but I see nothing in that editorial that depicts any threats of any sort to anybody but rather states a fact that the individual had made slanderous remarks and defamation that character statements that were frivolous and untrue therefore I posed for their unsavory behavior we put something on the line so that way we could be accountable for our actions because you just can't run around and make accusations that somebody is doing something like that unless you can prove it just like you commented. However when you claimed I was or could be perceived as extorting someone which is a very slanderous statement, and could possible damage my character. Whereas to be slanderous the remarks must be made out in a public venue where others could hear or read such statements and thereby by bias against me due to your untrue remarks, causing harm.  I take it as your trying to somehow deflect the nature of that conversation, to tarnish me post and facts, with verbiage once again you were not cc'd on nor was it even part of the conversation took it upon yourself to somehow discredit my post in a manner that actually  strengthened my position with the rest of your indoctrine. 


"Sold by eXp Realty, Herley Beliard"


Although by doing that you put yourself in a line of fire because now you've made comments of an untrue nature in a public setting that are slanderous towards me. Furthermore  you've egregiously taken an excerpt from what now appears to be an unknown source exerting false accusations  pertaining to my character. Interesting enough it has to do with this watch and the buyer, However the feeble attempts to deflect and iniquitous the content of the post, done so in a manner without merit or substance, will Do nothing more than strengthen the statements I've made and cause more consequences to those that are deceptive. In the future if you're going to step into a post and speak on a subject make sure you're indoctrinate yourself first so you don't make credulous claims. 


I apologize for those that Read through this lung reply but I felt it was necessary, because this is no CNN fake news here.... tie your shoes before running in the world..... 👟 




Message 38 of 42
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Re: What is eBay take the site of scammers over legitimate People

ebay  stopped this reply so i revised it!



Hi gnracin72,


This is an official moderation warning to inform you that your recent post "What is eBay take the site of scammers over legitimate People" from ‎06-06-2023 08:47 AM has been removed because it violated the following:


  • about another user's listings or user IDs to tarnish their reputation (e.g. "naming & shaming") or otherwise calling the community to action


  • basically, you must not speak of these fraudulent acts
  • you must allow them and get this chip placed in your wrist….Ok Lets go Brandon!


You posted the following:


"The person had three separate profiles, one who bid the other was on the name of where to ship item and last for feedback: “see editorial below”


1B R**L      profile stating send watch too

Dd*d*6       profile stating watch wasn’t sent

G*e Wi**z  profile that feedback came from.

and lastly,


Ha**y_ tim*s_ 4 _u   profile buyer contacted me from earlier in the week saying item                   was fake, and hate mail, he laughed it off when I caught him.


Perhaps in that format it won’t be as complex or pedantic, for you to comprehend. But then again who knows…."


Please take a moment to review the Comm Gud to avoid making the same mistake again in the future.


Thank you for your cooperation in keeping the Community a welcoming, helpful, and respectful place for all users.


-- The eBay Community Moderation Team



Message 39 of 42
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Re: What is eBay take the site of scammers over legitimate People

Lets Go Brandon!


OK here we go so I got sanction because these people tried to scam me and I didn't let it happen eBay told me I cannot make comments to any buyer or seller who attempted to defraud me because it could tarnish their name. However this is the message I sent them I tried to put it up on the board and it was swiftly taken down so I had to take out the names of the person the three individuals who attempted it I left mine in there..


Here’s what fraud looks like the buyer tries to defraud me, but eBay would sanction me for not allowing it and tell me I’m not allowed to say anything about the buyer? Really

When I was right about to make the payment so I received an urgent email from my hauler company about their picking up charges fee for the bike and the only way they want to receive the fee is via Walmart transfer only and right now due to my work and currently location it's a long hours for me to get to the town and find a nearby Walmart store so that's why I added the amount to the payment I sent but PayPal is placing a hold on the payment for now and I've been deducted from my account for the whole money So until you go to the Walmart store and send out the $900 upfront from your pocket firstly at the Walmart store to the hauler agent information that you see on the payment notification emails from PayPal you will be given back a copy of the Walmart receipt after you send the $900 to hauler agent information at the Walmart So the Walmart receipt is what you will email or take a clear picture of the receipt and send it to the notification emails you from PayPal and the whole money will be fully released to your PayPal app account without no hassle or delaying again ??

Replied to Unknown buyer

Well, that's not going to happen I've shipped bikes cars boats coast to coast with my company as I built them and they never have you get a Walmart money order so how about this come down here in person and pick this bike up and we can discuss your $900 just make sure health insurance is paid up because that may be what you need. Unfortunately you have no ideal who your playing with so perhaps it's best you stay off eBay, because to be honest you got better chances jumping in an eclectic chair than **bleep**en with my bike...keep your shoes tied, you POS acting like you work for or military too, I’ll start off slapping you in your mouth for disgracing our military, then show you it means to be an OG





Message 40 of 42
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Re: What is eBay take the site of scammers over legitimate People

@gnracin72 wrote:

I would have to agree with you but I put up a lot of things jewelry, us coins, And all three of my beloved motorcycles because I needed the money for a private pay nursing facility for my mom however she didn't make  and passed away, then when i see the messages and replay this guy was beating on my head with eBay For not replying promptly even though I sent him an invoice in the congratulations email upon winning but I was burying my mother, As Friday was the wake and  Saturday Burial that's why I didn't get right back to him until Sunday but by then they had already had their game plan and did what they did but the reason I sold the watch for 280 and not the 2300 it was worth is because it had no value to me anymore see it lose my mom all the stuff in the world wouldn't  bring it back I ran outta time.....

If decide to do that again,  try this forum for advice.  Before problems arise.  Some very helpful folks here. 

Posting ID
Message 41 of 42
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Re: What is eBay take the site of scammers over legitimate People

Absolutely you should join the council! Sorry to hear about what happened to you perhaps being on the council could bring justice!

Message 42 of 42
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