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What is eBay take the site of scammers over legitimate People

I find it ironic eBay refuses to investigate or even do any type of due diligence when it's brought to their attention that someone is scamming. This is the third time that I have brought it to their attention they have overlooked it denied any type of due process and refused an appeal, to just side with the buyer. By sending a great deal of Information I showed them that this buyer attempted to buy an item I was selling cancel the sale two days later stating changed his mind but had hoped I had already sent the item. They made a big old fuss about me not getting back to them even though I sent them an email right out of the box. However the address they were using to send it item was not their address in fact it was an address of a property that was sold By the buyer months before they neither had no equitable claim no ownership in that address. The address was being rerouted to their actual address which would thereby claim they never received The item. Ebay was not concerned nor looked at any of the hyperlinks I sent them to include the buyer had three different Profiles that showed three different people bought the item. On top of that I pointed it out to ebay they didn't pay no mind to it and the bigger kick is a week prior another person with a different profile Contacted me, Claiming the Item I was selling was fake I simply told the person I would pull the serial numbers have it sent to the company verified and it would cost him $7500 and I would gladly bring it to their house so they could pay for it and be accountable for making such absurd accusations this buyer What's the same person because they told me well you told me you'd bring it to my house I never said nothing like that to them I said it to the other person I showed this to eBay they didn't care they charged me their fees returned the money held my bank account hostage credit card hostage and refused to even look at this matter it's become a shame because when eBay first started I was on it back in 2003 -2004 And it was a good place to buy and sell items now it's no longer that I don't know who's the bigger crook the scammers or eBay let him get away with it and charging the sellers I think my time has come to an end here As this is the third time in a row it has happened. With so many policies and so many rules and so many stops blocks for charging and collecting eBay shares hell don't follow their own rules. But this time maybe they will as somebody has to be accountable if they allow people to lie and they sanction the other party in favor of money, they call that fraud, embezzlement, Deceptive practices To name a few. I highly doubt eBay will post this as they did with the last ones but who knows maybe it'll slide through,...if we allow people to continue to do this then we're really no better than they are but if we stand up to them Perhaps the next person won't have to.

Message 1 of 42
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What is eBay take the site of scammers over legitimate People

I have been protesting the site for a couple years now due to my perceived lack of seller respect with the MBG and Promoted Listings - They have axed or hacked just about every kudo, perk, protection, kickback, etc they have ever had for sellers - I could likely deal with Promoted listings, because my items are fairly unique, rare and highly sought after(I'm talking about the items I haven't been listing - had to get a new storage unit recently), but I cannot abide by the MBG - I refuse to put forth the effort to list an item that can be so easily thieved - I hear tell that fraud is very rare on the site by people who post here a lot - If that's the case, it shouldn't take much out of the site owners pocket to cover obvious buyer fraud - My guess is its not the case and that's exactly why they stopped backing sellers. My guess also is if they did institute some kind of new seller protection program they were on the hook for, they would put a lot more effort into cleaning the place up - If it was their money on the line, it would be a different story in my opinion...

Message 2 of 42
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What is eBay take the site of scammers over legitimate People must have a dispute or charge back from buyers...?


...I'm having one right now after nearly 90 days of transaction...the amount wasn't big so if I lose the case I can afford it...eBay didn't want me to do anything, just sit and!


...I hope yours is not any significant loss...good luck in that battlefield...!!!

Message 3 of 42
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What is eBay take the site of scammers over legitimate People

     There is actually a delicate balance between buyer and seller protections. In some cases eBay protects the sellers if you are following policies and processes. EBay cases, and even chargebacks, offer seller protection in most cases where the buyer claims an INR or Item not recognized. Buyers requesting returns is a mix depending on the buyers reason for the return and the sellers settings on the listing. A lot of new sellers assume "seller does not accept returns" equates to no refunds. 

     The biggest problem area seems to occur with INAD cases or chargebacks. Even in these cases eBay offers some seller protection especially with the EIS program. The NAD problem for sellers exists not only on eBay but on other platforms as well and most of those other platforms/venues also favor the buyer in the he said, she said, situations. Scammers, or friendly fraud as it is often referred to, is a multi-billon dollar issue in the ecommerce market place and there is no easy answer. EBay has never, and probably never will, release data on the number of returns, refunds, etc. that take place as this would represent a decrease in their GMV. 

     I won't argue the fact that it is easy to scam on eBay if one wishes to do so. There is a load of information available on the internet on exactly how to do so. While eBay could do more to try and stem the scamming activities that requires resources which eats into their bottom line and it would be something that would be difficult for them to establish a ROI for. The authentication programs were/are an attempt to provide an increase level of security for both the buyers and the sellers but those have had their share of issues. The EIS program offers sellers virtually unlimited protection that is MUCH better than what the seller has with domestic sales. It will be interesting to see if those protections survive the test of time. 

