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New Sales Tax will be a BIG issue...........

for me atleast.  Folks that say this won't be a big issue and everyone is making a big deal out of nothing I think they're wrong.    I'm not a huge seller, but I sell enough to know that it WILL be an issue for me, since over the years I bought a lot of items on Ebay to resell for a small profit.   If this goes into effect, an item from out of state that would currently cost me $100, but after this passes it will be anywhere from $113.00 to $103.00 with an average around $107.   I know this doesn't sound like much, but after paying Ebay their 10% and Paypal 3.5% the profit margins are low and now I will have to tack on another variable tax rate amount to my products cost.


Also, I know that if this passes I won't be buying as many items, since my wages haven't increased and this will just be another amount that will be taken away from my discretionary income.  I think this will hurt online sales to what extent I don't know.


Anyways, I hope it turns out for the best, but I don't think it will and most small sellers will be the ones hurt the most.  This is about helping the multiple billionare type companies while causing the small mom and pop online sellers to close up shop.

Message 1 of 193
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192 REPLIES 192

Re: New Sales Tax will be a BIG issue...........

Unless you run your own website, any marketplace large enough to have buyers will be large enough to require sales tax collection.

Message 151 of 193
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Re: New Sales Tax will be a BIG issue...........

People keep parroting that like it’s a salvation. Most buyers ship total price so if they pay more for taxes (or shipping) then less will go to the seller.


That said, it’s the law so the math and psychology are mostly irrelevant. Enforced tax is here to stay

Message 152 of 193
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Re: New Sales Tax will be a BIG issue...........

All e-commerce sites will be charging state sales tax.

It's a law which applies to ALL internet sales, not only those on eBay. 

Message 153 of 193
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Re: New Sales Tax will be a BIG issue...........

Exactly what hit will you be taking?

The state sales tax is paid by the buyer, just like when you shop at your local WalMart, you, the buyer, pay the state sales tax.  

Message 154 of 193
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Re: New Sales Tax will be a BIG issue...........

Most buyers have a finite amount of money to spend. The more that sales tax adds to the total cost the less is left over to go to the seller.


Message 155 of 193
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Re: New Sales Tax will be a BIG issue...........

I get pretty upset about what I think is DOUBLE taxation for items resold- whether a car, clothes, collectibles,...whatever.   Taxes were already paid when the items were originally sold.  It is esp. bad here in CA . OH question-  It is JUST the state sales tax right?   What about the extra county or city taxes?   In city of LA sales tax is 9.75% and next door in Burbank is is 10.25%.  Other counties in CA are 7.75% so how are buyers taxed????

Message 156 of 193
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Re: New Sales Tax will be a BIG issue...........

Buyers are taxed the same total sales tax as if they shopped in their zip. Regional and city taxes are charged, not just the State sales tax. That’s why it is important to use an accurate zip +4

Message 157 of 193
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Re: New Sales Tax will be a BIG issue...........

Well you guys in California vote for these people now you have to pay for all these illegal immigrants.

Message 158 of 193
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Re: New Sales Tax will be a BIG issue...........

@edr2 wrote:

I am getting cancellations because of the  added tax.. the advantage of buying on eBay was no taxes.  I paid taxes on the items I sell.. it is unwarranted double taxation..

Of course, the state's that have levied the taxes do not agree with your double taxation notion.

"It is an intelligent man that is aware of his own ignorance."
Message 159 of 193
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Re: New Sales Tax will be a BIG issue...........

Today I figured out the cause of sells drop. From beginning of July sells almost disappear. Called EBay multiple times to look into account for technical problems but no issues has been found. Looks like people just fed up with new regulation which actually are harmful to economy. I cannot blame EBay because it has nothing to do with it.

Message 160 of 193
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Re: New Sales Tax will be a BIG issue...........

 Most of the states came online in the fall. A third in October I think. So why would a big impact be felt in July? 

I have no doubt that this change affects sales in some way but a precipitous drop in the middle of the rollout?


Maybe something else changed in July that you have a hope of fixing?

Message 161 of 193
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Re: New Sales Tax will be a BIG issue...........

Aren't those people who live in high state sales tax states already paying the appropriate state sales tax when they shop locally? 

Message 162 of 193
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Re: New Sales Tax will be a BIG issue...........

True. I was about to buy 2 plastic Yakima mounts yesterday for $60 from Georgia.

Suddenly saw about $6  sales tax added. Canceled in half way and vent to search online. Found company and end up buying for $53 including free shipping and no sell tax.

So sad but this is natural reaction. If I can buy same thing cheaper then why waste money.

Message 163 of 193
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Re: New Sales Tax will be a BIG issue...........

It took effect on July 1st, 2019. 

That date is shown in Ebay’s Sells tax policy page. You can check your self.

Message 164 of 193
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Re: New Sales Tax will be a BIG issue...........

I agree. The small stuff us not a problem Anything over 100 adds more to the price, I would rather buy it locally Ebay had bargains, Not so much now I will buy less.




Message 165 of 193
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