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Toilet Paper auctions

There goes your reputation...Toilet paper selling for $12,000, $8,000, etc. and $15 for one square. What a ridiculous thing to allow on your site. What a joke. eBay is now the page for anyone who wants a laugh. There goes your credibility as a trusted, respectible site!!!

Message 1 of 67
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Re: Toilet Paper auctions

Well, yes, but look at the bright side!


Payment or not, just think how much the FVF are going to be.  And, if it is a promoted listing, whew, that just added a whole lot more!

Not saying 'NO' doesn't mean 'YES'.

The foolishness of one's actions or words is determined by the number of witnesses.

Perhaps if Brains were described as an APP, many people would use them more often.

Respect, like money, is only of 'worth' when it is earned - with all due respect, it can not be ordained, legislated or coerced. Anonymous
Message 2 of 67
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Re: Toilet Paper auctions

They are not "allowed", eBay is pulling these listings as fast as they can but no matter what they do there is a small percentage of eBay sellers who continue to list these things.


Half these listings are put up by scummy sellers the other half are put up by jokers who think it's funny.


It's a never ending whack-a-mole for eBay!


Message 3 of 67
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Re: Toilet Paper auctions

Relax! No one buys...

Message 4 of 67
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Re: Toilet Paper auctions

Well, actually.....

Those nutty auctions are how eBay got its start.

Jay Leno used to talk about the weird things that were sold on eBay and the publicity brought viewers and buyers to the site.


Remember Naked Kettle Guy? Or Guy in Wedding Dress? Or the ever hilarious Leather Pants ?


Do you really think any of those auctions will ever be paid ?

Do you think the sellers actually expect to be paid? Or are they doing it as a very bad joke?



Message 5 of 67
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Re: Toilet Paper auctions

@femmefan1946 wrote:

Well, actually.....

Those nutty auctions are how eBay got its start.

Jay Leno used to talk about the weird things that were sold on eBay and the publicity brought viewers and buyers to the site.


Remember Naked Kettle Guy? Or Guy in Wedding Dress? Or the ever hilarious Leather Pants ?


Do you really think any of those auctions will ever be paid ?

Do you think the sellers actually expect to be paid? Or are they doing it as a very bad joke?

Having observed people for some length of time now, I think some of those people really do expect to get paid.


Yes, there have been some good ones over the years!

Not saying 'NO' doesn't mean 'YES'.

The foolishness of one's actions or words is determined by the number of witnesses.

Perhaps if Brains were described as an APP, many people would use them more often.

Respect, like money, is only of 'worth' when it is earned - with all due respect, it can not be ordained, legislated or coerced. Anonymous
Message 6 of 67
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Re: Toilet Paper auctions

This is by far the best meme I've seen regarding the toilet paper issue:



Message 7 of 67
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Re: Toilet Paper auctions

I agree. I have been selling here for years. But this has got to stop. I am here to make a buck or two, but not like that. These jerks need to think about there fellow man instead of trying to break them. eBay needs to stop this. If they don't, it makes them part of the problem, not the cure!

Message 8 of 67
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Re: Toilet Paper auctions

This is the wonderful world we live in. Price gouging and felony listings. In the state of KY over 100 is a felony. 😀

Message 9 of 67
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Re: Toilet Paper auctions

I get that Ebay can't police every listing.  That said, trying to assist and report such things is a study in Ebay's not giving a **bleep**:  If they cared, they'd do  LOT more than give 3 drop-down menus with limited and inaccurate options. These sorry 'sellers'  litter real listings, waste time, and prove that anonymity online lets people show their true nature.  It enrages me that their **bleep** can be listed with impunity.  Ebay taking down their listings, even if they catch it, is not punishment: The country is awash in stupidity, and there is no defense for such reprehensible acts.  The offenders- Whether true profiteering or supposed attempts at 'Humour'-need something like a black star on their accounts for a year showing they they are questionable sellers.   Ebay's policies made me stop being a seller years ago, and it ain't getting any better.  

Message 10 of 67
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Re: Toilet Paper auctions

Not true, I seen at least 6 listings in a row 2 days ago where packs of 4 or one single roll was being auctioned and people had them bid up to $64, $65 & up. So people sadly are buying and bidding on the one roll or 4 pack for that much money. I don't know if they people bidding are that hard up or if they are older people being taking advantage of because they dont know any better. I have had a lot of older people order items from me and have no idea even how to pay or how ebay works because they don't use it often or their first time. I don't understand any other reason people would bid and pay that much for toilet paper. Look at the sold listings.
So no DON"T RELAX, people are buying it.
Message 11 of 67
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Re: Toilet Paper auctions

No, they're not buying it. All these auctions are done with fake bidders. Scammers have joined ranks and are bidding up one another's auctions.  I guess they have nothing better to do with their time.

Message 12 of 67
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Re: Toilet Paper auctions

@dinpavent0 wrote:
So people sadly are buying and bidding on the one roll or 4 pack for that much money.



They might be buying and bidding, but are they paying?



Have a great day.
Message 13 of 67
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Re: Toilet Paper auctions

It's definitely in bad taste, but I recall in the past the Cheeto that looked like Mao Tse-tung, the Holy Mary potato chip, the Alien Potato, Prozac Barbie....  Not to mention all the prank auctions we used to put together in the old days on the old Clothing and Accessories board (RIP "Caboard") -  my favourite was The The Last Straw.  I remember the time a guy auctioned off a kick in the pants. 

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 14 of 67
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Re: Toilet Paper auctions

@picknparley wrote:

No, they're not buying it. All these auctions are done with fake bidders. Scammers have joined ranks and are bidding up one another's auctions.  I guess they have nothing better to do with their time.

If this is true (and it would be great if it is), this then may be a self-solving problem - they'll all end up broke and in the poorhouse with krappy slow connections and sandpaper to wipe their dupas. I'd like that.

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 15 of 67
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