     Knowing the risks associate with eBay I have always gone by the #1 rule as a seller and that is to never list anything I am not prepared to take the financial loss on. If you sell long enough at some point you will be hit with or be the victim of a scam attempt or will have to deal with high maintenance buyers it's just a part of doing business on this site. 

Message 4 of 42
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What is eBay take the site of scammers over legitimate People

We admire your passion on this. And some of us can sympathize.
Buyers scamming sellers is a continuing problem on Ebay, and seems to be on the rise. It's so easy to purchase a 4-5 hundred dollar item, file an NAD, send back a box of junk, keep the merchandise AND get your cash back.
And multi billion dollar Ebay can't, or won't do anything about it. They're too busy brainstorming new and innovative ways to separate sellers from their profits.
Just follow the sage advice of many "community members:"
"Never sell anything on Ebay you can't afford to lose...or get scammed out of."
Which begs an even bigger question.
If being scammed has to be part of your business model to sell on the Ebay platform, is this really the place you want to be?
And now the steady stream of Ebay cheerleaders will start posting about how "scamming" isn't a problem.
And they all have one thing in common. They haven't been scammed.  Yet.
The sellers who have?
The ones who have felt the frustration and monetary loss of it?
And Ebay's complete lack of protection from it?
They're gone. Quit Ebay. Stopped selling here. Not active users. Don't even post.
That's why the "conversation" on it seems so one sided.
The sellers who agree with you aren't here anymore.

Message 5 of 42
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What is eBay take the site of scammers over legitimate People

The buyer bought an item.

Did they pay?

Two days later they asked to cancel the purchase.

Had you shipped?

They gave you an out of date address.

That happens all the time, on purpose or by accident.

being rerouted to their actual address which would thereby claim they never received The item.

Does USPS reroute parcels? Our Canada Post will only allow Change of Address for lettermail. Parcels are (eventually) returned to the sender.

A purchase that cannot be delivered (Return to Sender  being one) is considered Undeliverable by eBay and the seller is no required to refund anything.


On top of that I pointed it out to ebay they didn't pay no mind to it and the bigger kick is ...... when eBay first started I was on it back in 2003 -2004

This is gibberish.


Did they pay?

Had you shipped when they asked to cancel?

If they did not pay, you do not ship.

If they pay, you ship promptly.

If you delay shipping, and there can be good reasons for that, did you cancel and refund on request?


What is the actual problem?


Message 6 of 42
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What is eBay take the site of scammers over legitimate People

Very well said, I agree with you I’m just confused that eBay has watched this happen 3 separate times now and did nothing but sanction me. I followed the rules and stood behind what I sell but I’m just old school we don’t steal or scam you need something ask me chances are I’ll give it too you. But don’t patronize me and think I don’t see the scam from individuals. Either way you mentioned so great points and I appreciate your time to write a response, I’m going to look into a few things to keyed in on, maybe it can help! Thank you again!

Message 7 of 42
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What is eBay take the site of scammers over legitimate People

True story, I’m done with eBay after this too. I got sanctioned two years ago when I was selling my motorcycle. Three separate people started messaging me on it but none of them had feedback or on eBay but 15 days. I knew something didn’t seem right, so I sat back until one gentleman said he was military and stationed in a foreign country. Said he’d pay the 50k for the bike but need to check with his shipper. I told him sure he came back and offered 55k that he’d send through a PayPal if I would cover the shippers cost of $1800 and ship the bike. I said that seems odd, he said no worries get a Walmart money order or send via Walmart money gram and put it on the wire with a telephone pick up. I kindly told him that I have been shipping cars bikes boats for many years and I’ve never heard of one shipper that said to send them a Walmart money gram. And on top of that you want me to send the title and bike? He said yes because I’m in the military and I can’t get to shipper but can send PayPal money where you can see it’s sent. Obviously this guy and his two buddies had decided they would pull there scam on me. So I told him this, how about you come and get the bike here at my place for 40k and you take that money you saved and get you and your buddies Obama care health insurance. That way when you get here and I slap you the **bleep** out your sandals first, than I’ll give you that Walmart money gram in the form of BJJ for claiming your military and disrespecting our brothers and sisters your pos ass and your dumb ass buddies can use your Obama care to get yourself put back together. How about those terms. Well needless to say eBay flipped out on my for saying I was gonna slap him out his **bleep** sandals. Nothing about them trying to scam me for 50k and a Walmart money gram but you know I really didn’t care because I sent him the coordinations where he was located and the direct line from which his jump phone he was using. Then advised him that thinking you can scam from Americans and nothing will happen too you is not true, MF! Make sure you answer the door I’ll be bringing your Walmart money gram. Definitely not something I normally do but thinking your gonna scam me out my Harley and I’ll be stupid enough to send you money on top! But eBay allows it as I pointed out the scam and everything they sanctioned me for the sandal comment. Like **bleep**! But I’m guessing those three never did that again 😳😳 

Message 8 of 42
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What is eBay take the site of scammers over legitimate People

