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Has the current Corona Virus outbreak worldwide affected your sales?

I was planning to go back selling on Ebay on a larger scale but this time the Corona Virus which has affected most countries worldwide happened.  It could get worse, no one knows.

With airlines and all being affected ie flights slashed to a lot of destinations,  I was concerned that perhaps it could affect sales too.

Any experIences worth mentioning so far ?  Any comments would be highly appreciated.


Message 1 of 102
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101 REPLIES 101

Re: Has the current Corona Virus outbreak worldwide affected your sales?

"Yes. And a look-back at another lethal pandemic, the 1918 Spanish Flu, showed that Philadelphia, which did not cancel a huge outdoor parade during the epidemic two days later succumbed almost city-wide to the Spanish flu. Other cities had canceled events - with a far lower infection and mortality rate."

According to a book I have 19,000 people died of the flu after that parade. That was in addition to the ones who would have died anyway.

Message 76 of 102
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Re: Has the current Corona Virus outbreak worldwide affected your sales?

" More people die from "regular" flu every year. "

People keep saying this, and the common flu fatality numbers are never the same, and also this virus strain has only been around since November (probably) so a full year VS four months is not a very good example. And if the 3995 number is correct as of earlier today a 'year' could show 15,980 deaths. And 1/2 the world is just getting into the pandemic, just getting started. Not to fear monger but it's already started mutating, too. It's what viruses do.

1918 'flu', the first wave was relatively mild, the 2nd killed approx 50 million people worldwide, the third wave was mild again and it disappeared. Another point to ponder, Trump's grandfather died of the 'flu'. Maybe he doesn't know that, or chooses to ignore it, whatever.
Message 77 of 102
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Re: Has the current Corona Virus outbreak worldwide affected your sales?

"Will you cancel doctor appointments, hospital visits, out patient procedures, etc., now given this situation? I had a doctor's appointment last week that had been set up months in advance. If I had missed it, it would have been months more before I could have gone again, so I kept the appointment, but I was very uncomfortable going there."

Hubs and I are musicians and one of our favorite gigs was in a hospice center...they cancelled us, along with all their volunteers. We are going to cancel another gig at an assisted living facility, and I've pushed out our dentist appts till August. I'm going to go online and see what the cruise ship schedules are and not go anywhere near town on those days.

We also used to go to the American Legion for karaoke (great practice for new songs) but a lot of the people are so darn huggy kissy that we haven't been back. I got the 'alien death flu' twice from there and was very very sick for two months each time, I'm wary now. I always wipe the mike down from stem to stern but just the thought makes me cringe now.
Message 78 of 102
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Re: Has the current Corona Virus outbreak worldwide affected your sales?

" but the customers all use the same utensils to put the foods on their plates. That is a great way for a virus to spread really fast."

Wow, I am amazed I never even thought about that, and I love salad bars. I'll be using a napkin next time, if we ever eat out again.
Message 79 of 102
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Re: Has the current Corona Virus outbreak worldwide affected your sales?

"Do y'all not have sick and well waiting rooms? Most doctor's offices here have separate areas for sick people and those just there for checkups or other non-illness related problems. They also have signs up saying if you're sick, have a fever, coughing, etc., etc. to please get a mask from the receptionist. Been this way for over a decade if not longer. I just figured it was a normal thing everywhere now. "

Not in my podunk lil town...not back in San Jose CA either, where I used to live. Big town.
Message 80 of 102
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Re: Has the current Corona Virus outbreak worldwide affected your sales?

I too have seen almost a complete halt to sales. Not sure the reason, but it could be the current

virus pandemic and the stock market woes. I am completely rethinking what I list and

how much to list,  because of the current situation. I am over 60 years old and have seen a few crisis

situations in my lifetime. This one however has many more moving parts than all of the prior crisis (es?) .

I will reevaluate my selling strategies on this platform more often than in the past. 

Everybody needs to approach this period in time as calmly and pragmatically as possible.

Overcome and Adapt. 

Message 81 of 102
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Re: Has the current Corona Virus outbreak worldwide affected your sales?

I bet the restaurant's business has slowed down significantly.  


Just heard from a dear friend this morning that one of her husband's hunting buddies has it.  They live in Oklahoma.  I hope he goes to see doctor right away.  They have workmen at their house this week, and a relative is visiting from out of town.  This is going to spread like wildfire.

Message 82 of 102
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Re: Has the current Corona Virus outbreak worldwide affected your sales?

