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Vape gear rules not enforced for all.

I listed 2 vape mods and eBay wrote me and said they deleted them. They said that vape gear isnt allowed. No mods, ecigs, cig alikes, egos, atomizers, rdas, no eliquid, even zero nicotine. OK fine, I get it. But what I dont get is why there are thousands of other vape related items listed. Items that have sold and items again relisted. For 2 weeks now I've been watching thousands of vape auctions get listed. I randomly reported a few various priced vape auctions and they didnt delete them. What is this favoritism? 

Message 1 of 36
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Accepted Solutions

Re: Vape gear rules not enforced for all.

Hi ticklushgirl,


Just wanted to let you know that YES it is indeed against eBay policies to list those types of items. Keep in mind that there is no favoritism here on eBay. You have to keep in mind that eBay is full of millions of sellers & the system can only catch so many on time. The internal team does reviews on many accounts everyday except weekends which is when they are closed. It just so happened that they have caught you during their reviews & they have given you a warning & from past experience as a seller ignoring warnings, i suggest you DONT list it up again as the internal team dont take to kind to policy violation & they will restrict your selling abilities if not, BLOCK your account. IF you try to make another account it is considered as circumventing & this will only lead to more problems in the long run. DO NOT worry as eBay is NOT playing favorites, its just there is millions of sellers out there & not a lot of agents at the internal department & they can only review so many accounts per day. Some of them will get away & sell & some will not & you reporting these listings will definitely help catch these sellers. Rest assure, the internal is doing the best they can! I will suggest to worry on your selling & business here on eBay & please read through eBays policy guidelines so that you wont violate anymore as you were already warned once & as i mentioned, from past experience, the internal team is VERY strict & they dont care if you beg, cry, letter them. IF they catch too many policies violated, they WILL kick you off of eBay from selling & WONT let you back & they WILL catch you if you make another account even if it takes time. Hope i helped clarify things up! Best of luck to you & your business & have a good one! ~MG.

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Message 2 of 36
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Re: Vape gear rules not enforced for all.

Hi ticklushgirl,


Just wanted to let you know that YES it is indeed against eBay policies to list those types of items. Keep in mind that there is no favoritism here on eBay. You have to keep in mind that eBay is full of millions of sellers & the system can only catch so many on time. The internal team does reviews on many accounts everyday except weekends which is when they are closed. It just so happened that they have caught you during their reviews & they have given you a warning & from past experience as a seller ignoring warnings, i suggest you DONT list it up again as the internal team dont take to kind to policy violation & they will restrict your selling abilities if not, BLOCK your account. IF you try to make another account it is considered as circumventing & this will only lead to more problems in the long run. DO NOT worry as eBay is NOT playing favorites, its just there is millions of sellers out there & not a lot of agents at the internal department & they can only review so many accounts per day. Some of them will get away & sell & some will not & you reporting these listings will definitely help catch these sellers. Rest assure, the internal is doing the best they can! I will suggest to worry on your selling & business here on eBay & please read through eBays policy guidelines so that you wont violate anymore as you were already warned once & as i mentioned, from past experience, the internal team is VERY strict & they dont care if you beg, cry, letter them. IF they catch too many policies violated, they WILL kick you off of eBay from selling & WONT let you back & they WILL catch you if you make another account even if it takes time. Hope i helped clarify things up! Best of luck to you & your business & have a good one! ~MG.

Message 2 of 36
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Re: Vape gear rules not enforced for all.

I've sold on here (another ID) since 1999 and there are *always* rule breakers. I've had three or four listings pulled myself for violating rules that I didn't even know about, for the oddest things, even after I checked to make sure they were OK, and thought I  had interpreted the rules correctly!


And, yeah, it's not fair that loads of other people are doing it and it's easy to think it must be OK because there are lots of listings up. It's just a matter of time before they get taken down - Moises upthread says why.  But I understand your frustration - it's better to stick with the rules even if it's not easy.

Message 3 of 36
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Re: Vape gear rules not enforced for all.

@ticklushgirl wrote:

 But what I dont get is why there are thousands of other vape related items listed.
What is this favoritism? 

Not favoritism.

Just poor enforcement.

Most eBay policies are violated regularly.


Message 4 of 36
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Re: Vape gear rules not enforced for all.

The common comparison here is traffic and speeding. You got stopped for speeding, while the other hundreds of cars zipped by. Doesn't mean they were allowed to do it, they just weren't the ones that got stopped.

Forget keeping up with the Joneses. Be the Finklegrubers!
OK kids, time to get the Dodge loaded up again. I hear 'Poppy's By the Tree' calling. This trip might be a long one too.
Message 5 of 36
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Re: Vape gear rules not enforced for all.

@ticklushgirl wrote:

I listed 2 vape mods and eBay wrote me and said they deleted them. They said that vape gear isnt allowed. No mods, ecigs, cig alikes, egos, atomizers, rdas, no eliquid, even zero nicotine. OK fine, I get it. But what I dont get is why there are thousands of other vape related items listed. Items that have sold and items again relisted. For 2 weeks now I've been watching thousands of vape auctions get listed. I randomly reported a few various priced vape auctions and they didnt delete them. What is this favoritism? 

In a sense, yes - however, it is favoritism for ebay and their bottom line.  It is a big market and can bring in lots of money.


As one of the other posters said, you just happened to be one of those the bots caught that day.  You are on the radar now, so it isn't wise to relist.


