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Perhaps eBay needs "Buyer" educational classes?

It seems to me that maybe alot of the recent increased returns - refund - negatives yada yada could be avoided if eBay would just school the buyers? Just got a request to ship to a different address on a purchased item. I informed her that she would need to change her shipping address as the shipping label program will not allow me to do it. That was yesterday. Haven't heard a word from her yet and eBay guidlines state that I must ship today. So what do I do? Ship it to the ebay stated shipping label address and get a negative from the buyer plus have it returned to me? Ship to her requested address (different state) and risk a never recvd ding - lose the product - lose the postge fees - lose my money - get no refund from ebay AND take a ding on my dashboard? Cancel the transaction and still get a ding? What? I've given up calling customer service from ebay because you keep getting people in foreign countries that never understand or don't know the answer or tell you to do the wrong thing.

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Re: Perhaps eBay needs "Buyer" educational classes?

Well I for one think Ebay should also be educating the sellers. There are too many out there risking too much. Too many who are listing without details then complaing and mocking buyers when they want to return. Too many who are cancelling because they don't make enough money.


There are a lot of people around here who need educating and I'd start with the people who create and revise the Ebay software.


As an addition, it occurs to me that customers should not need to be educated. If the system is failing then the system needs to change. For instance the changing address thing is not as easy to find as some might think.



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Re: Perhaps eBay needs "Buyer" educational classes?

Table - well I've come here for advise more this year than I ever did in 18 years? why? because ebay customer service stinks to high hell. I look for real time experience from other sellers who might have the same drama as me. I gave up talking to people in malaysia - phillipines - vietnam - ghana - greece - whatever. They don't know the answer 50% of the time - I often think they don't even understand the question. I never really had a huge need to come here but now I do. Things change so fast around here it's hard for me to keep up - really. I keep thinking about getting out of retail (B & M) then things go so horribly wrong here that I give up that idea and now I'm buried trying to do it all. 10 years ago I would have quit local retail but not now. Ebay's  "hiding" of the details is absolutely horrible and they put the blame on the sellers 100%. I get it - they need to make money - me too

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Re: Perhaps eBay needs "Buyer" educational classes?

Blues have said on this Board that if you change the address to meet a buyer request shown in ebay messages, they will support that.  Problem comes with a paypal claim......who may NOT recognize it, because they have no access to ebay message now.


Blue advice has been to cancel the sale due to address problem and advise buyer to rebuy, putting in proper address in at checkout........  IF you don't want to risk a claim in paypal. 

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Re: Perhaps eBay needs "Buyer" educational classes?

@dazzlecity wrote:

Cancel the transaction and still get a ding?

If you cancel giving the reason as "problem with address", you will not get a ding.

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Re: Perhaps eBay needs "Buyer" educational classes?

Maybe Ebay should make their site more user friendly


You can't imagine the buyers I have to walk through the purchasing process, or pulling up my other items, or the biggest PIA finding and reading my descriptions

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Re: Perhaps eBay needs "Buyer" educational classes?

You know, it's weird. When I first started selling one of my first buyers sent me an email after I had printed the label and packaged it up that she had moved and hadn't changed her address on PP or Ebay. Would I send it to the new address. So I did. No problems with that order and never has been. It wasn't a big item. It's odd that I never remembered that. Hummmm 

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Re: Perhaps eBay needs "Buyer" educational classes?

PayPal checkout:


Please confirm shipping address.





Like 100% of the other ecommerce sites out there. It isn't rocket science

~Why be a second rate version of someone else when you can be a first rate version of yourself~

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Re: Perhaps eBay needs "Buyer" educational classes?

@forestthrutrees wrote:

You know, it's weird. When I first started selling one of my first buyers sent me an email after I had printed the label and packaged it up that she had moved and hadn't changed her address on PP or Ebay. Would I send it to the new address. So I did. No problems with that order and never has been. It wasn't a big item. It's odd that I never remembered that. Hummmm 

There was a time I ordered something for a friend of my mom's (address labels) and when I went to pay, I clicked the *change * button on the ship to address to have the seller send the address labels to my mom's friend in a nursing home, and everything went fine.


I signed off and the next time I signed on and went to purchase something I didn't realize my mom's friend's address was still right there when I paid for an item that I wanted shipped to ME.  


I immediately messaged the buyer and explained what happened and asked her to please send it to MY address and she said Sure!  I gave it to her and the purchase went well.  


Ever since that day I always chedk to make sure MY address is there when I buy something.


This was back when eBay and PP were one, so maybe that's why now it defaults back to MY address when I pay for something?  

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