I do not blame you for cancelling engagements.  I received an email yesterday that an important meeting scheduled for this Saturday has been cancelled.  


I dread going out, but I have to do grocery shopping each week, put petrol in the motor, etc.  I am carrying pocket bac to use through out the day whilst I am out, but this is an air borne virus, too.  Thinking about ordering some face masks.  I am worried not only about contracting it but also how bad it might be for me, and who will take care of my dog if I get quarantined?  


There are still a lot of people who are not taking this very seriously, and that is a grave mistake.

Message 83 of 102
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Re: Has the current Corona Virus outbreak worldwide affected your sales?

While the oil fiasco may have a lot to do with the scenario unfolding within the stock market, tens of millions of Americans are going to lose 100% of their income as their jobs close in the wake of this virus. Many already have.


I lost 100% of mine as sales are now non existent on ebay. I haven't had a single sale in days now.


The economic fallout is very real, and its affecting everyone I know right now, including my brother and his wife. Both are servers in restaurants, and both stated their incomes have hit zero! My brother has 3 kids to feed too.


A relative sent some money last week after my phone, internet, and everything else was being shut off, not to mention we ran out of food completely. I am still over $1,000 short on bills right now.


Meanwhile, ebay charged me an extra $30 this last month to renew my contract, an effing ripoff. I paid ebay almost $200 on a lousy $800 in sales. Its like we're just working to pay ebay.


Message 84 of 102
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Re: Has the current Corona Virus outbreak worldwide affected your sales?

I live in Southern Washington State - just over the river to Portland Oregon. Even though I’m not situated where the Coronavirus outbreak in Northern Washington is currently, my sales which have always been consistently high this time of year, have dropped 75% in the past couple weeks. I’ve even received messages from potential buyers asking if I’m sick. So crazy! 

Message 85 of 102
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Re: Has the current Corona Virus outbreak worldwide affected your sales?

I have a wide variety of friends from different socio-economic backgrounds.  I am concerned for them all but especially for one friend who is pretty frail health wise.  She works in a shop and uses public transportation to get to and from work.  Between all of the people she encounters on the buses everyday and then the people at the shop, she is more exposed and at risk than a lot of us are.  She barely pays her rent and utilities on her tiny income.  If she became ill and was off work even for only 2-3 weeks, she would be in big trouble.  Many people live hand to mouth in this "great country," but the politicians do not like to talk about those people.


If I hear a news story that the homeless shelter population has swollen to overflowing, I will not be surprised.  Even people who have some small savings could find their savings depleted in 1-2 months.

Message 86 of 102
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Re: Has the current Corona Virus outbreak worldwide affected your sales?

My next door neighbour works at an antique mall in a nearby city during the week.  On weekends, he has a booth at a local flea market.  He has no plans to stay home now, and that worries me A LOT.


Seems there is now a dog that has tested positive with the virus, too.

Message 87 of 102
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Re: Has the current Corona Virus outbreak worldwide affected your sales?

Its true, tens of millions of Americans are barely scraping by as it is. For these people, any lost pay is practically a death sentence. I would also agree that those who work in the service industries are at a much higher risk of being infected from Coronavirus, because they interact with so many people on a day to day basis.


Those service industry workers are also the most likely to lose their incomes as people stop going out in public out of fear.

Message 88 of 102
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Re: Has the current Corona Virus outbreak worldwide affected your sales?

Some state govts are implementing "emergency" plans for unemployment due to orders to self quarantine etc. so anyone finding themselves in that position should contact their state's agency.
Message 89 of 102
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Re: Has the current Corona Virus outbreak worldwide affected your sales?

@gamersbaystore wrote:

Its true, tens of millions of Americans are barely scraping by as it is. For these people, any lost pay is practically a death sentence. I would also agree that those who work in the service industries are at a much higher risk of being infected from Coronavirus, because they interact with so many people on a day to day basis.


Those service industry workers are also the most likely to lose their incomes as people stop going out in public out of fear.

This is where the immediate concern is, more I think than the stock market which is a mixed picture - we have far too many citizens with no health care and a poor public health picture with a high rate of disease which increases vulnerability.  This is not the first nor the last big dump the stock market will have (anyone remember Black Monday? -  well, maybe some are too young, but in October 1987 the Dow fell 500+ points or about 20-22% of valuation at that time) - it's the day-to-day stuff that hits your everyday people.

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 90 of 102
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