As far as reporting policy offenders, well, even though the paid ebay staff on the 'Weakly Chat' continually tout the 'All-Star' customer service team(s), there is absolutely NO incentive for ebay to hinder or remove listings that are against policy - it costs money to do so and they loose money from less sales if they do, and there is nobody looking over ebay's shoulder to see if they are being a responsible selling platform.  The bots only have rudimentary programming to appear to be 'taking care of business' and CS knows how to say 'What was that?', so all is good.

Not saying 'NO' doesn't mean 'YES'.

The foolishness of one's actions or words is determined by the number of witnesses.

Perhaps if Brains were described as an APP, many people would use them more often.

Respect, like money, is only of 'worth' when it is earned - with all due respect, it can not be ordained, legislated or coerced. Anonymous
Message 6 of 36
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Re: Vape gear rules not enforced for all.


I wonder the same thing....

it does seem odd that many listings go unreported..

violating rules and "they' never seem to get caught.


and yours gets pulled. 


I recently had something pulled.... I was selling it for my neighbor who lives 

well below the povery line trying to help him out.

others are still on here. sad for him.


but there is nothing you can do but wonder why. 

Message 7 of 36
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Re: Vape gear rules not enforced for all.

"As one of the other posters said, you just happened to be one of those the bots caught that day. You are on the radar now, so it isn't wise to relist."


The in roebots (meaning I smell something fishy).  Have always been curious as to why I and my 386 processor could do quick searches for strings like "vape", "swastika", "Nazi", "Confederate", "Democrat" (ok, just threw this in here to see if the "bots" are really paying attention), come up with hundreds of thousands of listngs containing these, and yet.........somehow I don't see the "bots" as a couple of motorcycle cops running a speed trap.


The flip side excuse given is being reported.  Envision a staff of thousands of experts with nothing better to  Ha!


The simple answer is, it's a lottery.  Maybe you listed on a Tuesday?  Maybe the last 2 numbers in your item id added up to 7, and you just happened to be flagged?  Whatever.


Simple.  eBay "policy"?  LAUGHABLE!!!!!




Message 8 of 36
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Re: Vape gear rules not enforced for all.

Thank you everyone. Your answers were helpful. I won't be reporting any more auctions as I'm not interested in working for free.  Haha. 

Message 9 of 36
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Re: Vape gear rules not enforced for all.

It's also possible you got reported by a competitor. Someone who hasn't been cracked on yet, so they want to get while the gettin' appears good. Not much can be done about that either.
Déjà Moo: The strange feeling that I've heard this bull before...
Message 10 of 36
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Re: Vape gear rules not enforced for all.

@ticklushgirl wrote:

I listed 2 vape mods and eBay wrote me and said they deleted them. They said that vape gear isnt allowed. No mods, ecigs, cig alikes, egos, atomizers, rdas, no eliquid, even zero nicotine. OK fine, I get it. But what I dont get is why there are thousands of other vape related items listed. Items that have sold and items again relisted. For 2 weeks now I've been watching thousands of vape auctions get listed. I randomly reported a few various priced vape auctions and they didnt delete them. What is this favoritism? 

I believe you were reported by a competitor. I listed a few drip tips not knowing it wasn't allowed (stupid me; I should've checked). I was under the assumption that it was alright because I listed a mod a year ago with no problems. The drip tip listings were fine for about two weeks, until out of nowhere, they were all removed. But I saw new users with very little feedback, posting new drip tips up constantly. 


I don't report others (even though they might've reported me). I reported one person and it did nothing. The person as a new seller, who just started selling, and posted 20+ drip tips in one day, and when expired, I see more being reposted. They weren't hard to find, considering there's only the same  sellers who show up if you search "drip tip" on eBay.


So these people somehow didn't get under the radar despite being very specific, naming vape product brands, and how to use the product. That's odd to me, but I let it go. However, how are there users who have vape-related usernames AND the shop itself with only vape items, and still be able to sell? I'll never know. And despite adding to my disappointment, I HAVE bought coils off eBay from sellers with thousands of feedback only selling coil replacements.

Message 11 of 36
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Re: Vape gear rules not enforced for all.

I know this is an old thread but just happened AGAIN to me today....And it was the same **bleep** run around from Ebay.  I spoke with some other high volume sellers of vape products here on ebay and sure enough never one single issue or listing taken down...we are not talking just drip mods...coils..everything unser the sun...but yet the fetbthe little guy to make it appear like they are enforcing policy.  I read about a class action lawsuit against them...time to join it...this **bleep** has been going on for years and not just with vape products.

Message 12 of 36
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Re: Vape gear rules not enforced for all.

This is a straight lie.  I have spoke .To multiple high volume sellers of vape products that have NEVER had a YEARS of selling...not just drip tips...full mods rdas and accessories.  Also have talked to low volume sellers and the story is the same...Ebay removes their listings but never the high volume sellers

Message 13 of 36
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Re: Vape gear rules not enforced for all.

Ok Moses....Total bull**bleep**.
Message 14 of 36
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Re: Vape gear rules not enforced for all.

Exactly. People have been selling 100s of bottles of liquid a month, and have gone unharmed for years.

I try selling some hand made coils and some pre built rda's for a couple hundred bucks a month and I get shut down.

Ebay has always been bias towards sellers depending on how much these dirtbags are making off you. Moises, or whatever...your a clown shoe spreading false information.

Nobody likes a know it all, and everyone hates a know it all that don't know s****
Message 15 of 36
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