Buyer bought the item put the money into eBay’s account on the 31st I sent a confirmation email saying congratulations. And eBay advised me they had the money it would be on hold for 15 days and I had till the 6 of June to mail item. But in confirmation email I told buyer I’d send right away as I normally do. But I was burying a loved one so I didn’t get back to buyer till the 4th Sunday. By than he had already started a claim stating he “changed his mind” on the 2 of June less then 1.5 days of buying the item. He legged messages at 4 am and 2 am but eBay immediately jumped in and said he open the dispute and closed it and it was my fault for not sending it immediately. I started looking at the address and names and realized there were three different buyer names he was using so I decided to check out address of shipping it was a home he had actually sold 5-6 months prior and the financing fell through to his own people nonetheless as the home had been quick claimed to a construction company and they had gone under so this guy and his people stepped in to buy the property and didn’t have financing but thought they would keep the home. Well the contractors daughter stepped in and took the house back which it’s delisted now under different agency. This guy has property sent there then rerouted to an apartment building 15 miles away, so there’s no trace of merchandise. Pretty slick he thought, problem is I have a real estate license and my brother lives out that way so I’m a matter of hours I had the information to show what he was doing on eBay one and what they collectively tried to do on two elderly people and there home. eBay refused to look at anything and said it’s my fault I didn’t ship it, I told them they withdrew the offer and eBay stepped in and closed it, not before returning the buyer there money and charging me full commission on the sale of an item that wasn’t sold. I tried to cancel listing they said no I tried to appeal they said no. Like what the heck! 




Message 9 of 42
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What is eBay take the site of scammers over legitimate People

It IS truly regrettable that being scammed has to be part of your business model, just like shoplifters are part of the equation when a B&M store prices it's wares.  

Message 10 of 42
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What is eBay take the site of scammers over legitimate People

Agree with OP. And the number of sellers white knighting for eBay here is sickening. When it finally happens to you, your tune will quickly change. I'm only sorry I won't be around to say, "I told you so."

Message 11 of 42
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What is eBay take the site of scammers over legitimate People

@dbfolks166mt wrote:

    I won't argue the fact that it is easy to scam on eBay if one wishes to do so. There is a load of information available on the internet on exactly how to do so. While eBay could do more to try and stem the scamming activities that requires resources which eats into their bottom line and it would be something that would be difficult for them to establish a ROI for. The authentication programs were/are an attempt to provide an increase level of security for both the buyers and the sellers but those have had their share of issues. The EIS program offers sellers virtually unlimited protection that is MUCH better than what the seller has with domestic sales. It will be interesting to see if those protections survive the test of time. 

 Thanks for posting covered a lot of ground:

I am reserving my opinion of the EIS program after further data - I understand they are likely looking to tap into a somewhat untapped resource here in putting forth the investment into US-to-Global Sales(something many sellers shy away from) - Thats likely why they are OK with footing the bill on Returns/NADs? though I am not even sure if that is an accurate assessment of the program  - I have read through the details of the program, and it seems to suggest this, but with some vagueness especially with regard to NADs - Also, the program is young, and in my opinion, as with anything "new" or "beta" with ebay, the problems will come - I hope that is not the case, as a smooth run of things might open the door to some sort of US-to-US seller protection program, and I would likely start listing on the site again if they came up with a program to offer more substantial seller protections.

Message 12 of 42
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What is eBay take the site of scammers over legitimate People

@soh.maryl wrote:

It IS truly regrettable that being scammed has to be part of your business model, just like shoplifters are part of the equation when a B&M store prices it's wares.  

I appreciate what you've written here, because it is truly regrettable the fraud/thievery problem - Though it is completely unlike B&M stores where you can institute different things to thwart shoplifters: Tags, Store Detectives, Cameras, etc. Just the threat of physically being arrested keeps thievery down - A store could likely halt nearly all shoplifting(especially for high dollar items: cased, guarded, etc) if they added the infrastructure and manpower needed to do so, though it would also likely not be cost effective to stop it all, so a certain amount is acceptable as a cost of doing business.


This is completely unlike ebay where a person who "comes to your store" can virtually steal anything they want with impunity and then turn around and go to the next ebay store and do the same thing without worry -  By my experience with fraud here, even widely reported scammers can continue on their merry way because  buyers are coveted - I've seen many  posts from people with similar experience also...


If you had your own B&M store, you wouldn't need to say things like EVERYBODY here does(even the apologists) like, "Don't sell anything you can't afford to lose"  - Heck, if you think about it in a whimsical way, no one in the world would have a cell phone if they could only buy them on ebay, because no one would be willing to sell them due to the fraud risk - Good thing there are B&M's huh?

Message 13 of 42
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What is eBay take the site of scammers over legitimate People

I could not follow this story or understand how 3 different people bought the same item. Maybe ebay could not  underand you, either.  

Message 14 of 42
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What is eBay take the site of scammers over legitimate People

I get their point don’t sell what you can’t afford to lose, but I’m not really interested in losing. So I think it’s time I opt out of eBay , but your comment was, “Well said touché!” Appreciate your time.

Message 15 of 42
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