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Notta For 3 Days Now, What is REALLY going on?

I averaged around $1600/day in 2016.


I had a down Q4 for 2017 and a downhill slide since then. I was putting $1,000/day or more up in an effort to get $500/day or better out.


What seems to be the new normal for the past two months is around $250.


I am not going to offer free returns or do too much promoted listing. I don't like the policy changes and I am sure they don't need me to. I can accept $250/day as the new normal and I will just put my hard work into other platforms with policies more in line with reality and common sense.


I won't mail you an item for you to look at and mail back. I don't like people doing that and I will argue over it each  and  every  time. That cost me. I know that. No desire to change it.




What on earth is going on the past three days!?


Anyone else have their history of slow sales interrupted by a period of no sales latley? Does your graph look like this or is it just me? It really really really seems like there is a switch somewhere being flipped. At some point they will flip it and I will sell 20 items in two hours. I have seen it too many times. Its not a coiencidence.


I search for my items and I find them. I have others search for my items and they find them. I am not always the top result but I am in there at an acceptable place really.


I don't think there is anything I can do to change it, just wondering if others were experiencing the same thing. Just curious.


It would be super cool if I could call the CS of the platform and get some meaningful answers rather than mindless "turn on free returns" non-sense and no effort whatsoever to even begin to look at what the problem is.


I think maybe there is an issue they won't admit to, or they know their infastructure is inadequet so they are prepared with non-answer answers.

For everything that happens conditions exist such that nothing else could have happened.
Message 1 of 41
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Re: Notta For 3 Days Now, What is REALLY going on?

I looked at your items - nice assortment


Reasonable prices.


Then I looked at your negative feedback.  Over and over buyers stating you are extremely rude and difficult to deal with when there is a problem.


I am a very honest buyer, but problems do happen in a transaction.  Personally I would not want to deal with you if there was, so even if I saw something I liked and wanted to buy, I would hit the back button.

Message 2 of 41
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Re: Notta For 3 Days Now, What is REALLY going on?

I’m confused. Is N O T T A an acronym? For what?

Message 3 of 41
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Re: Notta For 3 Days Now, What is REALLY going on?

I too looked at your items but didn't check the feedback - I also looked at your solds and you are doing a heck of a lot better than even the big box on here. 


Times have changed - there are other platforms out there - but you just can't list and think you are going to make sales - they involve a lot of sharing, liking, joining groups ect. While you may see sales the first couple of months as a newbie - like Ebay unless you work at it - your items won't sell and some of the other platforms are going to cost you alot more. If you think the cheap people only shop at Ebay - think again.

Message 4 of 41
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Re: Notta For 3 Days Now, What is REALLY going on?

@bearswatching wrote:

I’m confused. Is N O T T A an acronym? For what?

notta =nada = not a thing

Message 5 of 41
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Re: Notta For 3 Days Now, What is REALLY going on?


Message 6 of 41
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Re: Notta For 3 Days Now, What is REALLY going on?

I have not looked at the feedback of the last five things I have purchaed.


You read only the negative feedback. If you look you will find lots of positive feedback from people who had issues. 


Every one of those negitive feedbacks is a person that is lying, stealing, or some other similar dishonesty. 


99% is quite good. I lost like .5% in that past six months from a rash of really nasty people. That seems to have passed. I will take the slower sales if it means less of that stuff.


It matters with the clothing. Why buy mine when you can find a new user that has sold 5 items with 100% feedback selling EXACTLY the same thing. Will they have a better experience? Almost certainly no but ebay lets all the liars make it look that way. I am taking all of my clothing down and taking it to the platform with no returns. On that platform I have a 4.9 of 5 and am selling quite well considering my newness to it. No need for ebay with the clothing any longer.


As for everything else, I am trying hard to find things where there are few available so you can buy mine or you can hit that back button and buy none.


I send full refunds without requiring return when I make a mistake. I send free stuff with a lot of my items. I give partial refunds if there is an issue I didn't notice or include in the listing. I respond to all messages fast and ship fast.


My use of NOTTA, instead of nada and my feedback have ZERO to do with the issue I posted. The feedback has been lower and I have sold far more.


If your reply doesn't pertain to the post why offer it? You must be board.


Does nobody else have a day where it seems like they are just turned off? You can see it happen twice there in the graph I posted. Does it happen to anyone else, or is it just some strange weirdness?

For everything that happens conditions exist such that nothing else could have happened.
Message 7 of 41
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Re: Notta For 3 Days Now, What is REALLY going on?

@baydistributionllc wrote:

Does nobody else have a day where it seems like they are just turned off? You can see it happen twice there in the graph I posted. Does it happen to anyone else, or is it just some strange weirdness?

Plummeting sales on a single day or for a few days can happen.  Just the ebb and flow of retail sales on eBay.   For example, I've had three Saturdays in August that have nearly dead sales ... my chart looks similar to yours (the profile of a rollercoaster).

Message 8 of 41
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Re: Notta For 3 Days Now, What is REALLY going on?

@baydistributionllc wrote:

99% is quite good. I lost like .5% in that past six months from a rash of really nasty people. That seems to have passed. I will take the slower sales if it means less of that stuff.

I think 99% is poor for a moderate sized seller on eBay (that is starting to get into China customer service territory).   But, as a buyer, the thing that would concern me more is the tone of the responses to those negative feedbacks. I realize that you feel cheated, but public display of the anger does not reflect poorly on the buyers but rather upon you as a seller.


My suggestion would be to respond professionally to those negatives when they happen, such as "Buyer was given a full refund.  See our other great feedback" ... or "Sorry you are disappointed.  We offer a full 30-day refund."    Responses like this make it appear that the buyer is at fault rather than the seller.


Message 9 of 41
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Re: Notta For 3 Days Now, What is REALLY going on?

Were in same boat sales just dropped pretty much around the beginning of the year.  Last two years were great this year is not.  We would love to know the answer to that question also.  Best regards

Message 10 of 41
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Re: Notta For 3 Days Now, What is REALLY going on?

@baydistributionllc wrote:


It would be super cool if I could call the CS of the platform and get some meaningful answers to even begin to look at what the problem is.  I think maybe there is an issue they won't admit to, or they know their infastructure is inadequet so they are prepared with non-answer answers.

CS would give you pretty much the same replies as here. They would talk about your feedback and your return %. Each return and each negative feedback drops you. In your clothes category I would guess you're way down the bottom of search thus less buyers will see you clothes.

Message 11 of 41
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Re: Notta For 3 Days Now, What is REALLY going on?

Your replies to neg feedback are just hilarious, seriously the best laugh I have had all day.

Message 12 of 41
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Re: Notta For 3 Days Now, What is REALLY going on?

Nope not bored.


You asked a question of why you are not getting buyers.


I answered it as to why I would not shop with you.


As to calling names the ones that gave you negatives, whether you want to see it or not, that is a problem.  Not everyone who is unhappy is a scammer, even though you try to label them as such.


And buyers do not look at the positives when making a decision to buy.  Getting what you paid for in a timely manner is expected.  It is the negatives they look at and how the seller deals with it.  


Comments of "buyers posting a hissy fit,"thief" makes you look unprofessional imo.

Message 13 of 41
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Re: Notta For 3 Days Now, What is REALLY going on?

@baydistributionllc wrote:

I averaged around $1600/day in 2016.


I had a down Q4 for 2017 and a downhill slide since then. I was putting $1,000/day or more up in an effort to get $500/day or better out.


What seems to be the new normal for the past two months is around $250.


I am not going to offer free returns or do too much promoted listing. I don't like the policy changes and I am sure they don't need me to. I can accept $250/day as the new normal and I will just put my hard work into other platforms with policies more in line with reality and common sense.


I won't mail you an item for you to look at and mail back. I don't like people doing that and I will argue over it each  and  every  time. That cost me. I know that. No desire to change it.




What on earth is going on the past three days!?


Anyone else have their history of slow sales interrupted by a period of no sales latley? Does your graph look like this or is it just me? It really really really seems like there is a switch somewhere being flipped. At some point they will flip it and I will sell 20 items in two hours. I have seen it too many times. Its not a coiencidence.


I search for my items and I find them. I have others search for my items and they find them. I am not always the top result but I am in there at an acceptable place really.


I don't think there is anything I can do to change it, just wondering if others were experiencing the same thing. Just curious.


It would be super cool if I could call the CS of the platform and get some meaningful answers rather than mindless "turn on free returns" non-sense and no effort whatsoever to even begin to look at what the problem is.


I think maybe there is an issue they won't admit to, or they know their infastructure is inadequet so they are prepared with non-answer answers. OP ------


  Some of the newer things I've listed in the past week have an unusual low number of views . Most of my current sales are of items I've had up for awhile and they all  had watchers  . So it could be people just  aren't  looking around as much right now ,, but  if thats the cause  I haven't a clue  as to why .  Personally  I doubt your negative  feedback  or the comments you've left  have anything to do with your drop in sales. The reason is buyers would really have to scroll  a lot to find  them   and something tells  me not too many people will take the time to do all that  .  Your scores look pretty normal especially considering the amount of sales you make . I don't know what else to say  except hang in there !  Tulips 



Message 14 of 41
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Re: Notta For 3 Days Now, What is REALLY going on?

@baydistributionllc wrote:


Does nobody else have a day where it seems like they are just turned off? You can see it happen twice there in the graph I posted. Does it happen to anyone else, or is it just some strange weirdness?

Yes.   I'll either have a day with 1-2 small sales then it's followed by a 2-hour block the next day of multiple buyers taking advantage of my ongoing sales promotion,  then back to nothing and the whole thing repeats itself.   Prior to Fall 2016, I would have sales pretty much all day long, every day.    To go from that to being turned on/visible during certain times  is disappointing to say the least.   

previously known as boardnpostsid
Message 15 of 41
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